Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 949 Chronicle Sign-in Device (9)

Seven days can be described as fleeting.

Ding Yun's company, together with the twenty trial anchors, took off in popularity.

Especially in the circle of scar removal.

It is even more eye-catching, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Even if some people still don't believe it, or even think it's a scam to get money, there are still many people who believe it, or they are dubious, and there are many people who think it's okay to try it.

They are all urging Ding Yun to release products quickly.

Hurry up for takeout.

But Ding Yun was not in a hurry at this time, she directly distributed 10,000 copies of free scar cream on the official website.

There are fast hands, but there are slow hands.

Those who receive the goods only need to record their own use process truthfully, then write a trial report, and submit it to Ding Yun's company's official website forum.

Such a large-scale use naturally attracted more people's attention. If it weren't for the distribution of free scar creams, it would be necessary to check in advance whether there are scars on the face or body.

It is estimated that scalpers can engage in second-hand sales.

There is no need to spend money for this wave of trial Ding Yun, just pay for a scar removal cream and postage, but the final effect is many times better than the previous live broadcast.

After all, there were only 20 people trying it out before, but this time it was 10,000 people. Even though most of these 10,000 people didn't choose to live broadcast, they all posted pictures. In addition, they also have their own social circles, social circles, and even the same For circles that work hard to remove scars, if the influence exceeds 20 live broadcasts, don't be too normal and reasonable.

So it was eight or nine days later.

It can be said that Ding Yun's scar removal products have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and countless people have commented on the official forum.

Hope she can sell it soon or something.

Since then, Ding Yun has officially registered the flagship store, and also launched the activity of "use now, pay later". That is to say, if buyers still have concerns, they can buy at zero yuan first, and when the goods arrive, they will feel effective after use.

No false advertising, pay when you are satisfied.

Of course, you can also buy directly, more welcome!

Naturally, large-scale sales followed, and the deposits of the original body became less and less, even after millions of products were sold, it almost bottomed out.

There is no way, even if some people don’t use pay first, and pay directly, Ding Yun’s money can’t be returned until the other party confirms the delivery. If it weren’t for the raw materials used in the scar cream, they are basically Ding Yun’s soul space. The inventory in the store, it is estimated that the original deposit will not be able to support it long ago.

Fortunately, at this time, the first batch of 499 scar creams that were sold at the opening of the business has already achieved initial results. At the same time, many people happily clicked to receive the goods, and posted pictures of themselves that had been restored.

Ding Yun finally saw some money back.

Initially profitable.

After that, of course, it will continue to make profits. Although there are people who slander and splash dirty water, and there are groups with damaged interests who make troubles, Ding Yun's products are indeed very effective, and Ding Yun does not need to do anything himself.

There are plenty of people who are willing to speak for her.

After all, for some disfigured people, Ding Yun's scar removal cream not only removes the scars on their bodies and faces, but also brings them back to life.

In the past, most of them were afraid to meet people, or even to go out. Apart from low self-esteem, most of them did not want to see other people's surprised eyes, let alone talk and discuss. The same is true for wearing masks.

Now that they have removed all kinds of scars, although they may still not be very beautiful, at least they have the confidence to face the world again and live with their heads held high.

Like normal people, live in groups.

Even blind date, marriage, childbirth and so on.

Under such circumstances, how can their gratitude be bought out for four to five hundred yuan? You know, in the past, they spent more than ten hundred to four to five hundred yuan to get rid of those scars on their faces. , and ultimately failed, so it is not normal to speak for Ding Yun at this time.

With the loyal help of these users, Ding Yun's career has developed quite smoothly. More and more people have begun to try her scar cream and recommend it to other people around them who have scars and blemishes on their bodies or faces.

Some people even think that the scar cream has the effect of nourishing the skin, so they can use it directly as a mask or as a body mask.

Feedback is pretty good too.

I even think it is easier to use than all the brand masks and body masks I have used in the past, and the effect is more obvious.

It was also at this time that Ding Yun began to launch other products in a timely manner, such as products for removing redness, repairing the barrier and repairing some other skin problems on the face.

No need for too much publicity this time.

Many people buy directly out of trust.

Knowing that their scar removal products are effective, but people who have never bought them and their barriers are damaged at the same time, many of them bought a copy with suspicion. After all, this brand can even remove such severe disfiguring scars.

After thinking about it, it should be no problem to get rid of some red blood.

In short, Ding Yun's skin care products business has developed rapidly, at least in the field of scar removal and repair products, it has surpassed many brands in the past.

Officially became the first in the emerging word-of-mouth list.

The most important thing is that her word of mouth is not blown out by those self-media who spend money, but real user feedback, and there is no possibility of excessive sales and overturning.

It can be said that her career is thriving.


Half a year passed by in a flash.

While Ding Yun's net worth exceeded one billion, Zhu Yunying hadn't been able to break free from the shackles of his original family, so he could only reluctantly rely on force to gain some freedom.

Relying on invincible hands all over the village.

And the invincible record of beating a wild boar to death with one punch, and dragging a wild boar weighing more than 300 catties from the mountain with one hand, calmed down the group of monsters and monsters at home, so that she would not be bullied again, even her grandma would not dare to bully her.

After all, although Zhu Yunying is not good at beating her grandma.

But he can hit her cousin or something!

However, it is obviously not Zhu Yunying's pursuit to be the king and hegemony at home, so after completely suppressing all kinds of conflicts in the family, Zhu Yunying came to seek solutions.

It was still after nine o'clock in the evening, and the soul appeared.

This is the time that Ding Yun and her had set. If it was earlier, there would still be people up at Zhu Yunying's side; Ding Yun is not asleep yet.

"So you mean that you don't want to stay in the village anymore, and you don't want to guard the village for the rest of your life.

Want to get out and see the world, don't you? "

Ding Yun quickly understood what Zhu Yunying meant.

"That's right, that's right, that's what I thought. I thought it would be easy to go out there to work, but after getting to know it for a while, I realized that it's hard to find a job there. The part-time workers are called workers, and the pay is good, isn't it? Anyone who wants to work can find a job, which is quite troublesome.

So I want to ask if you have any good ideas? "

Zhu Yunying has never been a person who likes to think.

When someone she trusts gives her advice, as long as she feels there is nothing wrong with her, she will usually listen. At this time, Ding Yun has undoubtedly become someone she trusts after spending half a year together.

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