Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 401 Life skill system (1)

Ding Yun, who returned this time, was very happy to write the trial report, and gave several good reviews, and then submitted the task and the trial report together.

And random new tasks and cheats again.


[Client: Lin Chunfang

Entrusted task: I can't die yet, my daughter and my grandson may not be able to survive if I die, I must survive, and I will work hard to live for a few more years, not to become a drag, must survive, and live healthy.

Entrustment reward: ten soul points]

After reading the entrusted task, Ding Yun immediately felt a little pain all over his body, the most painful was his head and left leg.

The damage to the original body was obviously serious.

And it's not sudden death or anything like that.

There is a high probability that it has encountered some external shock.

At this time, Ding Yun was not in a hurry to receive the memory of the original body, but quickly opened his eyes to look around, and found that the surrounding was very noisy, but he could probably guess that he was being sent to the emergency room.

It's not so miserable that no one will find it lying there.

She was finally at ease while using her mental power to quickly repair some of the hard-to-treat injuries in her brain.

While quickly accepting the memory.

There was a reason for Ding Yun to do this. If she was lying there and no one could save her, then of course she would have to expend a lot of mental energy and repair some physical damage immediately, so that she could find a way to save herself or call for help.

If she has been declared a rescue failure now.

Then she would have to repair a little less damage to her body, and just let herself barely survive, so as not to suddenly cheat her body and recover quickly, and be regarded as a miracle study by others.

But now this situation is being sent to the emergency room, and the rescue has not yet started. For Ding Yun, it is undoubtedly the best situation, because she does not have to worry about her sudden body fraud or recovering too quickly, and being found abnormal , You don’t have to drag your obviously seriously injured body to ask for help, and you can directly accept the memory with peace of mind.

Save yourself from waking up and asking questions.

Of course, the next step was the hospital's examination and first aid, and Ding Yun sorted out his memory smoothly.

how to say?

The original body's life is quite rough.

She was born in an ordinary peasant family, and she stopped going to school when she was in the sixth grade of primary school. After that, she learned some cooking skills at home step by step, helped the family for a few years, and married out when she was old.

She married a man who learned the craft of a mason in another village less than two kilometers away from her home.

And when they got married, they separated.

They were allocated an old house, and as for the parents-in-law, they did not live with them, but moved into a newly built house with their youngest son. Living with the in-laws is more relaxed.

Therefore, the young couple lived a poorer life.

But nothing too much trouble.

One was working outside, and the other was at home tending the family's fields, cooking three meals a day and so on. They just lived like this until the original body became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

The child was born a little prematurely.

The original body is not in good health, and there is not enough breastfeeding. At the same time, the family has no money and cannot afford milk powder. In the end, it can only feed the child with relatively little breast milk combined with rice cakes and rice noodles.

The baby I fed was thin and small.

Obviously some nutrition is not enough.

It was from that moment that Yuanzheng and her husband had the idea of ​​becoming parents and working hard to earn money. However, Yuanzheng had no choice but to take care of the children, so her husband had to work hard.

In order to be able to earn more money.

Her husband specially left home to work in other places, because the salary in his hometown is too low, and the salary in big cities will be higher.

After that, although the two didn't get together for long in a year.

But the income is indeed much higher.

The living conditions are a little bit better, and the child is not as weak as before. He gets sick every three days, but everything is gradually getting better. The original body even gave birth to a second child. girl.

Both children are not annoying guys, they are easy to take care of, and they don't have to worry about going to school, and their grades are very good.

In short, although the first thirty years of the original body were not particularly happy, there were no major twists and turns, and it could even be called a healthy, peaceful and happy life.

But when she was thirty-six years old.

Her husband had an accident.

He accidentally stumbled and died on the construction site, and the construction site paid 300,000 yuan in compensation, half of which was given to his in-laws as a pension.

The other half is reserved for the children.

For the kids to go to college.

Yuanzhen must have been very sad at that time, but those who left had already left, and those who were alive had to continue to live. Therefore, after Yuanchen finished the funeral for her husband, she began to support the family alone.

Because she has no skills and it is not easy to find a job, she can only do what she can do to make money. For example, when the vegetables in the field are cooked, she can dig some to sell in the market, or go to the small ditches and rivers near the village. Fish for lobsters and sell eels and loaches.

Later, I learned from others, making cakes and steamed buns, putting them in baskets, and selling them in crowded places.

All in all, it's a profitable job.

She basically tried to do it.

