Chapter 2839 Real World 189

"The father, the son of the court and the Miss Gu are absolutely innocent." Gu Fanzhi can only pray that the father will not believe, "As for Yanzhou, it happened to be the enemy by the hand of Gu’s business. Internally, let them relax their vigilance. Also ask the father to Mingjian."

If this incident causes the father to mistakenly think that he is for a woman, don't say credit, I am afraid that he will be convicted of him.

Wen Xuandi looked at him, and the majestic face made people unable to see the anger.

"You know each other with the daughter of the family, your request is accurate." Wen Xuandi said.

Gu Fanzhi heard that the father was not pursued, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The five emperors were about to speak, but they were stopped by the six emperors.

The Six Emperors said: "Four brothers, is not the younger brother, I thought you were in love with Miss Gu, thinking that the father would give you and marry him."

The five emperors followed and said: "Four brothers, I really can't help it. Actually, there is a nose and an eye, and we are misunderstood."

Gu Fanzhi looked at the two people in front of him, even though they hated two people in their hearts, they still smiled and said: "Do not tighten. It is a misunderstanding, how can I blame my younger brothers."

After coming out of the study, the five emperors and the six emperors walked side by side, and Gu Fan’s catch up.

Gu Fanzhi is facing two people. "Five brothers, six brothers, and four brothers don't know that you actually like to give people protection."

"It is about the happiness of the fourth brother. As a brother, it is natural to pay some attention." Five emperors smiled.

"Five brothers and six younger brothers, why don't you find a nephew for your third brother? If you let the third brother know, then you have to blame the two of you for being so thin. Right, I heard that Spruce County is mainly going back to Chang'an City."

After the talk, Gu Fan did not care about the five princes who did not look good.


Jokhang Temple

Lei Yu霆 drank wine and ate delicious side dishes.

Looking at the door and sitting at the door, like a Buddha statue.

From yesterday, the wind was off the mark and sat outside waiting for the dust-free master to come out.

The master of the dust-free master is set for a long time, for two days, and has not yet awakened from the entry.

This can be a bitter waiting for them outside.

Lei Yuqi took the jug and walked to the front of the wind. "I am not going to come out when you sit here. It is better to drink while waiting, you will not be happy."

The wind is not ignoring him.

Just then, when Lei appeared, he went to Lei Yuzhen and whispered a few words in his ear.

Lei Yu's eyes brightened and waved, and Lei left.

Lei Yuxi was eager to get in front of him. "Is it a trace, guess how they fight back?"

The wind is still ignoring him.

He did not care, he said: "In a rumor, the four emperors will be kicked out of the game. Now a minister is sent to investigate this matter. Because of the four emperors, I don’t dare to go with Mr. Gu. near."

“I am very curious, what will they do next?”

"What do you say they will do?"


Nearby Shami saw a man yelling at one person without feeling tired.


Jin Wangfu

"Wang Ye, the four emperors have already withdrawn from the investigation of the face cream, and Zhao Daren replaced the position of the four emperors." The attendant told the main news the first time.

Tang Jingyu waved his hand and the attendant left.

"Zhao Daren has nothing to do with me. It seems that Sheng Sheng attaches great importance to this matter." Tang Jingyu said, "Where the family retreats, it is good for you."

(End of this chapter)

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