Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 802 Portable Gourmet Planet (2)

Although bloodline transplantation was the mainstream at that time, there were still a large number of people who were unwilling to accept that they had become neither human nor beast, and tried their best to provide funds for the other two research directions, hoping to go further.

Make it not inferior to blood transplantation.

Adequate research funding.

Plus the mutated animals and plants brought back by the orcs.

Undoubtedly, it has further promoted the research on the ability to induce human birth and gene enhancement, making the research results of these two aspects more and more perfect.

Finally, twenty-five years after Reiki revived.

The researchers finally figured out the key points of the ability activation, and invented the ability potential detection instrument, which can analyze the probability of a person activating the ability and what ability the person can activate through the instrument detection.

In fact, it is equivalent to testing the spiritual root in the practice world.

Determine the type of person, or the ability of what attribute, and then use the mutated animals and plants of that attribute to make the ability-inducing activation potion.

In this way, not only the success rate of the activation of the ability is as high as 90%, but the death rate is reduced to one in ten thousand, and normal use is no longer a problem.

At the same time, the researchers leading the field of genetic strengthening also launched the first set of genetic body forging techniques.

All those who choose genetic strengthening only need to consume more resources at the first time, unlock their own potential, open the gene chain, and then they can directly improve the degree of genetic strengthening through the first set of genetic training techniques, and the progress of cultivation Not slower than a blood transplant.

Of course, if you have money, you can continue to use resource piles, so the speed of genetic enhancement will undoubtedly be faster.

With these two directions of promotion without turning into beasts, those who have undergone blood transplants will naturally become less popular, especially as the human beings who choose the direction of gene enhancement and supernatural powers gradually become stronger in the later stage, they can gradually become more direct. Fight against those mutated animals and plants, and the dependence on orcs is far less than in the past.

The status of orcs naturally began to decline inevitably.

even be regarded as heterogeneous.

No normal human beings are willing to marry them. Although the human government still recognizes them as human beings, the society has actually separated them and regarded them as inhumans. They can only combine within themselves.

And they want to combine and reproduce.

The difference between the blood vessels transplanted from each other should not be too large.

For example, there is no problem with the normal union between people with the blood of black bears, brown bears, and polar bears, but they cannot marry with the blood of horses, cats, dogs, etc. Once they are combined, they will not be able to produce offspring.

Or even stranger orcs would be born.

It is possible to give birth to a higher level of legendary beast blood, or it is possible to give birth to a stillborn, a monster, or a grotesque beast directly, without any reason, and a beast that cannot be transformed into a human.

Generally speaking, the probability of giving birth to the bloodline of a divine beast is quite low, one in a billion, so people in the world generally agree that they can only marry between the same type.

It's even better if you're from the same family.

However, if they are combined with superhumans or genetic enhancers, there will not be too many restrictions, and whether the offspring will inherit the blood of the orcs.

It's also a half-to-half chance.

However, this kind of thing only happened more in the early stage. As time went on, fewer orcs were able to find non-orcs to marry. As time went by, although orcs were considered to be of the same race as humans in name, they were actually repelled to the lower class. They are already in the ranks, and many schools and units do not accept them, so they can only go to the orc school.

Later, after humans gradually suppressed mutated animals and plants, entered the universe, and even discovered new life planets, the orcs were expelled to the new life planets through a vote of the Human Alliance Parliament.

It can not only prevent the orcs from living in the same air as them, but also let those orcs, as the pioneers of the new life planet, take various risks for them.

Migrating from north to south thousands of years ago, you will encounter many dangers and many people will die, not to mention migrating from one planet to another, all kinds of unknown animals and plants, and even the environment and ecology. It may bring fatal danger, and it is undoubtedly the best choice to deceive those orcs with benefits.

Of course, that's the truth.

But that's not the case.

The Human Alliance Council stated in a high-sounding manner that it is a fact that the orcs are rejected, and they cannot force everyone not to reject them. Now that the human space exploration team has discovered the first habitable planet, as long as the orcs migrate there, they can have that one. The entire living planet does not need to be rejected, and can be its own master.

Had enough of those orcs who were ostracized and despised.

It was easy to accept the deception and agreed.

After they immigrated to the new life planet, all kinds of pits came. Although they could not go to the new life planet with nothing, they could not bring much, and most of them were not suitable for the new life planet. It is not too much to say that it is poor and useless, and all aspects have to be built from scratch.

The resources needed to transform and conquer a living planet are undoubtedly extremely huge. No orc can afford it alone, nor can they jointly afford it.

