Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 902 Almighty Workshop (2)

When the original body died, the Tongtian Xisui Pill had just finished washing the tendons and cutting the marrow of her body, and the subsequent transformation into an innate body had not yet been carried out, and the elixir could no longer continue to work after death, so it could only dissipate.

It can be said that most of the efficacy of the medicine was wasted in vain.

This is why after Ding Yun entered this body, he only felt that his body was pure and pure without any innate spiritual characteristics.

He could no longer bear the pain and died.

Generally speaking, it can only be attributed to the fact that things are too good.

But the original body has no blessing to enjoy.

After sorting out his memory, Ding Yun quickly understood that he was now in the original body's portable space.

And it should still be night outside.

There is no rush to get out.

So Ding Yun took it for granted, first took over the portable space of the original body, and was surprised to find that the original body was not dead, or not completely dead.

At the core of the portable space, her broken soul is still scattered. Obviously, this should be a spontaneous attempt to save the host after the portable space sensed the death of the host, but the portable space only has instincts, and its own abilities are not very good, so He just managed to collect the broken soul of the original body. As for the specific repair, it will not last for a thousand or eight hundred years.

At this time, Ding Yun has two choices, one is to clean up those remnant souls, and the other is to keep them and help restore them.

In this regard, Ding Yun of course chose two.

So in the next second, Ding Yun put away the remnant soul at the core of the portable space, and thoroughly refined the core of the portable space, then took out a ghost tree from his soul space, and planted it in the center of the portable space. On the spiritual soil, put all the broken souls of the original body into the Yinhun wood, and use the Yinhun wood to nourish and repair.

As the saying goes, there is a specialization in surgery, and the portable space has no function of repairing the soul. It can repair, rather than repairing, it is better to provide a safe space for those remnant souls to repair themselves, so The speed of repair will be so slow.

Measured in thousands of years.

But Yinhun wood is different. Yinhun wood is dedicated to repairing the soul, let alone a broken soul, it is just a wisp of remnant soul. You cannot rely on Yinhun wood to slowly restore Lin Zhi, or even restore the original soul body.

According to Ding Yun's estimate, even if she doesn't care about it, the ghost wood can completely restore the soul of the original body within a hundred years. If she makes another formation or provides some Yin spiritual nourishment, the time can be shortened even further .

But Ding Yun didn't do this, not because she was reluctant, but mainly because she didn't know how long she would have to stay in the original body, let alone how many years it would take to complete her task, if the original body recovered early, Then I have to use her body.

It always feels awkward.

Rather than being awkward, it would be better to slow down, wait for her to complete the task and provide more resources, repair the soul of the original body as soon as possible, and return the body, wouldn't it be better.

So in the end, Ding Yun just arranged a protective formation beside the Yinhun Wood to keep it from being disturbed, and then left this portable space.

"Eh, that's not right, this portable space is the cheat of the original body, not mine. I haven't taken out my cheat yet, so I almost forgot about it!"

After coming out, he drank a glass of water, and when he was about to go to bed, Ding Yun suddenly remembered what he forgot, and of course he checked his random cheat this time.

【Almighty Workshop】

"As the name suggests, this is a relatively versatile processing workshop. As long as you provide enough raw materials, energy and item blueprints, the processing workshop can easily mass-produce for you, whether it is a magic weapon, a mecha spaceship, or a magic stick or witchcraft. No problem.

At the same time, the processing workshop also has an analysis function, and it is okay to provide real objects without drawings, but please note that the processing workshop can only process inanimate objects, artificial animals are not within the scope of use for the time being, and prosthetic hearts are not a problem. "

"This machine is a bit big, it's really fortunate that the original body has a gold finger in the portable space, otherwise I don't know where to put this thing, I'm afraid I have to clear some things in the soul space to have enough space to put this thing.

No need to worry about it now.

Just put it in the portable space of the original body.

As for the specific functions, it should be useful. It’s a bit like some technological civilization industrial mother machines, but it’s simpler and more convenient than those industrial mother machines, and the manufacturing involves a wider range. Even if everything can be rebelled, it’s a bit difficult to choose. Yes, put it away first. "

Because the original body seems to have no other difficulties except being dumped and fired and lack of money, so Ding Yun has no development goals or plans for the time being. , and stuffed the all-round workshop that was still stored in the one-time golden finger prop space, together with the prop space, into the portable space.

Then open the prop space.

After setting up the all-purpose workshop, Ding Yun went to sleep.

A dreamless night, very comfortable.

The next morning, when it was just dawn, there was a rather noisy sound outside the bedroom door. Ding Yun knew after a while that it should be the voices of her own mother and younger brother, who got up early to cook breakfast for the whole family. They still have to go to work, and the other has to get up early for breakfast and go to high school to study in the morning. The two of them are the first to get up at home. After all, one of them goes to work at 6:30, and the other goes to school at 6:30.

In terms of time, it is called a match.

On the contrary, Yuanshen and her dad got up relatively late. Yuanshen didn't have a job, so it's okay to start at eight or nine. Even if there's no interview, it's okay to sleep until the afternoon, but her dad is free Occupation, contracting some small projects, mainly doing decoration for others, if you go too early, you will be reported as a nuisance by others, so basically you come at the time of office workers, and you don’t work until nine o’clock.

He usually starts at eight or half past eight.

Occasionally, I don’t have a job, and I can’t get up directly. I just lie on the bed and play with my mobile phone, play games, and watch TV. I’m almost fifty, and I live like an Internet-addicted teenager.

The reason why Yuanzheng's mother insisted on working was not because she really loved the job of going to work at 6:30 and finishing at 2:00, seven and a half hours a day as a supermarket cashier.

Mainly because of her father's job, the income is not stable, not a monthly salary, but a small project is completed, a certain house's renovation is completed to get the salary, and it may not be immediately available.

I often encounter people who cry poorly and say that they just bought a house, just finished the renovation, and they don’t have much money in their hands. Can you take it easy?

Or be picky about this or that after decoration.

hard wages.

And the most outrageous situation is when you meet that kind of shameless person, you may not get the money that the other party should give you in three to five years, and how much the money has depreciated in the past three to five years!

The child's tuition fee is paid once a year or once a semester. It is affordable, but the daily expenses cannot be waited. Therefore, the original mother insists on going to work, mainly to have a stable income every month. Able to maintain daily expenses at home.

It's not like a dozen years ago, when I stayed at home as a housewife, I accidentally ran into several bad debts, and they didn't get paid at the end of their 30s. The family was so embarrassed that they couldn't even afford the tuition fees for their children next year.

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