The spirit of the second day of the cold dust is not so good, Yao Niang is also concerned about asking how the cold dust.

The cold dust only said that the cultivation problem has been solved.

After using the breakfast, the family, including the cockroach, also followed one piece. I didn't want to bring it, but I was going to follow it.

And I don't believe Ning Shu at all, I am afraid that Ning Shu will bring Yao Niang to the bad.

In the heart of jealousy, Ning Shu is a bad person.

Squeeze it, nothing threatens him, in short, is a bad woman.

Near Zhu, the red is close to the black, and the cute and simple two-legged monster like Yao Niang, with her side, will become sophisticated and annoying.

I just want Yao Niang to keep this heart, don't be polluted by the dirty world.

Ning Shu squinted and saw, of course, know what is in his heart?

Is she dirty?

The teachings are not taught, and life depends on Yao Niang’s own groping, and the bitterness of eating can be more than now.

When it’s time to hurt the lungs and see the world again, it’s better to understand the truth from the beginning.

The cold dust felt that the pressure was great. Suddenly there were three spirit beasts, and they were full of security.

Although there is no gain here, I have met three spirit beasts and it looks very powerful.

Being able to make a strong person is a very worthwhile thing.

Ning Shu took out a black umbrella, and Yao Niang asked: "There is no rain, why do you still have an umbrella?"

Ning Shu: "You can sunscreen, let's be a delicate pig girl."

蚯蚓 蚯蚓 白 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The three people did not fly and walked with two legs.

Yao Niang does not matter, look at everything fresh.

The cold dust is a bit awkward, why not fly directly, is it a flying beast that cannot fly.

Along the way, Yao Niang collected a lot of herbs and collected them. When they went out, they could sell money to buy things and eat them.

When I was young, I went out and ate melons and bought good-looking clothes.

Yao Niang suddenly asked: "Hey, what about the little brother last time?"

Little devil!

"I was trained by the adults at home." I don't want to know that I was detained by the government.

It is said that she has not seen the little devil for a long time.

I don't know if the little devil has grown up.

It is estimated that there is no more.

The growth cycle like this creature is very long.

Ning Shu regretted not bringing the little devil over. When I was young, I was so slim with my own size, and now I am still a little radish.

I will definitely jump and be annoyed.

Unfortunately, did not bring.

Fujun will not let her see the little devil.

Ning Shu is a bit confused about why Fu Jun is so against her. Can she still do anything to the little devil?

Besides, the birthplace of the little devil is in her reincarnation world, and will return to the reincarnation world in the future.

I don't understand.

Live like she wants to do to the little devil?

A small family.

"Oh, this way, that's a pity." Yao Niang said that she would leave her little brother behind.

But the cold dust next to it will hear these words in my heart, and I can’t help but feel a little stunned. Is there any other kind of beast?

He couldn't help but be confused. His strength is too weak, and there are too few things to touch. Otherwise, how do you feel that the metamorphosis of the beast goes everywhere?

The three people came to the nearest town. When the town was over, there were often practitioners Yu Jian flying over, and there were still a lot of people watching.

The face of the cold dust is somewhat dignified. When he came last time, there were not so many practitioners. Did something happen?

Let these monks gather here.

As soon as she came out, Yao Niang’s mood was very exciting, just like the bird that released the cage.

It turned into a small scorpion, and it was drilled into a small bag that Yao Niang was squatting.

So many people do not want to be onlookers.

"You can eat whatever you like and buy anything." Han Chen said to Yao Niang.

Yao Niang turned to look at him and asked, "Do you have money?"

"I have silver." This ordinary person's yellow and white things he still has, Lingshi such things are less.

Like buying clothes, he can still afford it.

Yao Niang shook her head. "I still forget it. Yours is yours, it is not mine. I can't use you."

I found a head from the bag, um, especially disgusting.

"Look, I teach well." He proudly showed his childcare results to Ningshu.

Ning Shu snorted and did not speak.

The cold dust said: "This is just a little yellow and white, and you saved my life."

Yao Niang squinted her head and asked some ignorantly: "I saved you, can you do anything?"

Hey, the cold dust has succeeded, but it is not said that.

Not everything can be done.

Sometimes when the innocent person asks, people can't fight.

"You don't have to worry about it. If I save you, I will follow the hand to save a bird that has fallen from the bird's nest. I never thought about letting you return me."

Yao Niang simply does not care what return.

The cold dust is touched and some self-grievances. In the end, it is too low that she can give her what she wants.

There are two beautiful women, and the rate of return is not high.

Ning Shu’s service is incompatible with the world, and can even be said to be deviant.

Men and women look at her.

Ning Shu imitation does not feel like these eyes, calm and not enough.

There are also some men who look at Ning Shu and Yao Niang with their eyes.

The cold dust wrinkled, and these people were really too high-profile, and some wanted to say something, but when they saw Ning Shu’s cold face, they couldn’t say it in their throat.

Yao Niang asked: "What do they watch us do?"

That kind of look makes people particularly uncomfortable.

Ning Shu calmly said: "Because we are beautiful, good things don't look ugly."

"No one looks like a donkey."

Hey: Knock your mom!

Do you want to be so proud of your face?

Before, I felt that Yao Niang was more innocent, and now it seems that the beasts are generally innocent.

It is not simply to appreciate the good things, but the color of the eyes.

There are so many practitioners in the town. If someone recognizes their identity, they must grab it. The cold dust does not know whether they can protect two women.

To protect two innocent women, the cold dust feels a heavy responsibility on the shoulders.

Yao Niang strolled enough, and then found a home inn to stay.

As soon as I walked into the inn, I found a lot of practitioners living in the inn, making the face of the cold dust more dignified, so many monks flying around.

There are so many people in the inn.

These sit together and whispered together. When someone came, they all focused on Ningshu and Yao Niang. As for the cold dust next to them, they were directly ignored.

The cold dust came out of the chest, blocking the eyes in front of the two women.

Everyone is a man,://./11_11958/

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