Ning Shu and Feng Tian were waiting in the consultation room, but after waiting for a while, the silver-haired male did not appear.

Ning Shu touched the head of the sky and said: "Let's wait."

It was the first time I saw a silver-haired man so scornful.

Ning Shu thinks probably because of the uncle's business.

Uncle too seems to have a big problem.

The sky is not very concerned about how long it takes, relying on Ningshu, and found out an energy body.

Ning Shu touched his chin and looked at the sky, feeling that he should carry out a real battle with the sky.

But now the organization looks calm and there is no war to fight.

Ning Shu couldn't help but cast aside the little mouse, and he couldn't help but hammer.

Little mouse:? ? ?

After waiting for a long time, the silver-haired man finally came out of the back room, sat down with a book, and asked, "What to consult?"

Ning Shu asked: "Can you use merits for cutting the sky?"

Silver-haired man: "It's best not to pick a direction, speed, attack strength, or affordability."

Ning Shu: "Equilibrium development can not."

Silver-haired man: "Of course it is ok, it depends on whether you have cultivated resources so much."

“When resources are scarce, choose a direction to focus on training.”

Ning Shu: "That is to use his merits."

Silver-haired man: "It can be, can increase the toughness of the weapon."

In this way, you can use merits.

The silver-haired man glanced at the sky. "He is absorbing the energy body. This kind of thing can increase the sharpness, and he absorbs suffocating and suffocating gas. It is not suitable for reabsorbing merit."


Ning Shu touched the head of the sky, "Oh, understand."

It seems that merits should still be given to this kind of thing.

Ning Shu: "How much."

Silver-haired man: "600,000 merits."

Wow, this time it’s a bit expensive, “Is it so expensive this time?”

It used to be 200,000.

Silver-haired man: "You asked a few questions."

Ning Shu: emmm...

Ning Shu didn't say anything about 600,000. After all, 600,000 got enough information.

Since merits are in conflict with the sky, there is no need to cultivate merits in the future.

The silver-haired man looked at Ningshu's card, and the silver-haired man said: "You have nothing to do with the uncle, so interesting?"

"There is this empty, do more things."

Ning Shu: "Ah, no, he will be angry, how can it be? I thought he would not be like me, small, home, child, and anger."

"Things that hurt others are not so happy."

Ning Shu: "Of course, happy." People, always do something that hurts others, but I am happy.

Uncle’s own troubles can be said to be her anger.

Also want to buckle the hat on her head.

She really has that skill, she has long been mad at the uncle, and at first glance, the uncle’s own body has gone wrong.

The law is like that, too uncle can be blamed.

Can't afford such a big responsibility.

The silver-haired man was silent. "Well, you are happy."

Ning Shu: "Are you talking about the whiplash? I am following his way."

Silver-haired man: "The things that people do with people are not the same. If you do this, it is wrong. He is right and understands."

Ning Shu sighed, the same thing, too uncle can do, whip the body or something, it doesn't matter, she can't, she is wrong.

Laws and rules govern the weak, while the strong rules.

Both right and wrong are strong and have the final say.

Ning Shu felt that he was asked by a silver-haired man. Perhaps he did not have the first time to save people. He did not have a big picture. Instead, he wanted to get energy from his uncle.

As for the uncle who gets energy from others, it is justified for the overall situation, for the whole organization, for the law sea, for hundreds of millions of questers.

What he did was covered with a beautiful aura, great and unselfish.

And she seems to be more selfish, all because of herself, most of them to an individual.

I don't know how to be interested.

Even if the uncle is going to kill her, she should be disciplined to let the uncle kill, smile, and there is no grievance in my heart.

The same thing varies from person to person.

There is a saying that the poor are independent, and the best is to help the world. When I can't even dominate my own destiny, how can you make me better?

No one knows the truth, but the aging mother is not a wood shackle, without any feeling, and is treated at will.

Uncle Tai was treated like this, and he was wronged. The silver-haired man also felt wronged for his uncle. Can other people not feel a little?

What makes the silver-haired man angry is probably that she has not let go of her own insignificant prejudice and grudges. She did not help the uncle.

That prejudice and grudges are really too small.

Ning Shu said faintly: "Since the uncle is in poor health, just stay alone. Nothing to go out and stroll."

"If you fall down somewhere next time, maybe you will be ruined by something."

Her relationship with the uncle, the general direction is to cooperate and cooperate.

But if something happens, you can immediately turn your face and ruthlessness, and the second becomes a dead enemy.

If she had something wrong, it would be unrelenting for her uncle to kill her, but the uncle was planted in her hands, and she would not be merciless.

When this matter passed, the uncle had no psychological burden to direct her to do things, provided that she was still alive.

Ning Shu’s feeling of being afraid of this organization is running out, and the building will be tilted.

Jumping out of this limitation to see the problem, what used to be fearful of war and trembling, is now bothering her.

Mainly not afraid of death, the fullness of the air, floating, swelling.

Working hard is to have more choices, not to be afraid of any challenges, and not to be afraid of anything happening in the future.

Because there is enough strength to face what is going to happen.

Everything she should do is to find the energy body for the law sea.

The task is to do the task, the processing of the star stone to deal with the star stone, the collection of resources to collect resources.

There was a war, she did not go up, did not protect the plane?

Just because I moved my hand to the uncle, there is no big picture, it is a small family.

Such a noble person, what to put out, shut it down.

Ning Shu trembled at the silver-haired man. "I can't see things when I do things. At this time, my eyes are quite powerful."

Silver hair man:...

The silver-haired man waved his hand and let Ning Shu go. He stood up, sandwiched the book, and picked up the curtain into the back room.

The sky can feel that the conversation between the two is not pleasant and the atmosphere is not good.

The sky was not in the mood for energy, and said to Ning Shu: "Don't be sad."

Ning Shu snorted, "I am not sad, no such thing."

The sky did not believe that the two men were still tit-for-tat. He looked at Ning Shu’s face with some suspicion. "You are not sad?"

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