Chapter 1064 My boyfriend is a zombie 23

The silver needle in her hand flew out and heard it utter a harsh sound of ‘唧唧’.

"Get on the bus."

The north rain smashed the mother and son, and both the mother and the child were frightened. She was pulled and finally reacted. Ada quickly opened the door and everyone quickly entered the car.

After they got on the bus, they listened to the window and there was something to attack.

The car started, and when they drove to the road, they noticed that there were lights behind them not far behind. After adjusting to the darkness, everyone saw a group of zombies behind them through the moonlight.

The cars are continuing to move forward, and the zombies are chasing them.

After seeing this situation, everyone in the car was scared to face bloodless.

"Fast, speed up." Xue Chao ordered the big and strong.

Da Zhuang glanced through the rearview mirror and only felt the scalp numb, so he had to step on the accelerator under his feet.

The atmosphere in the car was very dull, they didn't know if they could safely get rid of the zombies. They are now heading in the direction of coming, just because there are a large number of zombies in the rear.

The mother and son in the car hugged their sons and held them tightly. She looked up and said to the north rain: "North girl, thank you. You saved our mother and son again."

These days, when they encounter zombies, they will protect them.

From the knowledge of other people's mouths, when they came out, they were originally a family of four, but on the way to escape, her husband and daughter died in the hands of zombies.

Orphans and widows, watching the children in his arms, Bei Yuxi will think of the kid ink, they can not help but help them.

"Nothing, help each other."

"North girl, you are a good person." The mother thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Ada exclaimed, "Scorpio."

"What's wrong?" Xue Chao asked.

Ada pointed at the rear of the car, and saw a car anchored and stalled at the rear. In this short moment, the zombies in the rear had already caught up, and the group surrounded their car, no need to see it, think about it. What will be the people in the car?

Everyone saw this scene shuddering, especially the driving force of the car, but also dare not distracted, driving to the fastest speed.

"Have you discovered that these zombies seem to be moving faster than before?" Lin Feixue said suddenly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was chilling.

Yes, before this, the zombies they encountered were slow and not fast. But the zombies that are chasing at the moment are able to follow the car.

"The zombies have changed and become stronger and more difficult to deal with." Bei Yu said faintly.

This is undoubtedly a bad news for them.

At this moment, the off-road vehicle opened in the front broke down, the car stopped at the side of the road, Wu Hao and others jumped from the car and stopped their car.

Da Zhuang asked: "Would you like to stop?"

The young man who just lost his girlfriend said directly: "No. Let's go."

Xue Chao looked at Wu Hao, who was constantly waving in front of him, "parking."

Now a few people in the car, he and Lin Feixue have an ability, the other are ordinary people, Wu Hao is a power, add him, you can have more protection.

In the big and strong preparations to stop, another van did not return directly from their side.

(End of this chapter)

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