Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 846 Transformation into Spring Eyes (6)

It has to be said that Ding Dayang's family really ushered in an unprecedented hustle and bustle at this time, not to mention that there were not so many people here when he got married, it is estimated that even if he died, there would not be so many white things people.

And if there are no accidents, as the news spreads, more people will come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or in the afternoon and evening. I am afraid that not only the villagers will come to watch the excitement, but maybe even relatives and friends in the nearby villages and counties. They will come to have a look.

After all, this fact is too rare.

If you don't watch the excitement, you will feel panicked.

It can be said that at this time, except for Ding Dayang himself and a few relatives who really cared about him who were really worried, most of the rest were mainly watching the excitement and curiosity. I don't really care what happened to Ding Dayang.

"Da Yang, has he really turned into a woman?"

"That's right, I see it for real. His body shape and face are obviously a woman, but let alone, he looks a bit sleek, and he is more pleasing to the eye than your fiancee. It's a pity. pity!"

"It's a pity, why, you want to marry him home! You kid can't see it, the taste is quite strong!"

"Hahahaha, you are not afraid that he will suddenly become a man again when he is with you. Oh, no, no, just thinking about it makes goose bumps all over your body."

"By the way, what should Sister Hua do in the future? How will the two girls live together? Also, is their marriage certificate legal? I always feel that there will be a lot of troubles in the future. I guess his family still has more. Toss it!"

"No, why are you guys still watching lively jokes here, aren't you afraid, when you don't know why Ding Dayang has such a change.

Are you not afraid to turn around and be like him?

Are you sure this thing is not infected? "

"Ms. Hu, do you think we were scared to death? It's never mentioned in the book that there are infectious diseases that can turn a man into a woman. Isn't that a joke?"

"Hey, hey, let me go, Shuigan is here, Shuigan must know what's going on, don't block the way at the door of someone's house, who will be responsible if the illness is delayed?"

While everyone was discussing, Ding Shuigen, the only doctor in the only clinic in the village, finally received the news and was invited over. Although the villagers were eager to eat melons, they did not deliberately prevent the doctor from coming to treat people.

So naturally they all avoided and made way.

It's so convenient for Ding Shuigen to enter the house.

However, Ding Shuigen's expression at this time was obviously a little nervous, with a look of helplessness, because he just heard the rumors, and felt that this matter was beyond his ability. At this time, he was purely dragged by the villagers.

It is really hard to say whether he really thinks that he has the ability to cure diseases, or whether he wants to use his treatment as an excuse to meet Ding Dayang who is hiding in the house and cannot come out.

But it’s all here, and he’s really curious, and since he can’t be cured, can’t he still recommend going to the hospital?

So after entering the house, I still expressed my willingness to help, but I can't guarantee that it will be treated. Wu Hua and others have no other options for the time being. In addition, when Ding Shuigen is not sure about the treatment, they neither prescribe nor charge.

So a few people negotiated and agreed.

They also persuaded Ding Dayang to open the door, at least put the water root in, so that he could see the specific situation.

It has to be said that the doctor's treatment is somewhat different, and Ding Dayang also desperately hoped that he was sick and not turned into a woman for other reasons, so after hesitating for a while, he opened the door and took Ding Shuigen Put it in, and then quickly locked the door again, not letting anyone else in.

After that, Ding Shuigen will see, hear, ask and cut.

As for the result...

All I can say is, I can't see anything.

Regardless of whether Ding Shuigen was diagnosed with a stethoscope or with traditional Chinese medicine's pulse-taking method, nothing was found. Under Ding Dayang's expectant eyes, he shook his head helplessly, expressing that he is not good enough and can't see any problems. If possible, he should try to find a famous doctor in a big hospital.

He is really helpless.

After that, Ding Shuigen was also embarrassed to stay in Ding Dayang's house, opened the door and left after saying sorry.

He didn't even stay at Ding Dayang's house for a long time. He went out and told Wu Hua and others that there was nothing he could do. He decided to go to the big hospital and then hurried back to the clinic.

But in the next few days, everything went as Ding Yun expected, and there was no peace at home. It was watching the excitement, gossip gossip, onlookers, witches and gods from ten miles and eight towns, witches and temples, and even Those who invited Daxian basically came here specially.

The Great God jumped and drank the talisman water.

The land god has been worshiped, and the ancestors have also been sacrificed.

Even the ceremony of possessing him as a female ghost, tying him up with a rope stained with black dog blood, and whipping the ghost with a willow stick stained with boy urine has been performed several times, almost killing him. like that.

It is also until this time, until the feudal superstition methods have been used all over, there is still no change.

His family had no choice but to send him to the county hospital.

I want to see if there is anything wrong with the county hospital.

However, when the county hospital heard them say that Ding Dayang turned out to be a man who fell into a cesspit and became a woman, his first reaction was whether the family was sick, whether they were deliberately making trouble with them, or I got some mass hysteria or something, but I didn't take it seriously anyway.

Later, the inspection results also proved that Ding Dayang was indeed a genuine woman, and there was no possibility that she was a man.

In the end, the Public Security Bureau, which was really troublesome, came.

Then, whether it is the staff of the Public Security Department or the staff of the hospital, looking at the relevant information collected so far, they are a little confused, because the household registration of the Public Security Department clearly shows that Ding Dayang is indeed a man. As for the daughter, the examination results at the hospital also clearly showed that Ding Dayang in front of her was indeed a woman, except that her age matched that of Ding Dayang on her household registration, nothing else matched her.

Even she was in her early thirties.

A woman who has never given birth.

"It's not like abducting and trafficking. How can there be abducting and trafficking and you can get it to the Public Security Bureau by yourself, and it seems that Ding Dayang also thinks that he is a man, which is too strange."

"But she is really not a man, regardless of whether it is from the blood and bones or various inspections, she is a real woman. Even if she undergoes surgery to change from a man to a woman, it is impossible to change the human skeleton. Density, not to mention her fertility."

"Then what's going on? What the hell?"

"Mass hysteria has never seen such a thing..."

"The household registration photo of Ding Dayang last time looked quite similar to her, even if she wasn't alone, she still looked like twin sisters, no, they were siblings.

But I never heard that he was a twin! "

"Is it possible that the black household is trying to deceive the household registration?"

"There's nothing to lie about, and they're not cheating on the household registration. They're trying to change the original male household registration to a female one, but where is the male? He's still poisonous. I haven't seen it in my life. Had such a strange thing.

No, I don't have enough brains. "

"No, I see what they mean, they seem to be very firm in their belief that Ding Dayang is a man, and they hope we can treat her so that she can turn back into a man.

Isn't this nonsense? "


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