
A stinky man is in front of him, and he succeeds in letting these practitioners look away. The stinky man has something to look at.

The shopkeeper rushed to greet the three people and asked if they were eating or staying at the store.

"Open three rooms," said the cold dust.

The treasurer was somewhat guilty. "The guest officer can't help it. There are no three rooms. There is no room available, but there is a room."

The facilities in the lower room are definitely not good.

The cold dust looked at Ningshu. He didn't pay attention to a man, but he didn't know that she couldn't live without it.

This kind of person is spoiled at first glance.

The style of the whole body does not think that she is a poor life.

Just like seeing the uncle and the silver-haired man, they don’t think that the two people lived in poverty, and at most they were responsible for their hardships.

The temperament of man contains the road he has walked through, the books he has read, and the things he has done.

There is also strong self-confidence, and it is hard to imagine that people who have achieved nothing will have strong self-confidence.

The confidence brought by strength is unparalleled.

In front of Ningshu, the inferiority and qi deficiency of the cold dust condition reflection.

Nothing supports his strong confidence.

"Look, do you want to change one?" The cold dust was discussed with Ningshu.

Ning Shu looked at him. "No, just live here."

"But there is only one room."

"There is a place to cover the rain." Sleeping is not necessarily a bed, and she said that she does not need to sleep at all.


The cold dust and the shopkeeper asked for the only room to go down, and asked: "Where is the shopkeeper, why did you suddenly gather so many practitioners here?"

"You still don't know, the purple summer mountains in the west have flashed light, and it has been bright for two days. Many cultivations have been attracted."

There are treasures born.

The general treasures are self-proclaimed, and the high-profile way of being born like this is either a peerless treasure, or it is deliberate, attracting people to come to life.

Then evolved.

"This way."

Yao Niang asked: "What treasure is it?"

"I don't know, everyone is still searching. Maybe something is so powerful?" The shopkeeper said with a smile, the hotel business is good, and the mood is beautiful.

Although it is a lower house, it is still clean, it is a lot of simplicity, the quilt is navy, it looks dark.

Yao Niang found a bottle and inserted the bouquet into the bottle, adding a little color to the room.

He got out of his pocket and said to Ning Shu: "What treasure do you want to see?"

Ning Shu: "Look at the situation."

There are treasures that can be made, and there are restrictions on the plane. It is impossible to create something that exceeds the capacity of the plane.

The plane is not yet asking for an uncontrollable thing.

Therefore, to be strong and precious, Ning Shu is the first to not believe.

The cold dust looked at the forced room, it was too small, and the three people were crowded together. The cold dust seemed to be able to ask the fragrance of the daughter's body, which made people feel embarrassed.

The cold dust said: "Whether you want to live in a civilian home, the room is too narrow."

There are so many houses in the town, and there are always people who have empty houses.

Ning Shu sat down and said, "No, isn't that harmful?"

"Hurts?" The cold dust slammed, and then his face was a bit ugly. "Is there someone coming over to trouble us."

Ning Shu touched his face and said quite narcissistically: "That is of course, or I will be sorry for this face."

The cold dust is speechless. Since I know that my appearance has an impact, it makes people feel evil. Why not understate the point and cover it up.

Ning Shu raised eyebrows, low-key, does not exist.

It’s hard to be beautiful, you actually let me hide.

Does that beauty still make sense?

Not to show it to others, but to be happy.

It is the original sin that there is no beauty in her.

It is the original sin to have no strength to protect beauty.

Yao Niang asked ignorantly: "Who is going to find us trouble, we have not offended anyone?"

Ning Shu reached out and touched a Yao Niang's face, slippery skin, hand slipped to the chin, and the index finger slightly picked up Yao Niang's chin. "So beautiful face, if no one is coveted, it is wrong."

Hey, I saw the cold dust of this scene and swallowed it directly, my mother.

This is a fox.

A woman looks glamorously and picks another girl's chin.

Mature charm and youth know how to collide.

Too shockful.

The cold dust feels that his nose is itchy, and he is afraid of nosebleeds.

He immediately jumped up and yelled at Ning Shu: "Dead woman, don't teach bad children."

So pure children, don't listen to these dirty things.

Ning Shu loosened Yao Niang’s chin. “Wait, someone will come at night.”

Going to the room of an ordinary person, this is not to bring in ordinary people.

A little bit of fighting aftermath can kill ordinary people.

“Why?” Yao Niang insisted.

"Some men's cultivation is more sinister, like yin and yang, and the first thing that comes to mind when seeing a beautiful woman is **** and strength."

"Ah, ah, ah..." He screamed and said to Yao Niang: "Come on your ears, don't listen."

Ning Shu: ...

This is cognac.

She popularizes adolescent knowledge here, and this exaggerated virtue seems like this thing is too dirty.

It wasn't a great thing, it was so screaming.

You shouldn’t come with you, virtue!

The cold dust also feels awkward and sits in a difficult position.

At night, the cold star is a little bit quiet and silent.

Some micro-sounding sounds, as well as footsteps.

There was a sudden smell in the inferior room, as if it were fragrant.

Ning Shu lay in bed, hooked the corners of his mouth, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

People outside the house heard that the people in the room were breathing long and apparently lost consciousness.

Using the aura to open the latch directly, I laughed twice.

Beauty people.

The intruder screamed with excitement and offered these two women, and certainly got a lot of money.

He walked over to the bed, holding a rope in his hand, ready to tie the two women together.

But he hadn't touched the beauty of the bed yet, but his hand was tied up, and he was entangled in an instant, wanting to talk, and his mouth was blocked violently.

The intruder was terrified because he felt that there was something in his mouth that was rooted in his mouth and seemed to stretch into his throat.

Is it necessary to smash his belly?

Not a coma?

In the darkness, a crisp female voice rang, "light up."

Toufu refining the word, even in the evening can see things, he saw the man who hit the floor on the ground up, took out the fire and turned the light.

Sitting on the bed with two flowery jade girls, irritating, but the man is now split, scared to scare, where there are other thoughts.

"Oh..." There was something in the mouth that couldn’t be spoken, and the man could only make a sound from his throat.

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