Too uncle, "stupid like a pig."

Ning Shuhehe, she certainly understands the meaning of the uncle, but can not stand the uncle's eyes on the chin, carrying the chin to see people.

Ma Ma, someone used a nostril to lick me.

Pear fruit is cold and said: "Can you go?"

Uncle turned and walked away. Pear fruit took the clan to keep up and looked back at Ning Shu. "You are not curious about what we want to say, together."

Ning Shu shook his head. "I am not at all curious."

It’s obviously a big thing to bring in so many people to discuss things. This is a high-level thing. Ning Shu only wants to be a small staff member who is drunk and dreamed of death.

There is a tall top in the sky, and she will not die, and it will be beautiful!

I hope that Uncle can get rid of his hair and become a bald judge.

She is such a bad heart.

Pear fruit did not say anything, turned directly to go.

The two families living next to each other cannot be separated from each other.

I don’t know what happened to the last uncle who sent the pear fruit back.

Energy body?

Ning Shu suddenly thought of one thing, and asked the pear fruit far away: "Who told you that I have a sense of death."

Pear fruit turned back, it was cold and frosty, and suddenly smiled, such as the spring breeze, "You guess!"

Guess your sister!


Tell her to die, one by one made so mysterious.

Ning Shu looked at the back of the uncle, and Nima suspected that the uncle was self-directed.

That's too much to play, not tired, my heart boy! She is like knowing who is behind her?

Asked a few people, all of them are like the little goblin who grinds people, they refuse to say.

Ning Shu returned to the system space and asked the little mouse: "Is Li Wen still tossing in that city?"

The little mouse snorted and ignored Ning Shu.

Ning Shu said to the little mouse: "Let's go to the void to find the baby."

The little mouse sneered, "Don't go, it doesn't mean, the world is not worth it."

Ning Shu: "I don't want to eat the world's origins. When I find a good thing, I will give you the world."

The little mouse turned his eyes. "I don't know what the world is. I am lazy to find something to eat."

"If I go out to find something to eat, I can definitely find something delicious."

The point is that he is not willing to move.

Ning Shu: "Oh, just want to eat white food."

"Roll, I don't want a waste of white food. You have found Li Wen, follow Li Wen."

Little mouse: "Good ruthless, good power."

"Oh, I am lazy and blame others for their ruthless power. You only know that you are born when you are born."

Little mouse; "Yeah, I was born to eat."

Ning Shu felt that the little mouse was challenging her endurance and looked at her silently. She felt that she should keep the little mouse out.

The little mouse didn't say anything with a good breath: "Okay, okay, a little something makes you like a cock, vulgar, not noble."

Ning Shu: "When you ask for food, it is very expensive, very beautiful and refined, and it is very beautiful."

The little mouse was stunned and said, "It’s a little dangerous for us to go to the void."

"Just wander around, don't ask for energy, find something to eat."

The fruit in the void is quite good, and the energy is very good. Go and find something for yourself.

Little mouse: "Okay."

If he is not as good as she meant, he will always be embarrassed and always despise it as if it were the most wasteful waste under the sun.

Do not spare any effort to strike it.

Ning Shu took the rope, hooked the corner of the mouth, and drove!

The "叮咚" chat system rang, and Ning Shu opened it. It was the news from the cheongsam man, a pitiful expression, asking her if she wanted to go to the world of nothing to find the baby.

Ning Shu: "Don't go, I want to go to the void."

Cheongsam man: "...take me one."

Ning Shu: "The void is more dangerous. Are you sure you want to follow me?"

The little mouse directly said: "With dry swearing, many people have to share what we eat."

"You have a relationship with this kid, you have to relieve him." The little mouse is very uncomfortable, and it is no problem to take Ningshu. After all, it’s hard to be forced, but for others, the little mouse is not so polite.

Ning Shu: "Friends, go out with friends to see the world, as for the things, he has his own heart."

The little mouse snorted and was very proud.

Ning Shu took the little mouse to the time city, the cheongsam man was waiting for Ning Shu, and saw her holding a big silver mouse with a fist, a bit speechless.

"Look what?" The little mouse yelled at him.

Cheongsam man: "You didn't see me how I know I am watching you."

Little mouse: Mom's mental retardation!

This person is mentally handicapped.

Ning Shu took the cheongsam male space to the void, facing the endless and vast void, he would feel that he was small and humble.

The cheongsam man made a voice of admiration. "Every time I feel that the law of the sea has created hundreds of millions of planes has been spectacular, it has already made people feel shocked."

"And the law of the sea is just a birthplace in the void, how amazing."

Really magical, the law of the sea is also born Taishu and Zhengqing.

Ning Shu took the rope and asked the little mouse: "Where?"

Little mouse: "Choose a direction at random, look at the fate."

The little mouse is very Buddhist.

This was also the case when the big troops were in the past, and they followed the tide.

And looking for something like this is really a fate.

The little mouse closed his eyes and turned his body at random. When he stopped, the paw pointed in what direction and went in what direction.

So sloppy, so that the cheongsam men are very bottomless.

Even if you just choose a direction, you should also point to metaphysical sayings, for example, I feel that this direction is better.

Ningshu didn't have any feelings. He took the little mouse and went in that direction.

The cheongsam man asked: "What are you looking for?"

Ning Shu: "I don't know, there is something to find something."

Cheongsam man:...

Going to the world of nothingness, I know that there may be something in that world, and there is a purpose for a purpose, but now there is no purpose to walk freely.

Really not used to it.

Although the little mouse has chosen a direction at will, the basic crisis induction is still there.

Will take Ning Shu to avoid the more powerful ethnic residence, will be far away.

I will smell the taste while walking, but I am still very vigilant.

The cheongsam man thinks that the mouse is a bit like a dog, but he won’t say it. The temper is very big.

I don’t know how to wear the collar, but I’m also licking like a dog.

Ning Shu stopped and asked the little mouse: "Is this film very dangerous?"

Always been spared.

Little mouse: "It's okay, it's just not good to invade someone else's territory."

The little ants climbed on the road and ignored it, but when they ran to their homes, they must be trampled to death.

Ning Shu snorted, "Fortunately, you have to sniff."

Little mouse:...

Nima, I thought I was distressed by him. ! !

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