Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 910 Almighty Workshop (10)

"No way, I haven't heard of it, and how fast the flow of information is now, who can stop it!"

"Now if a large-scale drought or flood actually occurs in any place, the weather satellite will definitely know it clearly, and there is no possibility of concealing the report.

So the problem is definitely not concealment. "

Regarding this point, Ding Yun and Jin Cuihua had quite the same idea, that is, they agreed that it was impossible for some major disaster to happen nearby, and some people concealed the report, which led to the appearance of these sallow and emaciated people.

Let’s not mention that the weather conditions in various places are difficult to hide from the weather satellites. Even if there is an accident, there are more than 200,000, 300,000 people, or even millions of people in an area, and no one can spread the news on the Internet.

No matter how daring the local government is to conceal the report.

That's not enough to shut up completely.

Another point is that it is impossible for those sallow and emaciated people to starve out in three to five days, at least it takes a month, or even longer, to have a full meal before they can be so hungry. If you don't eat enough for a day, you will be hungry and thinner at most, and your body will be much weaker. If you don't eat or drink for seven or eight days, you will be starved to death directly, not starved to the point of sallowness and emaciation.

Sallow and emaciated, skinny.

It was the result of long-term starvation.

Of course, this may also happen with long-term dieting, or anorexia or the like.

"However, my classmates shouldn't need to lie. In recent years, even beggars are rarely seen on the street. It's very rare, let alone people who are so hungry and have such tattered clothes. It's really strange!"

Ding Xiang was quite entangled in this matter.

Because he really felt that this was not normal.

"Uh, why do you suddenly care about this? You don't need to worry about these things. You just study hard. Those people will naturally be taken care of. It's useless for you to worry about them. Can you take them all home?

Hurry up and go to bed, there is class tomorrow! "

Jin Cuihua has no time to care about these things that have nothing to do with her family. It is one thing for her son to be kind-hearted, but because she is kind-hearted and kind-hearted, if she puts her mind on this aspect instead of studying, it will not work.

So she directly interrupted Ding Xiang's thinking.

And urged him to wash up quickly.

Learning trumps everything.

The majesty of his own mother is still there, Ding Xiang didn't dare to say anything more immediately, put down his schoolbag and went to wash up.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, he didn't go back to his bedroom immediately, but ran to Ding Yun's bedroom, locked the door behind him, then pulled Ding Yun and whispered:

"Sister, do you usually read novels?"

"Look, what's the matter..."

Ding Yun didn't know why, but he answered anyway.

"Then do you read some chronological texts, or ancient fleeing famines, etc., that is, travel back to sixty or seventy years ago, when everyone was relatively poor, or travel back to ancient times, when the whole family fled famine due to drought and floods.

Then the protagonist has a space-time door or a double-passing door, which can go back to our era, and for example, the vegetable market in my backyard, the wholesale market and so on.

Sister, can you understand what I said? "

It seemed that she was worried that Ding Yun didn't read this kind of novels. After Ding Xiang made a rough statement, she asked Ding Yun specifically. If Ding Yun didn't understand, she was going to explain in more detail, and she had to explain everything clearly. Yes!

"I understand, I understand, but I really don't see it, I thought you would like to read novels like Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi, Don't Bully the Young and Poor, Cultivate Immortals and Fight Monsters, Mechs Dominate the World, etc.

I didn't expect to like to read Chronicle Escaping Famine.


Oh, I see what you mean. "

After a few words of teasing, Ding Yun immediately understood what her brother meant, and took the opportunity to continue: "You mean these people who appeared suddenly.

Is it possible that the protagonists of the novels appearing in those period novels, or escape from famine novels? This is the meaning, but according to what you said, there are too many protagonists, one here and one there.

We can gather several from our district alone. "

Although Ding Yun knew the truth, it was not easy to tell him directly, so he could only take advantage of the situation and chat with him first.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to know this.

Let me tell you, my guess is not nonsense. I don’t know much about the others, but I have investigated the two little boys who appeared in the market in the west of the city. I didn’t eat lunch at noon today. During the lunch break, I went to the vegetable market and asked many people.

According to my investigation, the two little boys appeared four days ago, and they appeared very suddenly. No one could tell where they came from, only people saw them often going to the public toilet.

By the way, another point is that when someone told the Public Security Department about them, the Public Security Department sent staff to take them to the hospital for an examination to find out about their backgrounds. The two of them fled into the toilet and then disappeared. However, the people from the Public Security Department thought that the two of them had escaped over the wall, and did not pursue the matter further.

The second time to find them is the same result.

I just feel that they are young and not slippery.

But I just think that they probably didn't leave the toilet at all. The toilet is where they put the portal. They ran to another world in the toilet. How could the people from the Public Security Bureau find it! "

Maybe it was because of the confirmation of time travel, Ding Xiang was very excited to talk about his conjecture, and stared at Ding Yun with piercing eyes after speaking, hoping to get his sister's approval, otherwise he would be too disappointed.

"Maybe it's possible..."

Speaking of this, Ding Yun didn't mind talking more with her brother to get closer, so he quickly said:

“Actually, a similar thing happened to me.

Didn’t I buy vegetables at the Chengdong vegetable market yesterday? After buying the vegetables, I asked the restaurant at the door to help process them. When I was resting at the door for a while, I saw a person suddenly appearing at the corner of the vegetable market. I thought I was dazzled, but it just appeared so suddenly.

The man was also ragged and sallow and emaciated.

I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought it was because I was dazzled, and then I saw how pitiful he was, so I specially bought four steamed buns and a bottle of soy milk, and wanted to treat him to a meal, but I just slapped him on the shoulder , he ran away as if he had seen a ghost, and then he was hit by a car.

I came back late at noon yesterday because that guy was hit by a car, so I went to the Public Security Department to make a statement.

Hearing what you said now, I feel even more that that guy did appear suddenly, he didn't come to that corner from somewhere else, and the Public Security Department didn't find any identity information about him, and his fingerprints didn't match, so he The face recognition is also not right. If he is from another world, it is indeed quite reasonable.

But that's not what we're talking about.

Don't worry about it.

Just know it in your heart, but don't talk about it. I think the Public Security Bureau is not a fool. They may not have as big a brain as you, and their reactions are not as fast as yours. But similar situations happen a lot, and they will definitely be able to react and investigate.

You, still go to class with peace of mind.

I don't care if my grades fall later, our mother will definitely explode. The most important thing is that my mother has already decided to resign, and she will have nothing else to do by then.

It is estimated that I can accompany you, move to the school to accompany you, and it is possible to serve you three meals a day, take care! "

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