Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 334 Princess He’s Cooked Rice System (13)

The side hall of Qianqing Palace.

Once the staff arrived, Zhao Jun said bluntly:

"You should all know what happened to Zhao Ping'an recently, let's not discuss whether she is still my daughter or not, and whether she is possessed by a demon.

Let's start by discussing how we should deal with this.

No matter what her identity is, she is definitely out of control now anyway, and it should be useless for me to order, and she may even have hatred for me, or her heart is more inclined to the Qi family, and even wants to serve the Qi family. revenge.

If you let her behave like this.

I think you probably don't want to see it either.

So discuss it! "

I have to say that this was the first time that the ministers present had heard Zhao Jun mention Princess Anping so bluntly, and at the same time probably guessed that he should be dissatisfied with this girl.

Just based on what is known so far.

It seems that he can't deal with Princess Anping either.

Feeling helpless, that's why they were called to discuss how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, I have actually collected some information before this, and the situation is not very good.

The first point is that Princess Anping did not change after she went to Wei State. She changed before she got married and before she left Zhao State. Even based on time calculation, it should be the death of Qi after the abolition. That night, a change occurred.

In fact, the maids guarding Princess Anping had already reported to the higher authorities that Princess Anping was abnormal, but the officials in charge felt that what they said was too absurd and impossible to happen.

So it was not reported.

A few days ago, I sorted out and collected the testimonies of the maids of the guards, and the results I got were pretty much the same, so it should be true. They said that after Princess Anping had eaten a dinner that she couldn't finish in the past, it didn't take long for her to continue. When they said they were hungry, they didn't take it seriously, and then Princess Anping broke through the door and went straight to the kitchen.

Followed by crazy eating.

It didn't take long to eat all the cooked things in the kitchen, and then started to eat raw ones.

Eat undercooked rice noodles.

Raw meat, butter lard and the like.

After Princess Anping ate all the edible food in the kitchen, she even kicked the kitchen door open. While eating the wood on the side, she threatened them to bring her food quickly, or they would eat people.

Afterwards, they continued to deliver food to Princess Anping. They didn’t have enough money. Under the coercion of Princess Anping, they dismantled the Zhen Guogong’s mansion and spent most of the dowry. During the process, they also thought about To subdue Princess Anping, the food was specially added with drugs that could stun ten cows, and cockscomb blood and black dog blood that might be useful to demons and ghosts.

Even put a lot of cinnabar.

But neither worked.

From this, I deduce that Princess Anping may not only be as powerful and invulnerable as the rumors say, but also have special abilities such as invulnerability to all poisons. Such an existence is no different from a fairy god.

We can neither poison her to death, nor use conventional weapons, even the most powerful crossbow bolts to hurt her. Although theoretically speaking, a person's strength and physical fitness are limited after all, as long as there are enough people besieged It is possible to keep her under control.

If she can be controlled, whether it is a blast furnace fire or volcanic magma, it should be possible to kill her. After all, blast furnace fire and volcanic magma can melt even iron, let alone flesh and blood.

But this is only in theory, and there is not much room for practical maneuverability. After all, Princess Anping is not stupid.

If she is really invincible, she will just run away.

Therefore, I feel that it is still very difficult to kill Princess Anping. Instead of taking that risk, you might as well play the emotional card, Your Majesty, to see what Princess Anping cares about. If you can win over Princess Anping.

Let Princess Anping be used by Zhao Guo.

Why worry about the instability of the frontier and the invasion of foreign enemies? "

As Prime Minister Zuo who almost directly led to the near extinction of the Qi family, if possible, he certainly did not want to let go of Princess Anping who might take revenge.

But isn't the point impossible?

No matter how he looked at the collected information, he felt that if the information was completely correct, it was basically impossible for him to destroy Princess Anping.

And his last sentence is not wrong, if Princess Anping can really be used by their Zhao country, it means that their Zhao country has an ultimate weapon that can destroy the royal families of other countries at any time, and even the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty. At that time, who can not be afraid of them?

As long as Princess Anping lives.

The other royal families must not dare to act rashly.

At the same time, other high-ranking officials around the side were silent for a while, and they all said that if possible, they still have to find ways to ease their feelings with Princess Anping.

It is best to be filial to father and daughter.

That is Zhao Guo's greatest blessing.

"But how do I know what she cares about?

I don't even know if she is still my daughter now. Is it possible that I should go back on my word, admit that I was wrong, pardon Duke Zhen for all his crimes, and even restore her biological mother to the status of queen? "

In fact, Zhao Jun can roughly guess what his daughter cares about, but he doesn't want to admit that he was wrong. In addition, he has never felt what is called a life-and-death crisis and is on the verge of death.

So I really don't want to give in for a while.

The tone is unavoidably a little blunt.

As for Zuo Cheng and others, they could only keep silent.

Because of this kind of thing, they really don't want to persuade them too deeply. If they talk too deeply and too straightforwardly, they are easily hated by the emperor. Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox.

Who can understand the way of self-preservation.

But Zhao Jun has been a monarch and minister with them for more than ten years, and he doesn't know their virtues. In the end, he can only give himself a step down, and waved his hand impatiently:

"Enough, you all go back first.

I have to think again..."


"The minister will take his leave first."...

In the next few days, it can be said that Zhao Jun has been hesitating, and several important officials have been waiting.

Wait for Zhao Jun's hesitation to end and make a decision.

They are also easy to cooperate.

However, Zhao Jun hesitated for too long. After Ding Yun arrived in the capital half a month earlier than they expected, he still hadn't made a formal decision.

As for why it was half a month earlier, it was mainly because Ding Yun hardly encountered cancer that needed to be cleaned up along the way. Many people fled after hearing the news, and it was impossible for Ding Yun to pursue it exclusively.

With fewer things to do, Ding Yun's forward speed was naturally much faster than they expected, so he arrived in the capital half a month earlier than their expected date.

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