Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 400 Extraterrestrial - Alien or Time Traveler? 【2 in 1】

Hede History Forum.

This is the oldest historical forum in the Jiguo network. It was founded in the thirteenth year of the second empress of Jiguo, Hede empress. In that year, the Internet was just born three years ago, and there had never been a historical forum. .

Previously, news sites had always dominated.

There is also an old post in this forum that is not much younger than the forum, that is, the discussion and analysis post posted by the forum owner on November 6th, the thirteenth year of Yu Hede, which is the second day after the establishment of this forum.

[On the true identity of Empress Haoyue? 】

Today, this post has existed in the forum for one hundred and fifty years, but even after one hundred and fifty years have passed, this post is still the most lively post in this forum, no matter which generation is learning Empress Haoyue's After the relevant history, I will be very puzzled and search the Internet with great interest, and then I will naturally see this most popular post.

Because the search engine on their side does not allow bidding rankings, and the rankings only allow the calculation and arrangement of comprehensive relevance and the number of click replies. As a post that has existed for 150 years, if it is not as good as a new post than click replies If so, that's fine.

So no matter who searches for information about Empress Haoyue, this post is basically the first thing they find.

In addition, every birthday and death day of Empress Haoyue, this post will also receive a lot of traffic and discussions.

Even some archeology majors came here to dig graves some time ago. After all, this post is so old, and there are many comments left by people from the era closest to Empress Haoyue.

The reliability is no higher than the later conjecture.

All in all, this post is a gem.

As the birthday of Empress Haoyue is approaching, this ancient post on the Hede History Forum, as in previous years, quickly poured in a lot of traffic, some came to commemorate, and many newcomers came here, from the first comment 150 years ago , and slowly looked back one by one.


"On the true identity of Empress Haoyue?" # Floor 1: It is mentioned in Yu Guan's latest Internet rules and regulations guidelines that as long as you don't intentionally slander and insult Empress Haoyue, you can discuss freely on the Internet.

Therefore, I boldly set up this post.

With a group of curious Internet friends, we will discuss the information we know and investigate the root of the identity of the Empress. # Floor 2: Twelve hours have passed, and no one has notified me that I want to delete the post. I think this post should be able to continue to be posted, so I will boldly throw bricks to attract jade, and first talk about my personal love for Empress Haoyue view.

There should be no doubt that Empress Haoyue's surname is Ji. After all, if her surname is not Ji, there is no need to recognize a parent, younger brother, etc. who are surnamed Ji for no reason. No father, no mother, and no one can be beaked.

So Yu felt Empress Haoyue's mortal status.

Ji Haoyue should be fine.

At least there was no problem until she and their whole family were wronged by Emperor Minghui and thrown into the Heavenly Prison.

The first sixteen years of Empress Haoyue's life were nothing special. The specific turning point came from Empress Haoyue being strangled to death by her mother after she was thrown into the prison.

This is not my nonsense.

Whether it is the memories of the prison guards at that time, the memories of other female prisoners who were locked together, or those who were rescued by Empress Haoyue, they all clearly said this, some witnessed it with their own eyes, and some heard the communication between Empress Haoyue and her mother , is explicitly mentioned.

The relevant news was widely circulated at that time, and because of this, many people felt that Empress Haoyue's biological mother was not worthy of being a queen mother, so killing her own daughter was quite unkind.

It's just because Empress Haoyue said that she doesn't want to pursue this matter.

This is no one to mention.

As for why this is so, an elder jailer of mine once mentioned that this incident was not particularly rare in those days, because at that time, after a woman entered the sky prison, there was usually only one result, that is, she was sent to the Jiaofang Secretary. There are slaves, handmaids, or female branches.

Many aristocratic women couldn't bear the humiliation, or couldn't bear the humiliation of their daughters and lost their innocence, so they would rather kill themselves in advance, which was the situation at that time.

Until later Empress Haoyue outlawed the Jiaofang Division.

It didn't happen again.

According to the information I can gather, it is very likely that Empress Haoyue at that time was really dead, or at least in a suspended animation, because the only way to leave the prison is to go through a double-handed operation, except for the appointment of the Jiaofang Secretary. After verification and mortuary for a period of time, after the death is confirmed, he can leave the prison and be taken away and buried.

There is no accurate evidence here to determine what happened at that time, so there are two possibilities, one is that Empress Haoyue faked her death and left, and the other is that Empress Haoyue may have really died at that time, and some unknown mysterious changes occurred in her body afterwards. There is a change after that.

