Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 417 Life Skill System (17)

Department of Neurology, Pingtian Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.

Many patients were quite happy for Zhang Pingliang when they saw that Zhang Pingliang had started to recover and recovered gradually.

Especially those whose conditions are not much different from his.


After all, if he can be cured, then those whose illnesses are very similar to his can also be cured.

"Doctor Lin's medical skills are really good.

Much better than the director in the hospital. Didn't the director say that Xiao Zhang's situation is a bit complicated, and he must be prepared for two or three years of recovery?

As a result, it’s only been a month now, and Xiao Zhang is able to walk on the ground. Although he is not very flexible yet, the rehabilitation institution has also said that as long as he persists, he will definitely return to normal within half a year at the latest. I should have known earlier. Dr. Lin is so good, I let her treat her a long time ago. "

Seeing that Zhang Pingliang, who was hospitalized at about the same time as him, was able to walk on the ground, Zu Hongying was both envious and regretful, complaining to the patients around him.

"Who said it wasn't.

It's all because a doctor said earlier that Dr. Lin just graduated and has little experience. Now think about it, how could Dr. Lin be inexperienced at such an old age?

According to my estimation, the so-called Dr. Lin just graduated and has no experience. The high probability is that Dr. Lin used to be an old Chinese doctor. He used to be a doctor. In college, I got a certificate to go to work or something. "

Tang Zhe, who was lying opposite him, not only echoed at this time, but also proposed his new idea along the way.

"Hey, it seems to be such a reason..."

"That's right, that's right, this can explain why Dr. Tong Lin is so good just after graduation. It's not because of what Dr. Lin learned in school, it's because Dr. Lin is already good. This is our fate!"

"We must cooperate with the treatment in the future.

After all, the feeling of being paralyzed on the bed and being unable to move is really uncomfortable. It is a few months less to lie down for a few months. Moving earlier can also save money for the family. "

As the first neurology patient treated by Ding Yun recovered about a year or two earlier than the hospital expected, other patients with the same condition in the neurology department were all very excited and asked to change doctors one after another.

Dr. Lin will be replaced.

In addition, the hospital is also very happy.

Although the patient's hospitalization time was greatly reduced due to Ding Yun's superb medical skills, which indirectly made the hospital earn less money, but the hospital is not stupid. They know very well that there is a national top doctor who specializes in a certain field. The help far exceeds the little profit brought by the patient who needs to stay in the hospital for an extra year or two to be cured.

So the hospital immediately promoted Ding Yun to a higher level, improved his salary, and signed a long-term contract.

According to the contract signed by re-employment.

There is no way, Ding Yun is too old. She was 67 when she was in school. Although she graduated early, she is 68 and has already passed the retirement age. It is really inappropriate to sign an ordinary employment contract.

In addition, Ding Yun's technology is indeed superb.

So the hospital signed a contract with her according to the treatment of rehired experts, and the contract was for five years.

As for why she didn't sign for a few more years, it's also because she is getting older. It's hard to say how many more years she can live in the future. What's the use of signing for so many years.

Besides, sometimes it is about medical skills.

It's not that older is better.

When people get older, their physical functions decline in various aspects, etc., and the impact is quite large. If it is a doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment or internal medicine conditioning, the impact is good, but if it is in charge of acupuncture and moxibustion, the impact of age will be greater.

Like a surgeon performing an operation.

How can anyone in their seventies and eighties still do it.

At that age, no matter how advanced the medical skills are, no matter how much experience you have, your body functions will not keep up, your hands will start to shake, your eyes will start to blur, you will not be able to stand for a long time, and you will not be able to concentrate.

Acupuncture is similar.

Why do many old Chinese doctors stop giving needles when they are old, because they can't find the acupuncture points accurately, their eyes can't see clearly, and even their hands are not strong enough to stab the acupuncture points accurately and ruthlessly like before.

If you are not careful, you may smash the signboard.

So of course you have to stop in time.

From the hospital's point of view, Ding Yun obviously belonged to the kind of veteran player who might still work for a few more years, but he was not sure that he would have various problems in a few more years.

Important is important, but not too important.

It's good to keep it as a signboard for a few years.

Don't think about it any more.

For these changes, Ding Yun accepted all of them calmly, and immediately he was not afraid of being busy or tired, and seized all the time to work overtime to treat those patients.

For what, in addition to medical ethics.

More importantly, of course, is proficiency.

After that, the patients were cured and discharged one by one. Patients in other hospitals knew that the treatment speed was faster here, so they were transferred to other hospitals and continued to be discharged one by one.

It didn't take long for her skills to level up again.

But this time the upgrade changes even more.

Every upgrade in the past was based on the knowledge that Ding Yun acquired in the past period, taking the essence, discarding the dross, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps. Most of the knowledge and experience were learned by Ding Yun himself, not given by the system.

But this time is different, because Ding Yun has learned all the knowledge that can be obtained so far, and the experience points she gained from this skill upgrade basically come from curing patients, so her skill upgrade this time brings The only change is that she knows how to treat those patients who are more seriously injured.

This includes her niece's level.

This is the current hospital in the world.

The degree of nerve damage that can do nothing.

Faced with this upgrade and change, it goes without saying how happy Ding Yun is. She immediately asked for leave to go back the next second, took her daughter over, and went through the hospitalization procedures for her daughter, allowing her daughter to receive treatment with other patients , At the same time, she also upgraded the original treatment plan and replaced it with the latest and best plan.

Followed by full treatment.

With the update of the treatment plan, those patients who were seriously injured and judged by other doctors to be unable to stand up also began to feel that their bodies were improving rapidly.

The new plan gave them hope of recovery.

Then, less than three months.

Because of Ding Yun's acupuncture assistance in the past few years, Liu Linxia recovered the sensation of her legs and body earlier than other patients with the same condition as him, and was able to rely on various assistance to barely walk on the ground.

At that moment, she was unprecedentedly happy.

The kind that wept with joy and couldn't stop.

The other patients were happy for her when they watched her stand up, and they were also happy for themselves. After all, if she could stand up, it meant that they could stand up too.

It means that this treatment is no problem.

So, who can not be happy?

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