It’s a little aura that doesn’t have any fluctuations. It’s like an ordinary person, but it’s not like an ordinary person from her behavior.

An ordinary person will not be so relaxed in the old forests of the mountains. Without absolute strength, it will not be so calm.

Since he entered the mountain, he has been timid and scared. When he is nervous, he is afraid of any accidents and encounters an invincible beast.

The most frightening thing is her eyes. It is like being seen through, and there are hidden secrets in my heart that have been cut open.

I dare not look directly at her.

Ning Shu just drank a little soup, and other things did not eat.

The things you can do can only be eaten, as for the taste.

There is no heart to do delicious.

On the road of Cheng. People, you are not able to shoot the horse.

"Let's have a snack in the cooking." Ning Shu said, he returned to the system space without waiting for the squid, and opened the system to exchange the mall.

Seeing that there is a washable marrow, it is so complicated, what is Danfang, and various materials.

It takes a little bit of merit to get it done. There is no need to find medicines everywhere in the world.

I exchanged a Pi Chuan, and Ning Shu went back.

Yao Niang is washing the dishes, and the cold dust is also helping.

"Yao Niang, come over." Ning Shu relied on the door and waved at Yao Niang.

The cold dust thinks that this woman is really..., wearing it like this, but also with no long bones on the wall, leaning against the door, can not tell people itching.

The little girl has a wonderful girl, but she is old and old.

Mom, yeah.

Yao Niang dried the water in her hand and followed Ning Shu into the room.

Ning Shu arranged an enchantment and took out Gu Gudan. "It is a bit painful to eat, and you must be mentally prepared."

Yao Niang took over Gu Gudan in her mouth, and Pi Gudan directly became a heat flow, flowing into the lungs along the throat.

Then, a huge pain spread all over the body, Yao Niang mourned and curled up.

It's like there are countless small steel knives in every corner of the body, constantly scraping, constantly drilling, and hurting people.

"Hey, I am sore." Yao Niang squinted at Ning Shu and said, "Hey, save me."

Ning Shu and he said: "Forbearance, forbearance, just fine." At the same time, I ordered some agarwood, and Shenxiang was able to calm my mind.

"Where, Ning Shu, what did you do to Yao Niang inside?" The cockroach outside the enchantment heard the scream of inhuman pain and slammed into the enchantment.

"You have to dare to hurt Yao Niang, I am not finished with you, you are a bad person, usually no one, now it is such a child, you are a metamorphosis."

The cold dust did not know what happened, tightened his brow and comforted him. "Nothing, the seniors should not hurt Yao Niang."

"The kid goes away, don't talk to me." He must be anxious to die, and he squats next to him.

Cold dust: ...

Ning Shu shouted to the outside: "Go away, don't shout outside, Yao Niang took the marrow wash, some pain is normal."

Pi Gudan? !

The cold dust looks awkward, how come suddenly there is a valley Dan?

There is a loss in the heart. If Yao Niang has a Gu Dan, then he does not need him. He does not need him to find Dan Fang and herbs.

I heard that it was a Gu Dan, and it was not good to shout again. I could only swear, and turned around at the door.

"How do you keep me out?"

The Yao Niang in the house hugged her arms and curled up.

Her clothes were stained with sweat and turned brown. These are impurities in the body's meridians.

Excreted from the pores, gradually, the stains that were removed became black, and the clothes were wet, with a stench.

As if the punishment was generally washed, the marrow was finally over. The Yao Niang was weak and the whole person was soft on the bed.

It took a long time to restore my spirits. I smelled bad when I raised my hand. "Smelly, I am going to take a shower."

Yao Niang picked up from the bed and walked lightly toward the door, but was enchanted and bounced back.

Ning Shu withdrew from the enchantment, Yao Niang ran out, squinted to the kitchen jug, no matter what water was poured on the body.

When Yao Niang appeared, the smell of the body drifted with the wind, so that the cold dust could not help but hold the nose.

It’s stinking!

At the same time, I feel a little envious, although it is stinky, but this is a normal reaction after washing the marrow. Looking at the woman who relies on the door, the cold dust can't help but ask how to wash the marrow.

I found a dress for Yao Niang to let her change. When Yao Niang came out again, she showed an ethereal temperament.

The skin is shining and shining, as if it is coated with a soft glow.

This is the role of the marrow-washing Dan, which can force the body's garbage out of the body.

Ning Shu said to Yao Niang: "Now start practicing."

The meridians are raised with the temperature of the spirit, and then slowly cultivated, the strength of Yao Niang can be steadily improved.

"Hey, can we go out?"

"Of course." Take a moment to teach Yao Niang, lest Yao Niang make a big mistake, or if she is sad and hurts her lungs, she will be in a hurry.

Some things Yao Niang should be clear, some reason Yao Niang should understand.

It is true good to know that the darkness of the world is still good.

The current Yao Niang can only say innocence, can not say good.

Yao Niang began to practice, and progress has been much faster than before, but compared with people with smooth meridians, Yao Niang’s speed is really not fast.

Ningshu is not in a hurry, like many people do not have roots, even the door to cultivation can not enter, Yao Niang can at least get started.

Ning Shu feels that the root of Yao Niang is definitely not good, and may not even have the qualification to practice.

Now that I can cultivate, I should be very satisfied.

With the permission of Ningshu, Yao Niang ran to the cold and said that she would go out with the cold dust and go to a place with lots of people.

The cold dust asked: "Are you also following one?"

"Yeah, I am not good to come once, of course, take me everywhere to play." Yao Niang said.

The cold dust was excited and nervous, and nodded and said: "Okay, you don't know much about the outside world. I will guide you."

Can understand the powerful beast, and it is turned into a human form, it must be a beast, and it is a strong existence.

"Okay." Yao Niang jumped back to the room and began to pack things. Ning Shu handed her a space meson.

If you have this thing, you don't have to pack things on your body.

Ning Shu taught how Yao Yang used this thing, and told her not to show off these things everywhere.

Meson space is a treasure, it can hold a lot of things.

A space that exists independently.

The cold dust will intensify the absorption of the surrounding aura, and when you go out, you will not encounter the aura.

The cold dust of the night was spent in a tense mood. I thought that I would go out with two women tomorrow, and I couldn’t tell the tension.

And they are all spirits.

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