Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 810 Portable Gourmet Planet (10)

As the company's largest shareholder, Ding Yun can naturally see these data. In just one month, their company's total revenue exceeded 10 billion.

Even after excluding material costs, employee wages and various taxes, the net income is two billion.

Proportionally, at least Ding Yun can divide one billion.

However, considering that the tax deducted for huge dividends is too high, so after some negotiation, they finally decided not to divide it for the time being, and all the expenses for food and drink will go to the company's account, and the rest can continue to be used for investment and so on.

Waiting for a day when you are particularly short of money, there are other uses.

It is not too late to go through the process of splitting accounts and dividends.

However, as his career stabilized, Ding Yun made a special contact with Dana and Diane, made a video call, and expressed his appeal rather embarrassedly:

"Sister Na, Brother An, I'm a little embarrassed to say something, but I still hope you can agree.

You should also know about my family.

One hundred and ninety-eight younger brothers and sisters.

A few days ago, my adoptive mother found out that she was pregnant again. This time she was pregnant with a total of sixteen children, and they were all born without accident.

Although in terms of my current assets, it doesn't matter if I raise them, but I have been raising them all the time, and I am worried about raising them to waste, and their fertility is really terrible. Now this number is extremely restrained by my adoptive parents The number is up, if they don't restrain themselves, and then the following children start to have children as adults, I can't imagine how many there will be in a hundred years.

I can't keep them forever.

So my idea is that you take the money from the company, build a factory on our orc planet, where I live, and recruit my adoptive parents and several older siblings to work.

Everything goes according to the normal process.

It doesn't need much favor.

In addition, invest in a school and use the online teaching mode uniformly, which can be regarded as charity, sending my younger brothers and sisters who are underage to study there.

Those nearby who have no money to go to school can also recruit some.

Free teaching is provided. "

Speaking of this, I was afraid that Dina and Diane would think that they wanted to take advantage, so they immediately continued to explain:

"By the way, you can record the specific amount of money invested in your own small account. It can be regarded as using my dividends to do these two things, but it is just taking the company's account.

Looking back, my share of the company remains unchanged, but the share of dividends can be reduced appropriately. As long as these two things continue to be done, the reduced dividend ratio will always be maintained. Don’t be polite to me about this.

Let's follow the rules and don't talk about favors.

The more favors are used up, the less they are, and the brothers still have to settle accounts. Later, you can make a specific investment share and tell me. You see, it’s no problem to do so! "

Good guy, let Ding Yun say everything, what problems can Diana and Diane have, the accounts are clear and clear, there is really nothing more appropriate.

Therefore, the two of them said a few words of politeness, shied away from Ding Yun, and then agreed.

Ding Yun also directly told her adoptive parents about the general situation, and then began to arrange pre-job skills training for them, and let those younger brothers and sisters who went out to work resign and come back, and participate in skill training with the two of them, so that they can go back to work directly .

As for the remaining brothers and sisters who are still unable to work and are basically illiterate, of course, I bought an identity watch for each of them, and asked them to bind their identity information through the identity watch first, and enroll in a preschool class.

Start studying early.

At the same time, Dai Na and Di An on the other side also quickly completed Ding Yun's explanation. In order to hurry up, they didn't even hire workers to build factories and schools, but directly bought general buildings. It took only three days for the engineering team to bring the template to the place, and the factory and school were built and decorated, and everything was ready to start work and school.

The next step, of course, is to resettle the family members.

Those who go to work live in the staff dormitory, and those who go to school live in the student dormitory, and both the factory and the school recruit and enroll students locally, so that there are only Ding Yun’s family members in the factory and Ding Yun’s younger siblings in the school. is too obvious.

Besides, recruit more workers and students.

It can also incidentally complete production tasks and school enrollment targets, as well as allow family members to have more contact with outsiders.

So everything is arranged properly.

Ding Yun finally heaved a sigh of relief.

And I bought a new house to live in, and began to think about what to do next, how to obtain higher rights, higher status, and increase my own influence.

Although selling panda accessories this time has brought her a lot of money and influence, the combined influence is not enough to shake the origin of the entire star field.

Even shaking the origin of the orc planet is enough.

For this reason, after Ding Yun bought a new house and moved, and settled down, he quickly began to investigate and collect the entire history of the Orc Planet over the past few hundred years, as well as the current relatively powerful families, the people in charge of the main positions of the Orc Planet, and even At the request of ordinary orcs.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles. If you want to be in the top position, you must beat others down and compete with others.

Do not investigate the specific details of certain forces.

That would be too blindly confident.

After a few days like this, Ding Yun heaved a sigh of relief, because the forces on the Orc planet are not so intricate, and far more entrenched than some families on the God planet, and a large part of the forces are still in the emperor who has a lot of resources. The spokesperson supported by the Star Family.

At present, the dominant force is divided into three parts.

Part of it is composed of orcs with the blood of giant beasts and raptors such as tigers, leopards, bears, elephants, eagles, vultures, and falcons. The Orc Alliance Council. This organization is the oldest, and can even be traced back to when the orcs were first rejected, but at that time, they were just called the Bloodline Human Race Alliance.

