Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 803 Portable Gourmet Planet (3)

While the portable gourmet planet was bound to her.

Ding Yun's consciousness immediately perceived a void space, and in that void space he saw a planet no less than a normal planet size.

The diameter is about 13,600 kilometers.

And the consciousness goes further, after going deep into the surface of the planet, you can find that this planet is different from any normal planet in the universe, because the plants, trees, mud, magma, animal minerals and so on in this planet Everything is made of food.

The entire planet is divided into many regions.

Products vary from region to region.

For example, in the dessert area, some land is soft tiramisu, some land is sweet black forest, some stones are chocolate candy, some stones are large fondant cakes, bark is mousse, and fruit on the tree is Candy, even the leaves are crunchy when bitten.

The water in the river has drinks and syrup.

This is just ordinary food. Some deep mineral veins, magma cores and other places will produce some food with special effects that can improve cultivation.

For example, hot and warm magma spar.

Meditating and concentrating on milky white jade.

In addition, most of the animals living on this planet also have their own abilities, or each has its own delicacy.

Each has its own special effects.

With such a portable gourmet planet, let alone the original parents only have one hundred and ninety-eight children.

Even a few more zeros can afford it.

"Looking at it now, it is quite simple to fulfill the original body's last wish of bringing up his younger brothers and sisters.

But what about engraving the brand? "

Ding Yun is very clear that for her now, it is completely innocuous to fulfill her original last wish.

Engrave your brand and complete the pioneering task.

That's the core focus of her work.

But this world is a bit special. In other words, the radiation range of human civilization in this world is a bit large. It is not a world with a round sky, nor is it a single planet. Instead, it involves several galaxies and four habitable planets. There are six agricultural planets, more than 790 mining planets, and thousands of energy planets.

Although the number of people on agricultural planets, mine stars and energy stars is quite small, they can basically be ignored.

But the four living planets cannot be ignored.

There is an orc planet, a human home planet, and two immigrant planets. Even though the interstellar network communication of the four life planets is very developed, and the logistics and transportation are also very convenient, it is basically possible to go back and forth within a day.

But this does not affect the gap between the four planets.

It also does not affect the cultural differences of the four planets.

Among them, the human parent star is also known as the emperor star. Although the resources have been relatively exhausted, because it belongs to the birthplace of human beings, its core position is still unshakable.

The residents above are also proud of it.

And by the way, people who despise other planets are low.

The top family is there, the top research institute is there, the top human powerhouse, the most wealth, the largest enterprise, etc. are all there.

In short, Emperor Star is the essence of human beings.

Other planets, whether it is the other three life planets, agricultural planets, mining planets, or the best things mined from energy planets.

They are all being transported to Emperor Star.

At the same time, Emperor Star is basically occupied by genetically enhanced humans. The number of supernatural beings and orcs is extremely rare, and they are repelled and despised. They can only be regarded as inferior people. Those genetically enhanced humans still belong to pure blood because of their genes. The human race has no animal blood, and the pineal gland in the brain has not mutated into a crystal nucleus.

So they pride themselves on being noble and pure in blood.

Discriminate against all supernatural beings and orcs.

That's right, they used the method used by the Human Alliance Council to expel the orcs, and expelled all the supernatural beings who were gradually discriminated against after the orcs left to another planet of life, and made them bear loans.

Therefore, among the other two immigrant planets other than the human home planet and the orc planet, there is a planet of supernatural beings, all of which are supernatural beings, but they have not yet been able to fully develop that planet. Loans and the like, so the planet has not been named for the time being, and it is only represented by the immigrant planet, but everyone still calls it the planet of supernatural beings in private.

To say the difference between them and the orcs.

One is that they still despise the orcs, and feel that they are a little more noble and pure blood than the orcs.

The second is that they feel that they are much smarter than the orcs. After a lot of fighting, all they signed were interest-free loans, and the losses on the developed planets would not be too great.

Needless to say, the orc planet is the planet where Ding Yun is currently staying. More than 90% of the valuable resources inside the planet are mortgaged to the Emperor Star Human Alliance Council.

Although the orcs normally have nothing to worry about.

But there are basically no big assets, big chaebols, and most of the orcs are working for Emperor Star. The two energy mines and martial arts gyms that I worked for are all industries under the big chaebols of Emperor Star. The reason why the managers are still Orcs, that's because they don't want to set foot on this planet full of orcs and orcs.

Too low, too low-end.

They have long forgotten the cause of the orcs, and the contribution of the orcs in the early stage of recovery. Maybe it's not forgetting, but deliberately erasing and forgetting.

As for the last immigrant planet, it is a living planet just discovered in the past few decades, but both the orcs and the supernatural beings have been expelled by those genetic enhancers. They really can't find a third one to despise or expel. The Orc Planet and the Supernatural Planet are also unwilling to continue making wedding dresses for others.

Therefore, the development of the last immigrant planet was very difficult and very slow. Emperor Star mainly used some criminals to go to that planet to atone for their sins. To develop, in addition to some black household star robbers and the like, hiding in that planet.

Even build a base, live temporarily or something.

In short, the immigrant planet is currently the least developed, has the most people, and is also the most dangerous.

These four living planets not only have relatively large cultural differences, but can even be described as mutual hostility and dissatisfaction. It is undoubtedly quite difficult to gain huge influence on these four planets at the same time.

The more Ding Yun thought about it, the more difficult he felt.

In the end, the tentative decision was to ignore the Emperor Star, the Supernatural Planet and another chaotic planet of mixed immigrants for the time being, and try to get a name on the Orc Planet first, preferably after having some real power.

After all, this world is really too big, and she can't be too ambitious, so take it slowly.

Set a small goal first, conquer the orc planet.

The title of Beastman Star Panda Empress is quite good.

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