Chapter 1065 My boyfriend is a zombie 24

People on the off-road vehicles can't help but yell at it.

When their car stopped, Wu Hao and others quickly opened the door, but the space in the car could only be one person, up to two people.

Wu Hao did not say anything to enter, and several other people followed to enter, but there was no place in the car.

Wu Hao looked around the car and stared at the mother and son. The six-year-old child shivered in her mother's arms.

The child's mother and child are afraid of shrinking, while stroking and pacifying the little boy.

"You two give me down." Wu Hao finger to the mother and child.

The mother and son looked white and looked at him in horror.

Wu Hao reached out and tried to kneel down her, holding a long hand in one hand and holding his arm.

Wu Hao was unhappy and looked at the north rain.

Lin Feixue said: "You can get on the bus, but the people in the car will never replace you."

Wu Hao is still jealous of Lin Feixue and Bei Yuqi, and they are not able to negotiate with them.

Wu Hao couldn't help but look at Xue Chao. If Xue Chao agreed to throw away some of the waste in the car, he could fight with them.

Xue Chao said: "You can only get up to three people."

Three people are already the limit. However, there are five people on the off-road vehicle, two of whom are destined to be left behind. After the five people heard it, their faces changed, and no one wanted to be a person who was left behind.

"Hey brother, bring me." Wang Yan immediately stunned Wu Hao's hand and looked at him with a look of pleading.

Wu Hao opened her up.

"Xie Ge, bring me, I have more fighting power than them."

"Take me."

Several people are rushing forward.

Bei Yu Yan looked behind him and said to Wu Hao: "No time, hurry."

Wu Hao pointed to the best two brothers, and the two were happy. Wang Yan and the other person changed their face. Among them, the man’s heart was awkward. "You must let me die, and you don't want to live."

Said that the man pulled out a knife and smashed into the tires of the car.

Wu Haozhong was fierce and generous, and he screamed in his mouth, "Looking for death."

Numerous ice cones stabbed him and directly stabbed his body into a horse's nest. His eyes glared at Wu Hao, and the pen fell quite.

Wang Yan was so scared that she didn't dare to look at him again.

As soon as the door closed, the big throttle kicked down the throttle, and the car whizzed past Wang Yan.

Wang Yan looked at the dusty car, standing alone on the road, the car behind is getting closer and closer to herself, and the zombie is getting closer and closer to her.

Wang Yan cursed in the direction of their departure. "I curse you, you must not die."

Wang Yan looked at the zombies that were coming close behind, and could only run forward desperately.

At this point, the van was full of stuff and there was no room for it. Wu Hao was sitting in the only empty place, and the other two were half-bent and could not move at all.

Everyone has been paying attention to the car behind, but also to the group of zombies. Because of the parking, the delay caused them to delay some time and shorten the distance from the zombies.

Just then, there was a big pit in front of him. Fortunately, Ada’s eye was quickly avoided. Otherwise, if the van was overloaded, it would be terrible if it fell into the pit.

Wu Hao saw this anger: "Will you drive? The life of one of us can be in your hands."

Da Zhuang did not dare to confront him and drove silently.

The atmosphere inside the car was very depressed. Just two people died and they were sent to death.

(End of this chapter)

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