Over time, others called them orcs, and later they themselves recognized their identities as orcs.

It gradually became the Orc Rights Alliance.

But they were just a non-governmental organization at the time.

I have a little right to speak, but not much. At most, it can help the orcs fight for a little bit of rights and avoid discrimination.

As for the form of parliament, it waited until they were forced to migrate to the orc planet, and they led all the orcs to develop the orc planet. This gradually took shape during the development process, and it was completely determined as the management of the orc planet on the day the development ended. class.

It is independent from human beings.

Self-care and self-government, it is useless to ask for help, there is no support.

And this is also allowed by the Human Alliance Council. After all, they are too lazy to care about the orc planet where more than 90% of the resources are allocated to them, and so many orcs with little skills and IQ. I don't want it, I want to throw it away.

Over the past many years, in order to maintain the superficial justice on the side of the Human Alliance Council, all welfare benefits have been treated equally, especially the lowest level of food and clothing welfare, and all people whose income is lower than the average income and the minimum income can enjoy it. A certain level of food and clothing benefits, and some races among the orcs are known for being lazy, and more than 80% of the funds allocated in this area are received by orcs every year.

The unrestrained birth of the orcs keeps squeezing this welfare every year, so that the allocation of funds for this welfare has to increase, and even cause a deficit.

Besides, free education, free medical care.

It also gradually became short-lived because of the excessive reproduction of orcs.

Want to limit their birth, but also protested that discrimination.

It can be said that the Human Alliance Council has long since ignored the orcs, and even regarded them as a burden. If it were not for historical reasons, their ancestors did have meritorious service, and the Human Alliance Council is not too ungrateful. Just release a genetic virus specifically targeting them to destroy them.

Until they discover a new planet of life.

Only then did he see the hope of abandoning the burden of the orcs.

After all the orcs moved to the new life planet and settled down, the Human Alliance Council naturally didn't want to bear the various benefits of the orcs, so of course they were in a hurry, and they even applauded and sang, allowing the original rights of the orcs The alliance stands on its own.

Anyway, the most high-end weapons are in their hands.

It is definitely beneficial for them to stand on their own, and at the same time, they are not afraid that they will be able to counterattack or something. This is the source of the Orc Alliance Council and the reason for self-reliance.

However, because they couldn't afford the previous benefits at all, they began to cancel all kinds of benefits not long after its establishment.

Many execution orcs were beaten to death on the spot.

Even if the situation was barely stabilized by relying on weapons, it didn't have much prestige. The actual jurisdiction was only in Zhongzhou, and the tax collection every year was like a war, and it could only collect taxes from big cities, and no one cared about small places. , or that a little tax is not enough for travel expenses.

All regions are basically autonomous.

As long as it can be recognized by the majority of the local people, it can easily become the local governing official.

Belongs to the extremes of the rule of man.

This is the first type of force on the orc planet. The second type and the third type of force can actually be viewed as a whole, because they belong to the genetic human camp and the superhuman camp respectively. When the resources of the orc planet were first divided, the genetic There is no split between human beings and supernatural beings. They are united to fight the orcs and borrow money to support the orcs in developing the planet.

In the end, 50% of the resources of the Orc Planet were obtained by genetic humans, and 40% of the resources were obtained by supernatural beings. They each opened large and small factory groups on the Orc Planet to develop resources and even manufacture products. , transported back to the cities of Emperor Star for sale.

Because the resources owned by the orcs themselves are too scarce, the only thing that can be sold is labor.

In addition to many good things, orcs can't produce high-tech products at all, they can only buy them from Emperor Star, so it is not an exaggeration to say that more than 80 to 90% of the orcs on the entire orc planet rely on those factory groups for food.

Those factory groups reunited with each other.

Uniform caliber or something.

Talking is more useful than local officials, and tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of orcs can be easily mobilized to help them. It is not an exaggeration to define it as an alternative colonial method.

Thanks to the feud between supernatural beings and genetic humans in the late period, they were in serious conflict with each other. If they united, there would be no voice for the Orc Alliance Council.

Both of these two forces belong to the hidden forces that seem to be relatively scattered at ordinary times, but if something big happens, they can definitely unite quickly and mobilize a considerable amount of power.

The demands of the orcs are very simple, nothing more than to eat and drink enough, and even better, to live a well-off life. It would be even better if they can be their own masters and get rid of the state of being exploited by genetic humans and supernatural beings.

From a macro perspective, the forces of all parties are not complicated.

Getting orc support isn't particularly difficult either.

At present, there is actually only one biggest problem, that is, more than 90% of the ore veins on the entire orc planet do not belong to orcs, and more than 90% of the arable land does not belong to orcs.

Very constrained by the current environment.

If you want to break the situation, you can only look at those places that were rejected by the genetic humans and supernatural beings at that time because of the relatively harsh conditions. They didn't want those places.

At present, it still belongs to the orc planet itself.

Local governing bodies have discretion.

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