At this time, the Human Alliance Congress enthusiastically began to provide loans and provide various resources.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money.

After developing the planet, just pay off the debt with mines.

Affected by the blood transplant, the overall IQ of the orcs is slightly lower. Even the orcs who have been transplanted with the blood of the fox clan are not as intelligent as normal humans.

So they are quick to take the bait.

Start borrowing to develop planets.

Needless to say, how much blood and sweat was spent in the process, and how many orcs were sacrificed. This is not a task that can be completed in one generation. Because the development progress is slow, the interest on the loan will naturally continue to roll. It took the orcs more than a hundred years to convert the new After the life planet is almost developed, good guy, more than 90% of the valuable mineral veins in the whole life planet have to be used to repay the loan.

If not, then delay.

All living planets have to be confiscated and auctioned off to repay the loan.

Therefore, the Human Alliance Council not only successfully developed the new life planet without any effort, but also obtained more than 90% of the valuable items inside, and completely solved the orc problem, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

That is, since then.

Only then did the beasts begin to break with the humans.

But even so, they will still be subject to all kinds of oppression and exploitation. If it is not for the advanced technology and abundant supplies, food and clothing may be a problem.

Of course, these have nothing to do with the death of the original body.

The original body was born in the bear tribe, his father was a black bear, and his mother was a brown bear. As a result, the original body born from the marriage of the two looked like a pink and tender mouse.

The orc race has been seriously weakened by humans in terms of history, cultural knowledge, etc., and they don't understand many aspects. They only come from common sense, so the father of the original body took it for granted that his wife was cheating, and fought violently.

After the war, the two parties not only divorced within a day.

Even threw away the original body.

Later, the original body was picked up by a couple with hamster blood and brought up. When they first picked up the original body, they thought that the original body was a rat clan. After raising and growing hair, they realized that they were mistaken. , but I also have feelings and can't bear to throw it away, so I have been raising it.

Beastmen have memories from birth, so they have all these things in their original memories. On the contrary, the memory of one to five years old is more vague, because orcs are born in the shape of beasts, and they will not turn into humans until they are one year old.

After becoming a human, it will also inherit human characteristics.

Childhood memories are relatively vague.

You have to grow up in human form until you are ten years old to activate your blood, so that you can freely change into a beast form and practice.

However, the couple with hamster blood did not raise Yuanshen for nothing. In order to help the couple raise their own children, Yuanshen started working when he was ten years old.

No way, after the couple activated the hamster blood, the gifted supernatural powers they got were to inherit the reproductive ability of hamsters, and they were able to give birth. On average, they had one child a year, seventeen or eight children per child. Anyway, the baby was born in the shape of a hamster fetus. You don't have to worry about stuffing your stomach.

After more than ten years, the original body has gained 198 younger brothers and sisters, and this does not include those who died young. If counting those who died young, there may even be more than 300.

These younger siblings were fine when they were born.

After all, they are small, so it is not troublesome to raise them, but after they reach one year old, the maintenance fee will be terrible.

They all take human form when they turn one year old.

The price to be paid for raising a human baby is obviously very different from raising a hamster. The local poverty-stricken family subsidy agencies run away when they see them.

In the end, although they applied for subsidies.

But it is not enough.

And since their pregnancy is a gifted supernatural power, sterilization is useless unless the blood is abolished, so they can only work to the death to make money and raise those children.

And after the first batch of hamster orcs reached the age of ten, they were asked to work to raise those under the age of ten.

The original body felt that as an elder sister, as the eldest child in the family, and a bear-like creature with a beast shape that was far stronger than them and had much thicker blood, he should have taken on more, so he was quite desperate in his work.

Relying on her good health, she worked nineteen hours a day, was beaten every day, and was reluctant to eat or drink, and then, of course, she was exhausted to death.

After sorting out these memories.

Ding Yun couldn't help but shudder. A family of one hundred and ninety-eight younger brothers and sisters is too terrifying. No wonder not only the original body was only blind, but the younger brothers and sisters are even illiterate. This family can survive Even if it's not bad, how can you expect to receive an education or something.

Terrible, downright terrible.

Fortunately, Ding Yun is quite well-informed, so he calmed down quickly, took out the gold finger that was randomly obtained this time, directly bound it to recognize the owner, and checked it.

And the result made Ding Yun very happy, because this gold finger is too suitable, it is simply a savior, and the children in the family don't have to starve at last.

The golden finger she got randomly this time is called——

A gourmet planet with you.

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