Ning Shu: "... Why am I sad?"

What is happening now is uncle, and it is not that she has something to do, at most for the uncle.

It is the individual who will encounter troubles, too, too, too, for the uncle.

As for the uncle's problem, if he can't solve it himself, others can't solve it.

Unfortunately, I can't see the current situation of Uncle, and I am probably tattooed.

The aristocrats killed Matt, love is sugar, sweet to sad.

Ning Shu is very curious, what the black lines are.

It seems to have a strong power, but why the uncle has to suppress it.

Ning Shu took the hands of the sky, went out of the consultation room, thought about it, and went to the law sea with the sky.

I don't know if the energy body I found before, whether there is a law of input.

When I arrived at the law sea, I saw that they were still purifying...

Ningshu: →_→

A little bit skeptical that they are enslaved, and they must purify the law sea for the rest of their lives.

The sky fell on his nose and said: "It's a bit stinky."

Ning Shu: "Do you smell it?"

She really didn't smell it at all. Her opinion was sea. It looked dirty and sticky. It should be stinky, but she couldn't smell it.

Probably the creatures in the void can smell it.

After all, the sky is still innate.

Ning Shu squatted down, put his hand into the law sea, and carefully sensed it.

The seawater was also brought up, but it could not be lifted, and it slipped away from the fingertips. The hands were empty and the hands were very dry.

It is the sea, but it is not water.

As the will to death, it is very sensitive to death, and the law is dead and lifeless.

Ning Shu has not seen the normal law of the sea, do not know the normal law of the sea what color, maybe black, but may not be black.

What should I do with this law?

Death is fate, it is the ultimate belonging of every living body, not even the living body.

Powerful as the law of the sea, such as the plane, these can not escape death.

Oh, I can.

No, she can't, her consciousness can't escape the fate of death.

If her consciousness disappears, she will be born again, but not her, a brand new individual.

Just like going back, the difference is that she can make an infinite life.

Too no longer ruled by the sea, probably his situation is a bit serious.

The pear fruit ended the purification, and the unrequited love returned to the shore. He took a sigh of relief and said to Ning Shu with a bad face: "Can you talk to the uncle, I have to go back."

Ning Shu said directly: "You go to yourself."

She and her uncle are now red-faced. No one cares who to take care of. Ask yourself to ask.

Pear fruit said impatiently: "I really want to go straight."

Ning Shu: "Then go."

Pear fruit sighed. "If I am gone, he will go to my family again, and let me start to purify again. It is going crazy."

Ning Shu is silent, it sounds like a uncle's acting style.

Ning Shu said: "Then then purify it." In addition to honestly purifying you have a way.

Moreover, Ning Shu felt that the uncle would not be able to afford the pears for a while.

Pear fruit squinted at Ning Shu. "Not tired, come and try."

Ning Shu: "I will not purify."

Pear fruit doesn't want to be comfortable, and when the eyes turn, seeing the sky, the eyes are bright. "Is this child related to you?"

Ning Shu saw that the pear fruit was green and shocked. "In the trough, you are too sick and mad, even the children are not let go?"

The sky is still a child, a child.

Pear fruit: "What happened to the child?" The child is also very strong, and the strength has nothing to do with the shape.

Ning Shu is even more shocked: "What happened to the child?" Children!

Ning Shu put the sky behind him. "You don't want to hit my child's idea."

"He is not your child, this child has a clear feeling of emptiness." Pear fruit directly exposed Ning Shu.

Ning Shu: "She is a living creature in the void, what happened?"

The pear fruit fell down and smiled particularly tenderly and said to the sky: "Little brother, what is your name?"

The sky is full of expressions, "I don't know."

Pear fruit stunned, still smiled and said: "Would you like to play with your sister's ethnic group."

Ning Shu: ...

Your wall is also dug too hard.

And listening very familiar, the pear fruit was also invited to her, so to speak.

So straight, even the routines are unchanged.

The sky is serious, "Don't go."

The face of Pear Fruit shook. "There are a lot of fun things in my sister's group. Don't you go?"

The sky is a bit impatient, "Don't go."

Pear fruit still wants to talk, Ning Shu said: "You should purify, come on."

Ning Shu took the sky away, and there are people who are going to go there.

Let's go red.

Pear fruit looked at the back of the sky, sorry, said to the old woman around me: "I really want to take the child back."

Old woman: "The patriarch thinks just fine." It is a little dangerous to grab something in the uncle's territory, unless it is in the void, grab it and grab it.

Pear fruit said angrily: "This woman really does not know how to be good, again and again."

The old woman did not say anything, the patriarch complained, she just listened. If the patriarch really did something too aggressive, affecting the ethnic group, I must be reminded.

The sky grabbed Ning Shu’s finger and looked up at Ning Shu and said, “I will not go with others.”

Ning Shu nodded, "I know."

The sky is serious, "I am very serious."

Ning Shu shouted and said very seriously: "I certainly believe in you."

It’s only a little happy to cut the sky.

Ning Shu gently pinched his face and said: "Don't be upset, people remember you because you are powerful, you should be happy."

The sky touched his face. "Don't touch my face, as a void, my face is inviolable."

Ning Shu smiled, "Who said?"

Cut the sky: "Little mice."

Ning Shu: "He doesn't even have a face."

Cut the sky: "Don't touch my face anyway."

Ning Shu nodded and said, "I won't touch the delicate face of the sky in the future, but I will rely on my face to kill others."

One big one, walking in the boundless void, farther and farther away from the black law sea.

Back in the system space, the little mice are bored, seeing Ning Shu and cutting the sky, "Where are you going, how come back now."

Throw people in the system space, then the two go out, huh...

The little mouse is like a squatting house, a lonely woman, a grievance and a cold.

Ning Shu: "I am going to the sky with the sky."

Little mouse: "Oh."

Silence, silence again.

Ning Shu: "You can also go together."

Little mouse: "How long did it take me to go with me?"

The little mouse jumped over the head of the sky and squatted on his head.

Ning Shu is going to the void, this time I plan to go far.

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