The little mouse suddenly became Sparta, and the whole mouse was not very good.

These people don't do either. It is a waste of energy. It can't be done this day. It really can't be done.

The small mouse reduced its own energy output, and Ningshu felt very cold when he first hit it, and took out a fire bead to resist the cold.

It is obvious that the little mice have no confidence in this pedestrian.

It seems that I can't see Tai Shu and Fu Jun, and no one else is alone.

Like Sang Liang, there is no desire to do it.

Ning Shuyu said: "I really can't do it, let's go."

It’s too cold, these men can't hold it, and her weak woman can't help it.

She is the most awkward child in the village and cannot be frozen here.

Sang Liang said: "All come, no gains."

The problem is to get the iceberg.

The seals that the uncle and the prefects had made before have now recovered.

If you can't break the iceberg with a bang, it will freeze again in a flash, and it will be repeated and exhausted.

Anyway, Ning Shu feels that there is no way to fix these icebergs with her current strength.

I wanted to extend the vines and pull the icebergs up, but when I thought about the horrible ice power, Ning Shu gave up the idea very embarrassedly.

The power of the ice instantly freezes the vines, and it freezes her directly along the vines.

Uncle twisted his brow, and the black sword in his hand gradually became bigger. There was a black line on his face, as if the black blood vessels had spread from the neck to the face, and the eyes were red.

The state of the runaway?

He held a huge sword, speeded up the speed, held the sword flat, and smashed at the iceberg.

The huge impact made the iceberg tremble, and the ear was a huge crash. The sound was very sharp and piercing. The place where the sword touched the iceberg spurred countless ice slag.

Uncle's windbreaker boasted, and the sword penetrated through the iceberg for a moment, and then, the position of the iceberg fracture was smashed, and the iceberg was cut off by the waist.

Others watching at the side immediately leaped and several people lifted the iceberg to prevent the iceberg from re-frozen.

The book in the hands of Sangliang floated up. He opened the book, and one page of paper floated up and became bigger and bigger, shrouded in the iceberg. Several people cooperated to throw the iceberg into the page.

The book page directly closed the iceberg, and an iceberg was not solved.

It is such an iceberg that there are many energy bodies inside.

If you have an iceberg, you have the world.

Ning Shu looked at the peerless martial arts in the hands of the bricks, and then looked at a thick book, not knowing how many pages of the book.

Hey, peerless martial arts do not live up to expectations.

I thought that this time I did not return, I did not expect these people to hide their strength.

Uncle was a little breathless, took a break, and his face covered with more lines, almost covered with the entire face, it seems that the black meridian is convex.

Uncle Tai was swaying to several icebergs and was moved to the page.

Ning Shu saw a slightly smaller iceberg and immediately shouted: "Let me come."

Sang Liang looked at Ning Shu and did not speak. The book was closed, and others threw the iceberg away to Ningshu.

To be honest, these people are carrying huge icebergs, just like ants are carrying things that are many times bigger than themselves. How to see how weird.

Ning Shu does not know that his peerless martial arts function can not get the iceberg into it. He can only use the idea to communicate the peerless martial arts.

"Receive." Ning Shu's cold sweat on his forehead must be pulled out. If it is hit by an iceberg, she will be finished.

There are so many energy bodies in it.

The little mouse sticks out the tentacles and is ready to catch the iceberg. So many energy bodies are willing if they die under the iceberg.

Fortunately, the martial arts of the peerless world is eager to fight. At the last moment, the iceberg was finally swallowed. However, the martial art was affected by the iceberg, and the surface was covered with frost, especially cold.

Frozen into a cold brick.

The satisfaction of Ning Shu’s heart is not so happy.

I didn't expect Sangliang to be so generous, I really gave an iceberg, although it is the smallest, and it seems that there are not many energy bodies inside.

However, Ning Shu was originally in the mood of smashing the corners, and there was no surprise when there was no expectation.

Sang Liang said to the uncle: "Don't get it, the movement is a bit big, it is estimated that someone has noticed it."

The sword in the hands of the uncle gradually shrinks, and finally disappears, and the black lines on his face fade away.

Ning Shu has some doubts. Is it the basic configuration of the living creatures in the void that will run away?

Ning Shu will collect the ice scorpion's peerless martial arts, and let the aunt help to bake it when there is time, and the aunt has a fire law imprint.

Her peerless martial arts did not have the power of Sanliang, and how the book of Sanliang was not frozen into ice.

The mission was completed, and the pedestrian returned to the edge of the snow and found that the edge was particularly lively.

Many races are actually waiting for the rabbit.

It seems that the movement of the glacier has already made the creatures in the void aware.

Ning Shu looked at other people, and there were no special expressions on the faces of several people. It was particularly calm and obviously thought of this possibility.

For the first time, Ningshu saw so many void races gathered together.

There are beautiful birds, full of brilliance, combing their hair with their own bird cockroaches, but an opening is swearing.

"xxx, are you stupid?"

"Go to your x."

Ning Shu:

There are also huge bodies, and the two legs are the same as the pillars.

A veritable long leg, but it doesn't feel beautiful at all.

No matter what, zooming in makes people feel less beautiful.

In short, there are many people who are like humans, animals, and a lot of races are here.

It’s not that these races are lazy until they have nothing to do, how can this be very diligent.

Killing people and letting go of the golden belt, I want to be cheap.

The very beautiful bird stretched out his wings and opened his mouth and asked the uncle: "Hey, is it mining icebergs, how come, got it?"

Uncle said indifferently: "Go and look inside and you will know."

", I will not go, it will make my feathers dim." The bird first slammed a series of swear words, then lifted his chin and said proudly.

Other races are watching the uncle and his party.

Uncle Tai’s voice is low: “I’m in a bad mood now, don’t mess with me.”

"Oh, less bluff, you can't beat so many of us." The birds began to get used to arrogance.

Uncle looked at it and said, "You talk again and screw your neck."

The bird immediately shrank his neck, and the races next to him laughed and looked at the jokes.

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