But Yu thinks it doesn't matter either way.

Empress Haoyue has undergone great changes since then. Not only did she suddenly have many subordinates, but she also possessed a lot of silver, the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, etc., if you talk about adventures since ancient times.

Encountered by Empress Haoyue.

It is the greatest adventure ever.

It even makes people feel incredible and unimaginable, and her adventure is still incomprehensible.

Uncountable amounts of silver, inexplicably disappeared countless materials, hundreds of thousands of people who obeyed his orders, probably just steel monsters in human skin, flying disks, and behind them appeared terrifying steel behemoths more than 100 meters high. The horrifying steel giant over 100 meters tall, with these miraculous features, managed to complete the simplest dynasty change in history in the shortest possible time.

It's really hard to imagine, hard to guess.

Yu speculated that Empress Haoyue might have obtained the inheritance of the Mohist school that had disappeared in seclusion for more than a thousand years, and obtained all the achievements accumulated by the Mohist hermits for more than a thousand years.

In ancient times, there was a legend that the Mohists were good at making utensils.

Public losers are quite inferior.

There are also records in ancient books that the ancients made wooden kites that could fly and were as flexible as human beings, but they were dismantled and found to be wooden dolls that were not human. If someone studies this for thousands of years, it may be possible to develop a doll made of steel. Giants made of steel, even behemoths made of steel and flying ovals.

If others have other ideas.

Yu Po welcomes everyone to discuss together.

... # Building 179654: I suddenly came across this post recently, and looked at the latest science magazines, and suddenly felt something that many people felt puzzled decades ago.

Now seems to have the answer.

The oval thing that can fly should be the flying saucer mentioned in many science fiction novels, the steel monster covered with human skin, isn't that the bionic robot proposed by roboticists some time ago, built on the appearance of the robot A layer of bionic skin can make robots look more like people at first glance.

As for the particularly huge steel monster, there seems to be a thing called Gundam mentioned in an animation recently.

I feel pretty similar.

So Empress Haoyue took out these things.

Are they all high-tech products?

But isn't Empress Haoyue a character from nearly a hundred years ago? I remember that there wasn't even a steam engine a hundred years ago. Is it me or Empress Haoyue?

And in terms of our current technology.

It seems that they can't make the things that the legendary Empress Haoyue took out, which is too unscientific. # Building 179655: Damn, I remember when I read the history of Empress Haoyue more than ten years ago, I still felt that the history was a bit outrageous. If there are so many powerful high-tech products, why are they all gone now?

If Empress Haoyue had a mausoleum, I would wonder if it was buried in the mausoleum, but Empress Haoyue doesn't have a mausoleum, so where did all those high technologies go? # Building 179656: Ahhhh, I'm about to scream like a groundhog, Empress Haoyue is simply cheating.

Looking at the high-tech products described in historical records, Empress Haoyue brought those things, not to mention pushing Minghui Emperor horizontally, even if she came to our present era, there is no problem in pushing our era horizontally.

This is simply anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

Now I really believe that the historical records are probably true, because I think people of that era have never seen it, and it is impossible to imagine all kinds of high-tech robots, high-tech as high as Something like that, so they must have seen it with their own eyes, so they can describe it so specifically. # Building 179657: Well, I really can't help but want to pour cold water on you, please, you should know that there are relevant records about Empress Haoyue first.

The robot technology that appeared later, the bionic robot conjecture and those so-called Gundam cartoons and the like.

According to the logic of normal people, shouldn't it be that the current robotics technology and bionic robots are all inspired by historical records, and the Gundam cartoon may have imitated the iron giant in the historical records of Empress Haoyue. .

Don't get the front and back logic wrong, okay?

People in that era had never seen robots, but people in our era have seen relevant records.

We made the robot according to the records!

... # 9561345: To be honest, I now seriously suspect that Empress Haoyue may have died at that time, and was later possessed by aliens, or she made a wish with the aliens before she died, and the aliens promised to help her Fulfill the wish, and then there are those things that come later.

After the aliens help fulfill the wish.

Of course she had to take everything with her and left.

If you want to know more details, you can click the link below, which contains my latest legend of Empress Haoyue. # Building 9561346: I am really annoyed now. Is Empress Haoyue a time traveler or an alien? If she is a time traveler, is she wearing a body or a soul body? How did she bring those things here?

