Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 809 Portable Gourmet Planet (9) [Two in One]

Ding Yun originally wanted to sleep, but when her mental power discovered that her original parents had quietly turned into hamsters, hiding and whispering, she was not in a hurry to sleep.

Instead, he secretly listened.

Then of course I heard everything.

But at the same time she was shocked, she couldn't condemn anything. After all, although Cang Hai and Cang Jin deliberately killed their own children, they never did anything to the original body. , and an adult bear clan orc is more beneficial to them, and these objective factors are more helpful.

But it's true that he didn't do anything to her!

So it's really difficult for her to say anything about this matter.

Ding Yun could only decide in his heart that he would bring more food back tomorrow, or try to sell a batch of high-energy food in exchange for some money to make them feel at ease.

Save yourself from worrying about eating and drinking every day.

Afterwards, Ding Yun stopped eavesdropping, but slept normally. He slept until the sun basked in the sun the next morning before waking up. After washing up, he greeted a few familiar siblings and adoptive parents.

Then he excused himself by saying something was wrong and left the house.

Take a car to the nearest large-scale trading market, find a high-energy plant purchase station, and take out some high-energy items in the portable food planet, high-energy items that can be eaten, such as a piece of magma lava chocolate that can keep you hungry for three months, The glacial emerald green lotus seed has the effect of healing most of the body's injuries. After eating the beautifying and beautifying glacial mud, external application can make you look ten years younger...

Even if the proportion of high-energy items is small, Ding Yun has a whole gourmet planet after all. No matter how small the proportion is, the number of high-energy items contained in a whole planet is extremely large, and it is easy to take some.

And every high-energy item with special effects can be sold at a high price after being appraised.

The only pity is that most of them can only be sold at high prices, but not super high prices, because there is no shortage of things with the same effect on the market. Nutrients can also keep people hungry for a month.

The lotus seeds of Glacier Emerald Heart can heal injuries, but the medical cabin can also heal them, and the healing potion can also heal them.

Even faster.

The only disadvantage is that the taste is not as good as lotus seeds.

Not to mention the glacial mud that makes people look younger. There are many medicines that make people look young forever. As long as they are willing to spend money, some people will still look the same girly.

Therefore, Ding Yun's things were sold at a 20% discount price for items with similar effects to those things, and he sold a whole hundred catties, which was only exchanged for one million common coins.

And inferior nutritional supplements cost three tubes for one yuan.

This amount of money should be enough to make Canghai and Cangjin couple feel at ease for a long time, and it will definitely be fine in three or two years.

After confirming that the money was in the account, Ding Yun transferred all the one million common currency to her adoptive mother on the grounds that it was the one-year salary advanced by the investor.

Then I found a remote and uninhabited corner, picked a large amount of ordinary food from the portable food planet again, enough for two hundred people to eat three to five meals, and then brought the food back home and distributed it.

During the distribution process, Ding Yunshun responded to the doubts of his adoptive parents and evaded the one million yuan perfunctorily.

So far, it can be said that everyone is happy.

Canghai and Cangjin are completely at ease, Ding Yun has no worries in the short term, and the children are also pleasantly surprised by all kinds of delicacies.


In the afternoon, Ding Yun still didn't stay in the very crowded home, but went out specially, opened a room and stayed in the room alone, designing various peripheral drawings.

Many things are specially divided into levels.

Low-end, mid-range and high-end.

For example, panda dolls.

Low-end ones, as long as they have a soft appearance, have a panda shape, look cute overall, and look more like the stick figure style of low-school anime.

Most of the middle-end realistic styles have to be the same as real pandas. The only thing that needs to be improved is the tactile feel when touched. It needs to be made a little softer. Pandas are bears after all, not cats, and the tactile feel of their hair will not be the same as Like a cat, but more similar to a bear, softer and more comfortable to the touch.

The high-end ones are even more serious, directly follow the custom style, with mechanical skeletons as the base, bionic muscle fiber silicone as the body, bionic skin and hair as the appearance, plus low-end pet-type artificial intelligence chips, no matter from which angle you look at it, It's no different from a real panda, as long as you don't dissect it, you can treat it as a real panda.

