Chapter 2840 The Real World 190

Gu Ruran also understands this truth, but a good move is like this.

"Jingyu, I am afraid that they will make other despicable means."

"Reassure, I have arranged for the shadow guard to stare at the test bed. Once they want to move their hands, the people on my side will catch it for the first time."

His words had to make her feel relieved, but let her stagnate.

As a result, what she wants to do can't be done.

Damn, there was a dark night staring at Ray's side, and she couldn't get her hand. There is a shadow guard staring on his own side, and it is difficult to get started again.

Gu Ruran's face became a bit ugly.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, nothing, I am just a little tired." Gu Ruran only felt that his heart was not good and his headache was terrible.

Tang Jingyu nervously took her to bed, and asked the doctor to come in a hurry.


On the other hand, Bei Yuyu naturally knew the situation. Even so, she did not dare to relax for a moment, and people kept an eye on the test bed. The night was staring at the bright spot, and some of the little cockroaches, the head snakes she bought, and the like, helped her to look at it in the dark. Once there was any wind and grass, I would know it the first time.

As time passes by, it will soon be close to the date set by the Holy Spirit.

Wang Daren is worried. "Mrs. Wood, are you sure you can test it?"

"I can't guarantee 100%, but the probability of 70% or 80% is ok."

"Tomorrow is the deadline. But the officials on both sides have no reaction." Wang Daren was anxious.

"Adult, don't worry, it's not time yet."

If it is not a problem with the cream after the inspection, then the entire Chang'an City will be in a panic. Unknown poisons spread in Chang'an City, and even the entire Southern Tang Dynasty, which is the most unwilling scene for the emperor.

Wang Daren can be as relaxed as the North Rain, and the whole person is restless.

"This official is still going to squat."

Wang Daren walked away from the door, and Bei Yuyi followed. As soon as they reached the door, they happened to meet a guardian servant and rushed in.

"What is so flustered." Wang Daren scolded.

The servant said excitedly: "Adult, come out, come out."

"What!" Wang Daren pushed him away and walked toward the test bed.

On Gu's test bench, a woman's face showed a red dot on the face. These red marks are not very obvious, but they will soon form a disgusting look.

The female prisoner looked at herself in the mirror, "My face."

The faces of the other two female prisoners were still intact, but after seeing the face of their companions, even if they were prepared in the heart, the fear of the silk was unconsciously in the bottom of my heart.

Wang Daren is very happy, so he can make a difference.

Looking around the lively people, after seeing the red cockroaches on the faces of the women prisoners, they began to scream.

"She has appeared on her face."

"The face of the female prisoner also appeared."

"Look, the last female prisoner’s face has a problem."

"It’s a problem with Gu’s cream. It’s Gu’s cream.”

"Gu Shi's killing a thousand knives, actually selling poisonous cream."


There are more and more people onlookers. Many people have come to see them after they get the news. All of this has been added to the ranks of the merchants of Gu’s business.

The three female prisoners on the Lei's high platform, looked at the miserables of the opposite person, and had a lingering fear.

(End of this chapter)

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