Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 333 Princess He’s Cooked Rice System (12)

In the old forest deep in the mountains of Wei State, there is an unknown cave.

Ding Yun was nestling in the arms of the black bear whose head was covered by her beating, stroking the little black bear while thinking.

Thinking about what to do next?

"Tsk, I'm really not suitable for any kind of conspiracies, especially after I have Immortality and Infinite Strength, I don't even want to move my mind.

It's no wonder that many people with strong military force are reckless.

People or forces that can be directly slapped to death with a single slap, why rack your brains to plan and deal with them, only those people who are too weak to suppress everything.

That will require intrigue and plotting.

Forget it, it's all like this anyway, or just ignore the reputation or not, and do whatever you want, so as not to waste your brain cells here. "

"That's right, I just did it like this. What are you thinking about? Go straight back and kill Zhao Jun, and then ascend the throne on the spot. Those who don't support it will be shot to death. Even if there are hard bones who don't want to, it's impossible for them to be all hard bones.

As for the possibility of being said to be cruel or something.

Cruelty is brutal.

Anyway, as long as my goal is achieved!

Besides, the people here are quite superstitious, at worst, eat more delicious food, accumulate more points, get a temporary magpie's mouth or something, and make auspicious signs when enthroning or offering sacrifices to the heavens, and the reputation will be reversed in minutes.

If it doesn't work, then I'll set up a newspaper or something to clean up my whitewashing. Hey, if you think about it this way, it seems to be simpler and simpler to do this! "

After muttering for a while, Ding Yun looked at the black bear whose head was covered with baldness and was so obedient that he didn't even dare to move, for fear that he would hit it again. use.

This black bear can be obedient after just one beating.

In terms of people, how many people would rather die than surrender?

The most important thing is, even if they want to endure, thinking about poisoning Ding Yun in the future, or doing other things to deal with Ding Yun, Ding Yun is not afraid, there is no need to worry about being poisoned to death by them, or being assassinated by them.

On the contrary, they did this kind of thing once in a while.

Ding Yun can kill him immediately.

After thinking about it for a long time, some people should be able to be domesticated like black bears after learning a lesson.

Don't dare to think about it any more, I can only be obedient.

After thinking about this, Ding Yun immediately returned the little black bear to the big one, and at the same time returned the cave she occupied to them, packed his luggage and left.

Leaving the state of Wei, he went straight to the state of Zhao.

But this time she didn't walk fast, it can even be described as slow, because she was not in a hurry, killing Zhao Jun a few days earlier and killing Zhao Jun a few days later was completely harmless to her The second thing is that she still wants to stop by and eat delicacies from all over the world.

Save yourself a little bit of points.

It may be used when going back to the throne to sacrifice to heaven.

As for San Lai, she also wanted to drop by and deal with local tyrants and evil gentry, bullies and bandits, and even corrupt officials and big families who did all kinds of crimes.

So if you clean up a circle in the territory of Zhao State.

When she turns around and ascends the throne someday, most people will definitely cheer and support her instead of resisting one after another.

Isn't this also conducive to future rule?

Ding Yun thought so, and did the same.

So next, those people who Ding Yun regards as the targets of elimination will know what it means to be miserable, what it means to regret not being at the beginning, and what it means to regret is useless.

Every time she goes to a place, Ding Yun will pretend to be a little bit, and only after tasting the local delicacies, will she give real feedback to the people she heard when tasting the delicacies.

Selectively start to clean up the cancer.

There was no trouble in the process, let alone thinking about what to do first, what to do next, or sneaking in at night. Ding Yun just rushed directly and recklessly.

Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

After finishing it, leave Zhao Ping'an's words of punishing rape and eradicating evil here and then drifting away to the next place.

When she cleaned one or two places, the impact was not too great, but as she cleaned more and more places, her reputation spread quickly. I was thinking that Princess Anping should come here quickly.

And those who persecute the common people are themselves the targets of Ding Yun's cleaning up, and they are all scared to death.

Some of them knew very well that they had done a lot of evil, and that Princess Anping would definitely lose their lives when they came here. They had already started to clean up their family property and were ready to run away at any time.

Some magistrates who beat the bone and sucked the marrow.

He was even frightened and fled.

Some fled to big cities, to places where they didn’t know them, some fled to small places, and some went abroad directly, going to other countries to avoid them first.

Ding Yun was really powerless to stop this.

After all, she is alone.

So I can only let go of those with more flexible legs for the time being, and it will not be too late to settle accounts after she ascends the throne.

But in any case, most people, especially those whose assets are on the land, finally took some chances and did not leave their hometowns.

And then of course the damn one can't escape.

It can be said that Ding Yun is alone.

It is more effective than how many imperial envoys.


As word spread.

The one who was most frightened was actually Zhao Jun.

Rich businessmen and the like can escape, move quickly or even go abroad, and officials can resign, but he, the emperor, can't resign or move abroad.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know whether this Princess Anping is still his daughter, let alone what his daughter wants to do, whether she will do anything to him, how can he not feel uneasy?

Besides, even if his girl doesn't do anything to him.

Just what he's doing now doesn't seem like a good stubble.

When the time comes when her girl enters the capital, he will admit it or not, treat it as if she doesn't know and ignore it, or follow the wishes of the officials and persuade her girl not to make trouble.

Or try to punish and exterminate?

The last one wanted to embarrass Anping, but now not only his own grave is three or four feet high, but even his wife, daughter-in-law, concubine, children, etc., are three or four feet high.

But if he can't stop it.

I am afraid that hundreds of officials and nobles will not let it go.

In short, Zhao Jun is suffering from a headache now, and he doesn't know how to deal with this guy who doesn't know whether he is his daughter or not. If he can deal with the other party, it will be easy to deal with, and he will directly demote her to a monster.

Just send people to besiege and destroy them.

But the most important thing is that he is not sure how to deal with it.

If one fails and the other party enters the palace, then his life will be in danger, it is difficult, it is too difficult!

If I had known earlier, I would not have sent her to have a kiss.

No, I knew that I shouldn't have given birth to her.

He shouldn't even marry the eldest daughter of the Qi family.

Frightened and entangled for a long time, but still unable to find a solution, Zhao Jun had no choice but to call the courtiers and nobles who he regarded as his confidants over to hold a small meeting to discuss what to do!

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