Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 404 Life Skill System (4)

Ding Yun has nothing to do with this kind of thing, he can only wait slowly and urge him occasionally, most people in the world are like this, only the perpetrator or the insurance company is really shameless to the extreme, and will have to sue.

Now the customer service is very polite.

They all clearly indicated that they were following the procedure normally.

Then we can only wait.

But lying on the bed all the time, doing nothing is not a problem, so Ding Yun quickly took out his life harder than the original body, and there was a car accident, only a slight crack on the top of the screen, but Does not affect the use of large screen, super large text smartphones.

Start cleaning the phone and download the software.

The original body has never been cleaned up, and the video software and chat software occupying up to 4.00G and 7.00G of the phone's memory have been cleaned up.

Then there is memory, continue to download learning software, and make the phone fluency slightly improved.

Regarding this life skill system, Ding Yun is just guessing in his heart, he has never practiced it himself, let alone whether this life skill system is really as she guessed, besides, he is idle now anyway, it is also a waste of time to practice the system good choice.

It just so happens that she can figure out what behavior is closely related to the proficiency behind that life skill.

It can only be improved by learning relevant knowledge.

It can only be improved through continuous practice.

Or maybe both can improve.

In addition, whether there is a limit to the improvement of the skill level also needs to be verified, but there is no rush for the time being, take your time, anyway, she can only verify at present, whether learning related knowledge can improve.

After all, it's inconvenient for her to have a broken bone.

After downloading the learning software, Ding Yun thought about it, and finally chose medical knowledge.

And from the very basics...

Basic biology related to human beings.

Although the original body's commission did not mention wanting to restore her daughter, she obviously couldn't let go of her daughter, so Ding Yun planned to give it a try. If the system is really good and can continuously improve her skill level, What if the paralysis of the whole body can be cured?

Isn't that a good thing!

Therefore, Ding Yun soon began to read and study seriously, reading e-books, listening to related video courses, etc., coupled with Ding Yun's strong mental power, so the learning speed is still very fast, in one morning, She has basically finished studying human biology in middle and high school.

At the same time, there was a strange change in her skill column, that is, there was no medical skill.

Biology skills don't appear either.

Instead, there was a sentence——

[The current knowledge reserve of the host is not enough to activate medical skills. Please continue to expand the knowledge reserve. To activate medical skills, one must have basic biological knowledge, basic chemical knowledge, basic traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, basic western medical knowledge, basic clinical medical knowledge, and basic physiology Knowledge, basic pathological knowledge, etc...]

Obviously, this system should be able to perceive Ding Yun's emotions and even thoughts, so it can know that the skill Ding Yun wants now is medical skills.

And also gave appropriate reminders.

However, judging from the current situation, medical skills should still be difficult to obtain, and this medical skill should include the skills of Chinese and Western medicine, theory and clinical practice, so it is estimated that only with the foundation of these four aspects can the medical skills be activated smoothly Skills, according to this point of view, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to upgrade in the future.

But Ding Yun is not discouraged, as long as the existing knowledge reserve is not enough to learn, anyway, she learns very fast.

So of course the next step is to make persistent efforts.

Continue to work hard to learn relevant knowledge.

When her grandson came from school at noon, she chatted with her grandson for a while, and told the nurse what TV series her daughter was watching recently, and asked her to help her daughter fix the tablet and choose a good drama.

She spent the rest of the time studying.

After two days like this, Ding Yun met the family members of the perpetrator, and they did not come here to pay compensation.

They came to invite Ding Yun to file a lawsuit with them, of course not between them, but mainly to file a lawsuit with the insurance company and the car manufacturer for compensation.

There is no doubt that something went wrong with the claim.

The accident given by the official side was determined to be a car failure, intelligent system out of control and brake failure. The insurance company believed that this was not within the scope of compensation, and suggested that the family members claim compensation from the car manufacturer. After all, the main cause of the accident was car failure, and they could do nothing.

The car manufacturing company is even more reluctant to admit that the cause of the accident was a malfunction of their company's car.

Not only prevarication, but also saying that they are slandering.

And said they do not recognize third-party identification.

The car and the black box of the car must be sent to their company for cracking to determine the cause of the accident and whether it is related to the car produced by their company.

The family members definitely cannot accept this result.

So it is inevitable to file a lawsuit, but they are also worried that they are weak, so they start to try their best to contact all the people injured in that accident?

I hope that everyone will work together to help, and only when they get the claim down can they be compensated.

In order to be able to vent their anger and mobilize as many people as possible to help, they even promised that no matter how much the car manufacturer pays, they are willing to spend 80% of the compensation to everyone according to the degree of injury.

At the same time, they don't need to pay for legal fees and the like.

Hope to win the class action lawsuit.

Ding Yun had no reason to refuse this, so he readily agreed and added his name to it.

And said that there is something to use her in the future.

She will definitely cooperate as much as possible.

However, as those people left, Ding Yun immediately modified the plan in the memo on his mobile phone, which not only shortened his hospitalization time, but also shortened the time for hiring a nurse. There was no way to save money.

If the insurance compensation can come down quickly.

Then she naturally doesn't need to be so frugal, even if she doesn't use the previous compensation, and only uses the savings of the original body, she can survive for about half a year, but the point is not, the compensation is not available now, and she probably has to go to court.

She has no income without going out of the stall.

In addition, both the nursing staff and the hospitalization expenses are not low, and with the large amount of medical expenses previously spent, I really have to work hard to save a little.

I originally planned to live in the hospital for a month.

Now Ding Yun only plans to stay for seven or eight days.

After a few days when she gets better, go home and recuperate slowly at home. The saved hospital expenses can just buy a wheelchair and some assistive tools so that she can sit in the wheelchair and take care of her daughter.

This will save the nurse's money again.

In this way, even if the lawsuit over there lasts for a year and a half, Ding Yun can barely hold on.

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