Chapter 3612 Winding

Ning Shu smeared the unknown liquid on the body, and then smelled it, no smell, it is estimated that this thing also hides the taste of their body.

No, I am afraid that it is not to cover the taste of them, but the taste of the uncle.

The little mouse can smell the taste of the uncle, and it is also very stinky, so other races may smell this.

So the uncle is the one who should wipe this kind of thing, and it should be wiped a lot.

Ning Shu Chao Taishu asked: "Have you wiped it?"

Uncle: "...everyone wiped it."

Ning Shu: "Who are you? Just ask if you have wiped."

Uncle: "...I have wiped it."

Ning Shu white eyes turned to the sky, wiped it and wiped it, why do you want to pull others.

The team started to go, Ning Shu whispered to the little mouse, "Is the taste on his body covered?"

The uncle who walked in front of him had a slight shape and speeded up.

The little mouse dialed his nose with his claws. "Alright."

Ning Shu said with a deep sigh, and some guesses in my heart are more certain.

A few space jumps to the outside of the snow, dense snow, and occasional hurricanes.

Ning Shu's body shook a little, and remembered the suffocating cold, it was really shivering.

The little mouse became the body of the mercury-like substance, and then stretched out and wrapped around the arm of Sangliang to avoid loss.

The little mouse wants to think about it, and it is the best person to wrap this person.

The former one called Uncle is too stinky. The big yak of Fujun is really ugly. Forcing, the rest don't know.

Without choice, this person is a suitable candidate.

However, when I saw him, I thought of the ambush in the middle of the road, and let his race and subordinates annihilate the whole army.

Sang Liang looked at the things on her arm and said nothing.

The spatial coordinates in the snow and snow are unstable, and the markers marked by Ningshu will not be sensed.

Occasionally there are one or two, and I don’t know if the position has changed. Ningshu does not dare to jump over, and is afraid to pass to a place where I don’t know where.

The group turned their heads to look at Ningshu, and Ningshu blew his eyes and was as quiet as a chicken.

Can only explain: "The space here is not very stable, the location of my previous space node may have been offset."

Sang Liang said: "So you can use your feet. Anyway, there is more time."

Others have no opinion and stepped into the snow.

Ningshu suddenly shrank a little, and Nyima was cold, and it was ten thousand times more painful than getting up in the cold winter.

However, there was a warm current spreading throughout the soul, which made Ning Shu feel alive again.

The little mouse said: "This time I have spent a lot of energy, you must give energy."

"Don't say it." This has not yet got the energy body to remember, at least when these people get the energy body, they want to get some.

The snow was very big, and the group of people bent over to resist the wind, the whistling wind blew, and the clothes hunted.

In front of the uncle, the windbreaker was blown up.

There is a small mouse to block, Ning Shu did not feel the wind blowing, but still feel cold, but in the range that can withstand, can not die.

This is also a small mouse in order to save energy.

The colder the inside, the weaker Ningshu is a bit difficult at this time. Although there are small mice that have resisted a lot of cold for Ningshu, they are still frozen.

Ning Shu took out a fire bead and felt comfortable.

Because this time there were many people, and it was a strong presence. Before the hurricane of Blizzard came over, it was avoided directly, and it was not like Ning Shu was moved.

Ning Shu is in the middle, feeling really peace of mind, and sure enough to win is the coolest.

I feel that I have no eggs.

Look no danger, the person in front can avoid the hurricane, the little mouse will take back the limbs wrapped around the sangliang, after all, the entanglement also needs energy.

And it disperses energy, it is also very cold.

The pedestrians were silent, only to remind them when they were in danger. At other times, they were burying their heads and leaving a string of footprints.

Ning Shu looked at the people around him, it didn't seem so cold, and the snow that floated on the palms floated on them, and soon melted. Even the water vapor did not stay, and there was no trace on the body.

Well, it really is a man, the blood is so strong, not afraid of cold.

The atmosphere was too quiet, and Ning Shu moved to the side of Fujun and whispered, "Is the child so late?"

Fujun: "It's okay."

Ning Shu: "How about cultivation?"

Fujun: "It's okay."

Ning Shu: "Have you grown up?"

Fujun: "It's okay."

Ning Shu: ...

I go!

This topic can't be talked about, obviously I don't want to take care of her.

Ning Shu also moved away, too lazy to talk with the government.

A few of them just sent her directly, and nothing happened.

Ning Shu hit a cockroach, getting colder and colder, probably close to the glacier.

The little mouse is a little hard, and it is estimated that it is a long time.

The endless icebergs are endless. How much energy is there to freeze so many glaciers.

The question is how to get the glaciers one after another into the space.

The tip of the iceberg, the tip of the iceberg, is just a part of the iceberg. It is probably a more terrifying iceberg hidden under the thick ice.

If you want to get uprooted, I am afraid it will not work, and will be tied to the glaciers next to it.

What's even more frightening is that these glaciers that emerge from the ice may be a piece of ice.

Then there is only the glaciers that are exposed by the waist.

Ning Shu took a breath, it was too cold.

Uncle took out a black long sword and jumped up. He chopped down at the glacier, and when he slammed, the thick iceberg did not move.

The iceberg directly rebounded the power of the sword.

Uncle Tai cut a lot of swords in succession, they were all rebounded, and his sword was also covered with a thick layer of frost, which was pretty good.

The uncle's hand was clenched into a fist, and he coughed a little in front of his mouth, and his face became grayer.

There are only shallow sword marks on the glacier.

Sanliang frowned and touched his eyebrows. "This glacier is really thick."

"It's not very easy to do." The trident appeared in the hands of Fujun, and it turned into a very huge Yaksha. It was particularly ugly and jumped up. He held a huge thick trident and crossed the iceberg.

The trident was deeply inserted into the iceberg, and it quickly covered with frost, and directly frozen the trident of Fujun, and could not pull it out.

Ning Shu: ...

Awesome ice, if she touches the iceberg, it is estimated to be abolished.

Fujun took a deep breath and pulled out the forceful trident. He folded the trident and turned into a human figure wearing a tuxedo.

"The existence of this thing is now reasonable." Fujun said with a brow.

(End of this chapter)

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