Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 913 Almighty Workshop (13)

As the thunder subsided and the dark clouds dispersed, the staff who came to investigate took courage and gradually approached the central area. After seeing the intact Ding Yun, they were surprised and didn't know what to do next.

I can only contact my superiors as soon as possible and report it layer by layer.

I plan to wait until there is an order from above.

But Ding Yun doesn't want to be stared at by people all the time, since these guys don't dare to disturb her directly, if the mountain doesn't come, I will be the one, so Ding Yun can only go to the mountain.

So she opened her eyes in the next second, and then photographed those people not far from her to her side:

"You are from the yamen of the secular world, right?

Today, I got a glimpse of the secrets after going through the catastrophe, and found that this world is not only about to face the situation of spiritual recovery, but also the danger of alien invasion. You may contact the emperor of your dynasty, or the chief assistant prime minister who can handle things.

If you don't respond in time, you may die! "

If an old fortune-teller on the street said these words, Zhu Huai and the others would definitely not believe a single punctuation mark, and they would even have to arrest her as a liar.

But when an old lady who has just survived in front of their eyes said so, they couldn't help but believe it.

So they quickly asked in detail.

While continuing to report.

Ding Yun's He Sheng He Qi and their explanations were also quickly transmitted to the headquarters of each department through the dedicated satellite line, and the staff there continued to report.

Some of the content is directly matched with the information they have surveyed before, other than that, other information that is not matched, but can be verified in a very short time, they are also hurrying to verify it.

Then there was waiting. Ding Yun waited for their report, for their verification, and for their invitation to come over. The headquarters of the Public Security Department also waited for the verification result, the report result, and the notification from above.

This matter is obviously not what they want, and they can only wait for the notification from above.


Imperial City Public Security Bureau, Information Analysis Department.

"What was the result of Thunder's analysis just now?"

"The destruction level is a terrifying thunder that has never been observed since the establishment of the lightning observation team. Theoretically, the area covered by the thunder should be glass-like.

No creature can survive! "

"Biological fluctuations, what is the strength of the magnetic field?"

"The strength of the magnetic field is similar to that of a nuclear power plant. The strength of biological fluctuations is far less than that of elephants and tigers. It cannot be measured. The results of the immortal practitioners are estimated and established."

"What about reports from strangers and black households?"

"More than half of the regions have reported, and a total of 130 cases have occurred, which is higher than the 78 cases in the same period last year.

Fifty-six percent were sallow and thin.

The strength and density of skeletal muscles were slightly higher than that of ordinary people, and thirteen cases were reported, and three cases were extremely higher than ordinary people.

The emergence of a different world space channel is presumed to be true.

The speculation of the existence of warriors in different worlds is established! "

With the continuous establishment of major verifications, all participants know that the accuracy of this matter is beyond doubt, and the leaders above have nothing to say in front of such detailed data, and soon sent a professional People came over and communicated with the cultivators in person.

At this point, Ding Yun was officially in contact with the higher-ups.

Then she didn't waste any time at all, and she didn't deliberately ask for any benefits. As soon as they met, she bluntly stated that she was very busy and didn't have time to focus on this matter, and this matter couldn't be regarded as the responsibility of their practitioners. The secular world has to work hard to deal with it.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yun directly stated all the spatial connection points she discovered so far, whether they are temporary or permanent connection points, and will destroy and expand the connection points, as well as the details of the opposite world. Talk to them again.

In addition, Ding Yun specially asked them for some materials on the spot, and made a few very large two-way shuttle doors for them on the spot, so that they could expand and use the existing connection points, and achieve a large-scale invasion of the opposite world in advance, turning the battlefield The purpose of putting it in the opposite world is to prevent the world from being overwhelmed.

During the process, Ding Yun did not forget to describe how pitiful the ordinary people in the opposite world are, how many people starve to death every day, and they are really urgently needed to save them, lest they have the psychological burden of invading other worlds.

In the end, just in case, Ding Yun left some martial arts and immortal cultivation skills, as well as the relatively simple inheritance of alchemy and equipment, before leaving in a hurry.

She's done what needs to be done.

Next is the country.

Although speaking of these things, she can actually do it herself, and she can also directly enter the martial arts world opposite, and wipe out all those ambitious people in it.

But what about after it's gone?

In such a big world, how to manage so many ordinary people, how to ensure that they don’t starve to death, and so on, one person starts from scratch and slowly builds a complete national management system. You don’t need to think about how hard it is. Ding Yun is not now There is no other way to gain influence, and I really don't want to tire myself out so much.

But if she wants to save some trouble, knowing that there is danger coming, but doing nothing, she can't accept it.

So now this result is the best.

All the troublesome things are pushed to the country to deal with, which saves her trouble, and she doesn't have to feel guilty about it.

However, Ding Yun himself was saving trouble, so he went back to rest, and the Public Security Bureau and other relevant departments couldn't help but get busy. They started a national emergency meeting mode to discuss this matter while conducting strict investigations across the country to find people from other worlds. How to deal with it, whether it is really like what the cultivator said, to act first and be the first to be strong.

The other is to study in depth the giant two-way shuttle doors left by the cultivators and the information on cultivation.

Of course, this is all done in secret.

Ordinary people still don't know what happened.

I have to say that sometimes there is really no need to let everyone know about some things from the beginning. After all, everyone knows something, and it can't have much impact on that thing. For different reasons, on the contrary, there are many twists and turns.


Ding Yun, who left, specially flew to a small overseas island first, then removed his disguise, and restrained his mana and life aura fluctuations, and then used water to escape and earth to escape, and hurried back.

Buy vegetables and cook according to normal routine.

And start planning travel.

Even if the battlefield is placed on the opposite side, this world will not be peaceful for a long time in the face of the recovery of spiritual energy and the invasion of the martial arts world. There is no chance.

And she also wanted to go out and relax.

Ding Yun has even decided on a date. Just next month, her mother will resign, and her father's work should also be over. It would be great to go on a trip when the whole family is fine. As for the younger brother, he will continue to go to school, it's a big deal Give him more living expenses or something.

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