When Ding Yun was in his junior year, the Food and Food Administration had to revise the food stamp standards again due to the fact that the national grain inventory had been decreasing year by year, and it was almost down to the lowest warning level.

They have changed it twice before this.

The first modification was the scope of food stamps. At the beginning, food stamps only included staple grains, and the price of miscellaneous grains rose, but there was still unlimited purchases. After the revision, all staple grains, regardless of miscellaneous grains, were included in the scope of grain stamps.

Food stamps must also be used for the purchase of all miscellaneous grains and staple foods, such as soybean products and so on.

Buckwheat cereal and the like count.

Even bean sprouts have to be purchased with food stamps plus money.

The second modification is the share of food stamps. This time, the share of food stamps has been subdivided again. The heavy manual workers are 60 catties, and the mental workers are 40 to 50 catties. Even men and women are divided. The proportion of males is reduced a little, while that of females is reduced a little more.

But women will have an extra menstrual nourishment allowance.

The share during pregnancy will also increase appropriately.

In short, it is to try to subdivide the share of food stamps to the most suitable level for individuals, and tighten some room for fluctuation in food distribution, in order to reduce waste again.

And the latest modification is really a last resort, and can only reduce everyone's share of food stamps again.

The average reduction is around fifteen percent.

In addition, the meat ticket and other coupon systems have also begun to be launched, because the price of meat has risen too much, so outrageous that ordinary people can hardly afford it. It doesn't matter if you don't eat the staple food.

Ordinary people can barely maintain food and clothing.

And there may be malnutrition and the like.

Nowadays, extreme weather is so frequent, once people do not have enough to eat, they will not eat well, and if they are malnourished, they can easily be taken away by extreme weather directly.

The General Administration of Grain and Oils can only continue to increase the types of coupons.

According to the most scientific ratio and the minimum standard to ensure that there will be no malnutrition, each person will be issued a fixed amount of various bills every month, and all food companies and industries will be taken over to force the price of food to be lowered.

Although there are restrictions on buying things in this way, various coupons must be used, and you cannot buy too much, but at least the price has come down, and at least most people can afford it.

For example, pork.

Some time ago, the price of pork belly has soared to 148 yuan per catty. This is ordinary pork belly, not black pork belly, not some kind of fragrant pig pork belly, but the most common pork belly.

At this price, several families are willing to buy it every day.

It hurts to buy three or two times a month.

Now that there are meat tickets, the average monthly share of each person is about three catties. Although the monthly share of a family of three can't add up to ten catties, the price has indeed dropped, only a few dozen yuan per catty.

And this is actually the best result.

It was not until this point that most families really began to care about every detail, and they were reluctant to waste a little bit, and then they began not to dislike pig skin and fat.

The specific manifestation is that the potatoes do not need to be peeled cleanly with a peeling knife, but are changed to scraping with chopsticks, or simply washed, and eaten directly without peeling.

Don't throw away the radish sprouts, save some pickles.

Cucumbers are never peeled and eaten again.

There are basically no more to see in the trash can, some yellow, not too fresh, and piles of vegetable leaves.

Until then, many people recalled in a daze how much they had wasted in the past. It wasn’t bad, and it wasn’t that they couldn’t eat it. It was just that they didn’t like it personally, and even looked at all kinds of food that wasn’t fresh or beautiful.

For a while, many people were still confessing online.

Confess yourself for being too wasteful in the past.

[I used to eat Chinese cabbage, usually at least two to three layers of the outer leaves of the vegetable had to be peeled off. A Chinese cabbage had to be thinned, and a large piece of the root was cut off directly. Now that I think about it, really It is too wasteful.

Those are actually edible...]

[I am also guilty. I used to eat pork because I hated the pig skin, so every time I peeled off the pig skin and threw it away. There was some fat or not-so-good fat.

I will also cut off some of the dried lean meat!

Now eating big fat meat feels delicious. 】

[In this extreme weather, is it God punishing us, punishing us in the past, throwing away a lot of leftovers every day! I am in the business of restaurant leftovers and swill recycling. A few years ago, restaurants, large and small, threw away leftovers and ingredients every year. It is true. Not exaggerating at all.

Until now, there is no food, so there is less swill.

But not completely cut off.

It shows that some people are still wasting it now! 】

[One by one is really funny. I admit that I am poor and can’t afford food. I also say that waste is not waste. Who can be short of food and drink because of these coupons? bowl.

Don’t you envy me, hehe…]

[We used to be so wasteful. In the past, I always felt that grandparents and grandparents were reluctant to throw them away, and they were also reluctant to pour them down. It was too embarrassing to pick and search.

But now it seems that it's not that they are too picky, it's that we have never lived a hard life, and we have never suffered from hunger or hardship. 】

【What's the use of wasting the past now? The past is gone. We can turn things that have been turned into swill and fertilizer into food again. There is no regret medicine in this world, so we can only be frugal now.

Do you have any tips to recommend! 】

[It is highly recommended that you grow your own at home. Rice, wheat and the like cannot be grown at home, but it is no problem to grow some ordinary strawberries and lettuce on the balcony.

Onions and garlic can also be grown. 】

[The weather changes too much. Some planting guides and planting guidelines that were popular on the Internet in the past have basically become invalid. I suggest that you go to the forum of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to read the latest home planting guide. It contains recommendations for home planting according to different environmental changes in different places. Variety.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you plant according to the regulations, you will not miss it. After all, this is the guide book issued by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 】

[It's better with us here! 】

[Why did you suddenly express such emotion? 】

[What happened just two hours ago in Ugly Country, the people were dissatisfied with the suspension of relief supplies, and zero yuan purchases have started nationwide. Several Internet celebrities who were showing off their wealth and wasting food a while ago have all been wiped out.

Some time ago they still had the face to accuse us. 】

[Those countries with small land and large population, which have been relying on imported food for their maintenance, didn't similar things happen a few years ago? Now the country is broken.

Such a situation in Ugly Country was expected.

Anyway, we are far away, so it won't affect us! 】

[It's hard to say, I'm really afraid that some countries will go crazy, and they obviously have to suffer for themselves, and they don't want to see others feel better...]

[I have compressed biscuits for sale, I intend to contact you privately! 】

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