Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 500 Extra Story—Father of All People or Mother of All People?

4611 in the solar calendar, July 3rd.

Ding Yun passed away.

He was sixty-eight years old.

In fact, she can continue to live, and it is absolutely easy to live for another forty or fifty years, but she has completed her tasks, and the finishing work is over, and even her grandchildren have grown up, so there is really no need to live so long to provide for the elderly What, a waste of time opening up a new world.

Because of the high income of the new universe development, there are quite a few people who are willing to do this job, and once the original universe completely takes the new universe as its own, this short-term work will be over, so what if you don’t hurry up?

And with Ding Yun's death.

Because of her years of contributions, the official specially opened a special column memorial program for her, explaining her contributions and achievements over the years in detail, and drawing conclusions.

Including the pseudonym of her popular science expert.

They were all disclosed together.

It was also until this day that most ordinary people knew that she was the little science popularization expert, and that she was the one who developed the entire natural disaster prediction system.

In addition to mourning, many people on the Internet.

It's more of a sense of surprise.

There is a feeling that there are many secrets and many puzzles in the past, and now there are finally answers.

... # The popular science expert turned out to be Ding Yun! # [I really didn't expect that the little science expert turned out to be Ding Yun. If I calculated correctly, she should be only fourteen or fifteen years old at that time. I vaguely remember that I was very obsessed with practicing martial arts at that time, and even stole money from the family I went to buy martial arts cheats. Later, when those qigong masters were exposed by the little science experts, I cried for a long time.

I feel that my dream of being a martial arts master has been completely shattered. 】

[So the upstairs is a contemporary of Mr. Ding? 】

[Wow, there are still people who remember the first incident of the young science popularization expert becoming famous. Now that I think about it, it really feels like tears of the times. Back then, some people believed that there was light in this world, and some believed that there was qigong and martial arts in this world.

That year she personally shattered the dreams of many people.

If martial arts is a fairy tale for adults.

Then she is the existence that shattered this fairy tale. 】

[Sure enough, a capable person is not the same as a normal person since she was a child, but she can predict natural disasters, whether it is a talent or what, it is not possible that she has already developed a natural disaster prediction system when she was a teenager, I feel The report is not very clear. 】

[I just looked at the Science Daily in my dad’s collection. In the first issue of Science Daily’s natural disaster predictions, there was a clear mention of the combination of science and metaphysics, and it was more mentioned at that time. Metaphysics, so I guess maybe the young science experts at that time mainly relied on metaphysics to predict natural disasters.

And rely on her own talent and ability.

The kind that no one else can learn.

Later, there were breakthroughs in science and technology. Many aspects of metaphysics can be replaced by science. This is how the natural disaster prediction system came into being. Of course, this is just my guess. Believe it or not, everyone can judge for themselves. 】

[I think the guess upstairs is still reasonable, at least I don't see a big problem, old Ding YYDS! 】

[To be honest, I now seriously doubt that Mr. Ding is the reincarnation of an ancient national master and celestial master, and he may not be a normal ancient one, but someone with real metaphysical divination techniques, such as an ancient celestial master and national master. 】

[Oh my god, have you forgotten that young experts in science popularization are also extremely capable of scientific research? Have you ever seen someone who traveled from ancient times to modern times and became a scientist?

Is it difficult to admit that there are geniuses in this world? 】

[Please, this is no longer the category of a genius, this is pure evildoer, that, my evildoer here is a compliment, so please don't criticize me. 】

[My forty-meter broadsword was almost confiscated! 】

[To be honest, I have reason to believe that a young science expert can not only predict natural disasters, but maybe even predict the fate of the country, and if she can accurately predict the future, what technological inventions can be seen from the trajectory of future fate? It seems that it is not impossible to use it here. In this case, her scientific research ability is extremely strong, and even the company group has almost never made a mistake, so it seems very reasonable.

Damn, I almost believed it myself. 】

[It sounds outrageous and reasonable! 】

... # Universal father or universal mother # [When I saw the news, I suddenly remembered that I called this man Dad decades ago for a hundred dollars.

That's what I've snatched from strangers.

The biggest red envelope. 】

【emmmm... How can you say that you are a stranger? Didn't you call dad? That is a loved one! 】

[By the way, those of us who have been called fathers are eligible to share the inheritance, aren't we also biologically related! 】

[I remember that he gave away a total of 700 billion yuan, right? The least one got a hundred yuan, and the more could be tens of thousands. According to later statistics, there are at least 6 billion people in the world with a population of 7 billion. More than 100 million people have snatched red envelopes, and the remaining one billion people have no mobile phones in their hands, and are even hungry people.

Even if many of those six billion people died, there should still be four or five billion people alive now.

So many people called her dad for the red envelope.

Now those so-called daughters-in-law, daughter-in-laws, mother-in-laws, father-in-laws and so on in the entertainment industry can only be regarded as scum compared to her. 】

[Well, let me say that it would be more appropriate to say that she is a mother of the whole people. In recent years, due to the increasingly serious pollution of the external environment, and the diet is not very natural and healthy. Naturally born fetuses have a premature death rate and a deformity rate. , or the rate of frailty, far exceeds that of newborns conceived by in vitro embryonic development techniques.

So now many places are promoting embryo in vitro development technology, and many newly married couples also choose this technology first. In the long run, I think most children will be born from artificial wombs in the future, and the inventor of the artificial womb is Ding Yun, wouldn't it be more appropriate to say that she is the mother of all people? 】

[Damn it, Ding Yun sent a red envelope just once, you don’t have to remember it for so long, it’s all been so many years ago, as for it! As for what? 】

[Of course, compared to those events where you need to prepare in advance for more than two yuan red envelopes and toss for more than half a month, she was able to send out red envelopes with more than three digits without any threshold, which is unique. It is also a matter of no one to come.

After so many years, no one imitated it.

The currency depreciated two or three times and no one imitated it. 】

[If you want me to say, Ding Yun is definitely the father of the whole people now, because most people in the world have called her father. When our group of people dies, then she should be able to be called the mother of the whole people, because waiting for us After almost all died, most of the newborns were born from the artificial womb. It is not unreasonable to call the inventor of the artificial womb a mother. 】


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