Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 399 Free Shuttle Door Between Two Worlds (End)

However, legal robots are not robots designed to resist danger after all, so although their bionic skin is more similar to human beings, their defensive capabilities have also dropped a lot. Therefore, several legal robots were scratched when they were assassinated. skin.

A few mechanical parts were exposed and were seen.

Seeing people is like discovering a new world.

That was spreading the news without hesitating their lives.

Then, everyone in the world knew that the substitute officials sent by Ding Yun were not human beings, they were all steel creations with a layer of human skin on the outside, they were small King Kong indestructible giants, since none of them were human, naturally they would not Will be bewitched by them, bribed and so on.

And completely obey their master.

Resisting and being unable to resist, unable to resist, and the road of bribery has officially proved to be unworkable. Most people with a little brain know that it is time to make a decision.

It is pointless to continue to resist at this time.

So some chose to lie flat.

What to do, they just listen.

Some choose to cater and work hard to cooperate, maybe they can catch up, adapt to the times, and repeat their glory.

Others choose to leave.

They don't want to live a life under the supervision of the emperor, and they don't want to see their family's assets being gradually eroded by various new policies, so they would rather sell all the assets they have now. Go to a place with no constraints and start over.

There are only three options in the world.

Especially as time goes by, the general trend is set.

No one can shake the foundation.

So, one year after Ding Yun ascended the throne, the world has completely stabilized. Although the hearts of the people may not be completely stabilized, listen to her sincerely.

But at least the surface has stabilized.

But generally speaking, the whole world is still poor, and most people are still struggling with food and clothing. Looking at the sky belongs to the standard watching the sky and eating.

And since Ding Yun became the emperor.

She also doesn't want to be idle.

So the next step is very natural to start the extreme transport operation, and start to move knowledge, technology, and all useful things from the second-level technology plane to this place, and slowly use them all.

Of course, Ding Yun also knew how to measure.

She didn't want to do it overnight.

She is very disciplined, starting with increasing grain production, and slowly developing basic industries. After a few years, everyone has some grain in their hands, and the national grain reserve has also doubled. At the same time, the area of ​​arable land It has grown a lot, and after the annual grain production has increased several times, it began to slowly promote industrialization.

And it's just the most basic industrialization.

Simultaneously advancing with the most basic industrialization is education, basic education for all, education and industrialization are complementary, and neither will be able to hold back, so these two aspects must develop simultaneously, and it is even better for education to be ahead of industrialization. After all, the progress of industrialization Leadership development cannot be achieved without educated talent.

Because those who are still working under her are basically obedient or capable.

Disobedient and incompetent.

She has replaced them one after another in recent years.

Therefore, the changes made by Ding Yun went very smoothly. Even though the subsequent education reforms, imperial examination reforms and other changes touched the interests of many people, they could only try to accept and change themselves when they were powerless to resist. And keep up with the changing times.

Those who can't keep up can only be abandoned.

Then try to urge your children to keep up.

It can be said that although there are occasional troubles in the reform process, overall, the overall situation is relatively stable, and the development and changes in all aspects are constantly advancing as Ding Yun wishes. In just twenty years, basically More than 80% of the national basic education has been completed.

A large number of new intellectuals were cultivated.

Industrial development has also advanced to the late stage of the second industrial revolution, entering the electrical age in an all-round way, and the communication network has appeared, and the overall development speed far exceeds the normal law.

Fortunately, Ding Yun also knew.

We can no longer continue to overthrow the seedlings and encourage them to grow.

Moreover, with the development of science and technology to this point, as long as the basic fairness and justice are maintained, generally speaking, there may be some problems for ordinary people to fully enter the well-off society, but there is absolutely no problem in completely solving the problem of food and clothing.

After that, you can take it slowly and develop slowly.

And use the newly cultivated talents to slowly replace those legal robots, and use the newly established supervision system to slowly replace the Skynet system.

Ding Yun knew very well that he could not live forever.

Once she leaves, the technological products she left behind will have certain risks, the risk of getting out of control, the risk of being controlled by improper people, and doing anything wrong. In short, Ding Yun is worried about keeping them.

So of course she has to slowly shrink her high-tech products all over the world. It is best to form a relatively smooth transition, so that everyone can gradually get used to these high-tech products, and gradually get used to not having these things. Wait for her One day, it will have little impact on the world. The world can still develop and progress normally and smoothly, and there will be no turmoil.

This process also takes a long time.

In addition, Ding Yun has another more important thing to do, which is to use the supplies he has accumulated over the years to go to the second-level technological plane in exchange for money, and to buy a complete set of space exploration ships back.

At the same time, I also bought some professional robots.

Afterwards, of course, those professional robots were dispatched to drive space exploration ships, leave this ancient planet, and go to the universe to find minerals to bring back, especially those that might be helpful for future technological development, as well as the more minerals she dug when she was buying and selling.

When Ding Yun was not an emperor, he might have been a little selfish, but now that he has been an emperor for decades, he has to think about the people of this world, and even the future generations of this world.

Many of the minerals she dug up in large quantities may be related to the future technological development of this world.

If the lack of these minerals causes major setbacks in the future development of science and technology, or even dies at a certain stage, wouldn't it be a sin?

That's why after Ding Yun bought the space exploration ship, he immediately sent the space exploration ship to mine everywhere, brought it back and stored it for future preparation.

Keeping more things for future generations can also be regarded as making up for the mineral loss she brought to this planet.

None of these operations are difficult.

So naturally everything is developing as she wishes.

The only thing that troubled Ding Yun in the later stage was that her parents wanted her to adopt her younger brother's descendant as a prince, but her younger brother's descendant was really worthless. According to her estimation, even a successful king would not be able to do so. .

But Ding Yun himself has no children.

After all, it is to find someone to inherit the throne.

So in the end, she had no choice but to change her original plan in distress, and adopted a younger brother's descendant to become the empress dowager, and because of the lack of ability of the other party, Ding Yun also made some changes to the succession.

No longer a de facto inheritance.

Instead, it was changed to Xujun inheritance.

The kind of succession that decentralizes the cabinet hub.

I hope this will make the Ji family dynasty last longer, and even if there is any accident, it can keep the Ji family from being slaughtered and causing heavy casualties.

In addition, Ding Yun specially left a bodyguard robot in the royal family to act as an ancestor to protect them.

As long as Ji's family is not in danger of extermination, he will not appear, but once Ji's family is in danger of extermination, he will immediately activate Ding Yun and prepare to put her on the space exploration ship hidden on the back of the moon after her death.

Save the descendants of the Ji family.

However, this bodyguard robot can only exist for a thousand years, and it will be damaged after a thousand years, but this is enough for Ding Yun, and protection for a thousand years is not enough.

What else do you want?

After establishing the crown princess and making some plans, Ding Yun officially abdicated on the day he ascended the throne for fifty years.

In addition, all other high-tech products except for life-saving backhands were received in the space exploration ships, including mechas and industrial equipment, all of which were moved in and hidden in the dark side of the moon. A gift bag for posterity.

It can also be regarded as a guarantee for one's own family.

After that, she went to the second-level technological plane to wrap things up, then officially came back and passed away.

After death, she did as she wished.

The cremation is directly placed in the Taimiao for worship.

Zun—— Haoyue Zhiwu Shengde Kaidi Emperor

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