Why are aliens helping us?

Also directly helped us start modernization? # Building 9561347: I see that many people have been asking recently whether the royal family has those high-tech products. Let’s read a historical legend. Can you not be so serious? If the royal family really has those high-tech products, it can still be reduced to Now I have no real power.

Like a mascot?


# Building 454545878: Something big happened. The State Mineral Administration issued a new announcement, specifically stating that many ore veins that have not been discovered before but have been discovered recently have been more or less excavated across the country. The traces, and the traces that have been excavated by super-large mining machines, but they are not secretly dug, because those traces are traces from a hundred years ago.

Then, the batch of minerals donated by the royal family in accordance with the original instruction of Empress Haoyue also has problems. After testing, many experts found that although those minerals are urgently needed minerals, a large part of them are not produced on our planet at all. On the contrary, they seem to come from extraterrestrials, and some of them even contain unknown elements, which are new elements that do not exist on our planet itself.

Coupled with the atlases about the steel monsters of Empress Haoyue that have been circulated decades ago, I now have a bold guess, those so-called steel monsters are probably mining machines. Could the mined veins be the ones that Empress Haoyue used those mining machines to mine?

After all, the traces of time can also correspond.

As for the minerals donated by the royal family, it may be that Empress Haoyue used some means to collect some minerals from outer space out of guilt, or because she was worried that we would lack necessary minerals for scientific research in the future? # Building 454545879: Damn, the story of Empress Haoyue seems to be getting more and more exciting, so no matter if she is an alien or a time traveler, anyway, she must have a particularly superb high-tech product at that time, right?

So now there is still a problem, that is, where did those things go, can't they really be taken away? # Floor 454545880: Empress Haoyue seems a little ignorant of martial arts, bullying those high-tech products who don’t even know about steam engines, isn’t this like bullying a child?

... # Building 99963158631: Terrible, did you watch the live broadcast of the moon landing just now, my God, the big hole that has puzzled us for more than a hundred years has finally been filled, and we finally know about the Empress Haoyue Where are the alien ores collected from, and where are the high-tech products in historical records?

Emotions are hidden on the back of the moon.

Damn, I said Empress Haoyue is the best at hiding things since ancient times. There should be no doubts. In the past, those emperors liked whatever they liked, and at most they buried them in their own graveyards. Empress Haoyue buried them directly on the back of the moon. The moon has gone, and it's really awesome.

It's all there.

The legendary flying saucer, the robot in human skin, the mech, and even the mining machine are all available, and they can still be used. Oh my god, fortunately, we have always been ahead in technology, and we were the first to land on the back of the moon. If those other small trash countries landed first, wouldn't the things left to us by Empress Haoyue have to be stolen by others? How much confidence does Empress have in us? Isn't she afraid of something going wrong? # Building 99963158632: I can't do it anymore, I have to go back and burn paper to tell my father the good news. What he never thought of back then finally has a result.

Those things are indeed not in the hands of the royal family.

It's all on the back of the moon. # Building 99963158633: Good guy...

How about telling Nai Weng about family sacrifices? # Building 99963158634: But now there is still a question, that is, Empress Haoyue, is she a time-traveler, bah, a time-traveler or an alien? # Building 99963158635: So she can't be a human no matter what, why don't you think better, if it is really a hermit school.

What did the Mo family do? # Building 99963158636: Let's accept the cruel facts above, if it is really the work of the Mohists.

Can empress Haoyue not justify the name of the Mo family? # Building 99963158637: Well, I know one thing, at least the ashes of Empress Haoyue prove that she is indeed a human being, that is, whether this person may be a time traveler or possessed by aliens is hard to say now.

I guess we have to wait a little longer, maybe the grandson's grandson will be able to tell us the result when he burns the paper. # Building 99963158638: By the way, why are you so entangled in the identity of Empress Haoyue? Regardless of whether she is an alien or a time traveler, anyway, isn't she bringing us some positive influences?

No matter black cat or white cat.

A cat that catches mice is a good cat. # Building 99963158639: But the point is, Empress Haoyue may not be a cat at all now. # 99963158640F: Why, a dog can’t hold a mouse. Black and white cats are just a metaphor.


It is recorded in Liezi Tangwen that it is said that the puppet that Yanshi showed to King Mu of Zhou could sing and dance well and could make provocative expressions.

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