More advanced ones are, of course, gene customization, embryo cultivation, and direct production of a panda, but Ding Yun doesn't want to go that far, so she didn't mention the top-level plan at all, and only designed the middle, low, and high grades.

Because most of these panda surroundings are either very simple, and the complicated ones have past experience to follow, so Ding Yun's drawing speed is quite fast. After living outside for two days, by the third morning, he designed There are more than 300 different pandas around.

There are cute version, Q version and realistic version.

So meticulous that Ding Yun even noted the material.

Afterwards, of course, I contacted Dianna Diane. Their investment was actually negotiated, and after the company was registered, it was credited to the account, but the money was in the company's account, and it was going to be used to manufacture products for publicity and so on.

It's not good for personal embezzlement, so Ding Yun needs to sell some high-energy food in exchange for money, so that her adoptive parents can feel at ease.

Therefore, it can be said that everything is ready before, only Ding Yun's drawings and authorization are owed, so once Ding Yun sent the drawings, they admired them by themselves.

They hurriedly arranged for people to give birth.

Propaganda also started at the same time, that is, to make those drawings into conceptual drawings and publicize them on the whole network.

And the results are obviously beyond doubt. The surrounding concept maps related to pandas have just been released, and after being publicized by some media, they quickly aroused heated discussions.

Among them, Emperor Star and Supernatural Planet are the most popular.

Orc Planet followed, and Immigrant Planet again.

The reason is also very simple, the orc planet itself has many orcs with furry blood, so their resistance to furry is far more than ordinary people.

Plus some orcs have aesthetic differences.

Even the bear tribe thought the bear looked weird.

The heat was almost normal and reasonable.

Not to mention the immigrant planet, which is currently engaged in planet development, there is nothing to do with the air traffic control network, and everyone cares more about whether they can find useful ore veins to make a fortune, who cares about a few cute surroundings.

It's cute but it can't be eaten, and it can't save your life.

Only when you have enough food and clothing can you pursue your own preferences.

I'm starving to death, no matter how cute it is, I have to eat it.

[Oh my God, I always think that the dark circles under my eyes that I often stay up late are really ugly, but why is this bear’s dark circles so cute, and why fat people think it’s ugly, but fat bears think it’s super cute , There is no reason in this world! 】

【Cute, want to touch, want to buy! 】

[I’m the only one who thinks the panda’s dark circles are funny. It’s a bit like the eye shadow we put on. It has the effect of enlarging the eyes. I just tried to paint the dark circles into white, but the eyes are so small!

Hahahahaha, too cool! 】

[Well, why is it called a panda when it is a bear with a strange shape? According to the normal naming rules, shouldn’t it be called a panda bear or a black and white bear? Spotted bear is also reasonable. This is a gimmick? 】

[What do you care about so many people, you can call them whatever you like, and it doesn’t bother you. Many planets in the universe are named after the people who discovered them. Does the name have the slightest relationship with the characteristics of the planet itself? 】

[Yeah, do you match your name very well! 】

[I agree, my name is Fatty, very fat! 】

[This design is really strange, I never thought that the doll can be designed in this shape and color, but it looks very harmonious, it is simply a master of psychological design, and it is too good at trying to figure out people's hearts! 】

[Hehe, did anyone not read the product introduction under the concept map? They said that this is based on the shape of a mutated bear orc as a prototype.

The original shape of that panda orc looks like this.

This is a miracle of nature.

It is the design of heaven and earth! 】

【What's interesting, it's just an orc with a low bloodline. Anyway, I absolutely don't allow this kind of mixed blood thing in my house, even if it's just a doll, I don't allow it to appear in my house. 】

[Some people have a sick mind, a doll can think so much around it, don't be disgusting! 】

[I just want to ask when the finished product will be released. My wallet is ready. When the time comes, I will look at the price. I can buy the peripherals of whichever grade I can afford. I hope the final price will not be too high! 】

[Everyone, beware of cultural invasion! 】

【This is a conspiracy of the orcs...】

[Do you still remember how many genetic humans and superhuman beings were tempted by the cat orcs in the past and became cat slaves? This is definitely a conspiracy of the orcs!