It is true that I am busy from morning to night, I get up and busy before dawn in the morning, and I don’t go to bed until eleven or twelve o’clock in the evening, and I basically don’t rest.

Fortunately, her children are quite up-to-date and have been admitted to good universities, so although the original body is very hard, she also feels happy and is willing to pay for her children.

And after going to university, the original body's children actually feel sorry for the original body, so they basically find some part-time jobs to make money in their spare time, and they are also very economical on weekdays. It didn't take long for the original body to stop sending money to them .

They can afford their own living expenses and even save enough for tuition fees before the next school year.

Although the original body was obedient and did not continue to make money, she has not been idle and is still working hard to make money. She hopes to save more money for her children. She feels that they will spend money on getting married in the future, and she has no ability to buy them a house. Yes, as long as I can save more, I will save more.

A few years later, the original son and daughter graduated from college, which didn't bother her much, and each found a job.

It was barely settled down.

The apartment in the original body was included in the scope of demolition. They were not a big city, but a small county, and the compensation for the demolition was not much. Although they could get a new house in the end, they still had to pay tens of thousands of dollars.

Plus decorations and such.

No matter how much it takes to spend more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, you can pass the demolition and get a well-decorated house smoothly.

After negotiating with his children, Yuanzhen finally took out the money he had saved over the years and part of her husband's compensation, and successfully obtained a new unfurnished house through house replacement, and began to renovate it.

Thinking that the house can be used by my son after it is installed.

Get married, live in a new house, etc.

The following few years of life, in the eyes of the original body, were the happiest and happiest period of time. Not only did they live in a new house, but their children also got married smoothly.

And it didn't bother her much either.

Each got married.

Seeing that the good days are coming, even in a few years, maybe there will be grandchildren, granddaughters and granddaughters brought to her, and the accident will happen again.

Sixteen years ago, when Yuanzheng was forty-five years old, when her son and daughter came back to visit the grave, the bus on which she was riding had an accident, and her son died on the spot.

The daughter is paralyzed.

Not to mention how grief-stricken Yuanshen was at the time, anyway, the final result was that her son-in-law immediately chose to divorce her daughter, and her daughter-in-law finally agreed with Yuanshen because of their feelings for each other and her pregnancy. Pray for the child to be born.

However, the relationship must be severed afterwards.

The original body also agreed to this point.

So more than half a year later, the original body had an extra grandson.

And most of her son's compensation was used by the original body to compensate her daughter-in-law. Not only could her daughter's paralysis not be cured, but she needed someone to take care of her all the time.

Yuan himself didn't want to accept these situations.

That can only be accepted, and try to live.

Because whether it is her grandson or her daughter who is paralyzed in bed, she has to take care of her, if something happens to her, if something happens.

How can they survive.

From then on, the original body became even busier, not only busy taking care of a paralyzed daughter and a little grandson waiting to be fed, but also busy making money and so on.

She didn't even dare to get sick.

And I don't know if it's because of good luck or a strong mind, but she really hasn't been sick in the past ten years.

No matter how hard the day is.

The original body has been strong enough to carry it over.

At the same time, her grandson is also very sensible, he started to help Yuanshen share the housework at a young age, and even helped Yuanshen take care of her daughter, his aunt.

Even so, her grandson's grades are not bad.

It has always been the pride of the original body.

As for what did Yuanshen rely on to make money all these years?

In recent years, she has mainly set up a food stall and has been following her grandson. When her grandson is in elementary school, she sells things next to the elementary school. When her grandson is in junior high school, she sells things next to the junior high school.

Not only can look at the grandson, pick up the grandson.

Still make money.

The most important thing is that I only need to go to school, go out of the stall after school, and have enough time to take care of my daughter.

However, it is today.

Yuan was pushing the snack trolley, walking on the crosswalk as usual, and at the same time did not start until the green light came on, walking at a normal and constant speed.

In the end, a car ran through a red light and rushed towards it. It was not very flexible and convenient to push a snack cart, and it was not as flexible as a normal pedestrian, who could scatter and escape flexibly. In addition, when she saw a car turning around, I panicked, my hands and feet were messed up, but I was hit by that car and flew a long way.

Then the ambulance came and that sort of thing.

And the death of the original body, Ding Yun came.

After reading these...

Who can't help feeling that the fate of the original body is rough.

After sorting out her memories, Ding Yun immediately checked the golden fingers she had randomly obtained.

[Life skill system binding...]

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