Chapter 3598 Free Killing

Ning Shu teaches the martial arts to the cold dust, and one more person cultivates, giving more faith to the peerless martial arts.

Although I don’t know what the current martial art is, it’s a belief in the world. It’s not a bad thing to have faith.

Ning Shu Yu Han Dust took care of Yao Niang two fathers and daughters.

"Hey, hey, he won't do anything to you." Ning Shu said to the cold dust.

I really want to kill, I have already killed the cold.

The cold dust asked with boldness: "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I have other things to do, maybe I have to come back later, I don't know the exact time."

The cold dust will stop talking when you scream.

Ningshu has a relatively large gathering of ghosts around, and there is a strong aura around the house including the house.

After finishing this, Ningshu took the space of the ball and went out of Jiugong Mountain.

When I came out, I gave some merits by the way. Anyway, she has more merits now.

Going back to the system space, the little mouse who left home is back.

Ning Shu snorted, "I am willing to come back."

The little mouse snorted and ignored Ning Shu.

Ningshu took the space to the void, thought about it, and held the fireballs. The temperature of the fireballs was very high. When the time was really dealt with the worry-free ancestors, the poison was scattered everywhere, and it was not as hot as burning.

The little mouse saw that Ning Shu was coming back and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Take care of yourself."

Little mouse: "You really don't give me a world source."

Ning Shu: "Roll..."

The little mouse drilled into the pillow, cocked his fart. The stock, grievously cried, "You don't love me."

Ning Shu: "I have never loved you."

Love you, love you, I don't know.

The little mouse is very disappointing and desperate. It is certain that Ning Shu will not give himself a world source, and he will be too lazy to make trouble.

Anyway, it will not give, it will be tiring.

Ning Shu slammed the fire beads and space to the void, and then stared at the worry-free ancestors in the space.

They are all cultivators, they feel very sensitive, and the worry-free ancestors are trembled, and they have already felt murderous. Maybe they are dealing with him now.

"Predecessors, seniors, I have something to say." The worry-free ancestors noticed that their lives were not long before they wanted to save their lives.

Ning Shu: "What do you want to say?"

The worry-free ancestors will not have the arrogance of the previous sorrows. A crying and remorseful confession is not like the original, begging for mercy, saying that he has a very good family property. In these years, he has to rob his family, black and black, or treasures that cannot be obtained by other means.

Can be dedicated to Ning Shu.

Ning Shu asked casually: "What treasures are there?"

The worry-free ancestor Barabara, such as a few Jane, reported all the treasures to Ningshu, trying to impress Ningshu.

Ning Shu heard that it is not a matter of heaven and earth, it is a spiritual thing, and it does not attract any interest.

He doesn't need these things. If it's an energy body, maybe she will have something, no, it will definitely be tempting.

But these things have nothing to do with Ningshu, but they also occupy the place. When they are cleaned up, they have to throw it, and it is more troublesome.

"I don't really like this kind of thing." Ning Shu said lightly, then directly in this space, let the space squeeze.

For a moment, the worry-free ancestors in the space screamed and were squeezed into a **** fog, as if there was a strong pressure, and directly pressed him into a powder.

At the same time, the poison contained in his body also wandered out, stinking.

Ning Shu threw the fire beads into it and disappeared under the heat of the heat.

It is not considered to pollute the environment.

Once I got it, I didn’t have a knife and a gun. Without a punch and a knife, I solved the problem easily.

Sure enough, the power of nature is stronger.

To be good at using other forces, the strength of the individual is weak, even if the strength of the individual is strong, but it is not worth mentioning in the face of natural forces.

For example, in the face of the power of space law, what is the use of the poison of the worry-free ancestors?

Ning Shu took back the fire beads, patted the dust on his hands, turned to see the uncle, and the pear fruit, followed by a group of women.

Pear fruit and her people?

Hey, are these two people together?

Looking at the pears before they were so determined, they thought that they would not meet each other with this uncle.

She doesn't understand the world of these people.

I don't know how long these people watched silently, nor were they born.

The place where she handled the body was not far from the organization, probably when she passed by.

Uncle twisted his eyebrows. "If you have strength, you will be weak and happy."

Ning Shu said directly: "Don't know what happened."

What does she eat when she eats nothing and ruins the weak creatures?

Is the void too small to go shopping, or too much energy to find energy.

Oh, yes, there is a soul, but the soul is burned, and such a soul does not eat for her.

Ning Shu looked at the pear fruit. I didn't see the pear fruit for a while. I felt that the pear fruit grew a lot. It was not the height, but the temperament was calm.

In the face of the uncle is no longer a little daughter gesture, face frosty.

However, this is too deliberate, deliberately pretending to be frosty, to a bit too hard to feel.

Resentment will grieve, endure cognac, you can jump up and point to the uncle's nose, the old lady is not good for you, waiting for you to plant in the hands of the old lady, the old maiden raped you.

Still have to pretend to be unintentional, and this is actually falling.

And it is not determined. It is still coming and going. Is there any business dealing?

I don't know how long this group of people watched next, what psychology, standing next to see her killing.

Ning Shu wants to ask these people, is she handsome when she handles the body?

Uncle: "Can you talk well?"

The girl’s family’s home is awkward and vulgar.

Ning Shu: "I am not happy to talk to you." The angle of finding trouble is clear.

Ning Shu greeted the pear fruit. "Long time no see, you are a lot more beautiful."

Pear fruit: "Thank you, you are also a lot of brutality."

Ning Shu: "Fortunately, fortunately, I have won the prize."

The female elder behind the pear fruit said: "The patriarch, things are important."

Now that Pear Fruit is already a patriarch, his identity has improved a lot.

It is the responsibility to have pressure. It is no wonder that the pear fruit is now being held, and the identity is imposed.

The length of a family is no longer a wayward girl.

Pear fruit: "Go."

Uncle Shu looked down at Ningshu and said: "It is not easy to get strength. If you are strong, you should relax your horizons."

"The brave anger, the blade is stronger, the anger is angry, but the blade is weaker."

Ning Shu nodded and was taught to say: "I understand, after I am angry, I will definitely find you to vent, not to find the weak to vent."

(End of this chapter)

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