Even the name has its own ambition. If you don't call it a panda, you call it a panda. This is clearly trying to follow the path of the cat clan orcs.

I want to turn you into cat slaves! 】

[Laughing at me to death, isn’t it just that there was a period of more than a hundred years ago when a large number of genetic humans and supernatural humans fell in love with cat orcs. Is part of the lineage mixed up, is it necessary to exaggerate like this? 】

[My God, some people have delusions of persecution. They wrote it clearly. So far, only one panda orc has been found. It may be an extremely rare mutant. Even if you want to become a cat slave, you have to have a chance .

No matter what you do with one, it can become a disaster for the face of a beast.

Then there will be a Trojan war! 】

[That said quietly, I actually like furry orcs quite a bit. It can not only satisfy pets, but also satisfy the idea of ​​finding a wife or husband, perfect!

It's not as cost-effective as finding a husband and having to raise a cat. 】

[My God, please read the announcement issued by the Emperor Star Institute of Paleontology. This panda orc is not a mutant species at all, and even the name is not made up now, but an ancient name. It is the resurgence of an extinct species. This... this is too outrageous! 】

[I also saw that the Institute of Paleontology said that they found records about pandas among the antiquities, and the appearance of the panda described in it is almost exactly the same as the prototype of the panda orc that is currently circulating on the Internet.

Probably not that clean at best. 】

[People from the Institute of Ancient History also posted an article, saying that according to the records of ancient books, before the catastrophe, this creature called a panda was a national treasure of the Xia Kingdom. What does this mean? Could it be that it must be protected? I mean, is it the most precious treasure in the entire Xia Kingdom? 】

[As far as I know, some rare and endangered animals in the past were indeed protected by the state, so the panda species should have been very rare before the catastrophe and was protected. 】

[No wonder now let alone real pandas, there is only one panda orc, rare things are more expensive.

There are fewer things, and they really need to be protected! 】

[I remembered that my great-grandfather once wrote in a diary that he regretted not being able to find a photo of a panda. He didn’t understand how cute this species could be to become a national treasure because of its cuteness and rarity. The subsequent increase in the number does not affect the status.

Always as the most precious gift among diplomatic gifts.

Widely loved by people all over the world! 】

【Is this true? According to this, I have no burden to like it. After all, the blood of humans in the past existed more than any of us now. People can like it, so why can’t we like it? Buy, buy Buy, pre-sale quickly, and start selling quickly! 】


Unlike the lack of history of the Orc Planet, there is nothing that can be done to trace the ancient history. After all, the ancient historical relics are all on the Emperor Star, and the Orc Planet is a newly developed planet of life that has not been developed for a long time, and there are no historical relics.

Although Emperor Star has also lost a lot of ancient history, the number preserved far exceeds that of any other planet, coupled with the continuous archaeological excavations in recent years.

A lot of ancient history has been restored.

It's just that no one pays attention.

Therefore, as the popularity around pandas skyrocketed.

The ancient civilization and ancient history research institutes that no one paid attention to before, hurriedly began to popularize the relevant information they could find, so it didn't take long for the panda that was basically unknown on the orc planet.

Then he became famous in Emperor Star.

Even her deeds of being a mount for the God of War and the God of War Chi You in ancient times have all been uncovered.

This is real meat search!

One hundred and eight generations of ancestors have been picked out.

How hot is it?

It was so high that some people appealed on the Internet to restore her status as a national treasure, or give Ding Yun the status of a low-level nobleman, so that she could go to the Emperor Star to give speeches.

Seeing this, Dai Na and Di An did not intervene on purpose, or actually notified Ding Yun to come over. They just worked overtime to continuously produce panda peripherals, selling spot products and pre-order products at the same time.

Really made a lot of money.

The income exceeds one million in minutes.

During the hottest few days, two or three small goals a day were no problem. Even if the heat was a little lower later, there were still one or two small goals a day, making crazy money.

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