Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 970 High imitation version of life vase (10)

Half a month later, the Empress Dowager specially used the Qiqiao Festival as an excuse to invite the court's wife to the palace to attend the banquet. At the same time, she also used the excuse that Taizong's noble concubine missed her family and posted a post for several relatives of the younger generation of Ding Yunmu's lineage.

Although it is a bit abrupt, it is also considered sufficient reason.

Ding Yun knew the cause and effect, but it was not a bad thing. Why did she want to stop it, so she cooperated and acquiesced. On the day of the banquet, she specially called a few juniors to chat with her for a while, and then introduced it to the new queen mother , and by the way ask for rewards.

Ding Yun's request for a reward was actually a bit abrupt, but the Empress Dowager was worried that she could not find any good excuse to show her favor, and the noble dowager asked for a reward just as she wanted, so she didn't think too much about it, and hurriedly agreed .

For the Ding Yuniang family who came over this time.

Each was given the title of county head.

Generally speaking, the daughter of an emperor is named a princess, the daughter of a prince is named a princess, and the daughter of a county king is named a county princess.

The generation of the granddaughter of the county king is the township king.

At first, the Empress Dowager and Emperor Ronghua discussed the title of Xiang Jun, but later they felt that this title was a bit low, and they had to give it anyway, so it is better to give it a little higher, in case it is really beneficial to the first emperor, the title should be higher , Didn't the first emperor get a little more benefit!

As for no matter how high it is, no matter how high it is, it is not suitable.

A meritorious woman can be named the township king and county head, but there is no princess princess, and it is not a marriage, and a woman's princess princess needs to be reviewed by the clan.

If the clan does not agree, it is not considered a success.

The county head is already the highest level title that the queen mother can confer directly without going through the clan.

In this regard, although the wives present were a little surprised, there would be no objection from anyone without insight. Ding Yun was not humble, so he even smiled and asked his younger generations to thank the Queen Mother for his favor, which was considered to be a formal acceptance of the benefits.

Then her juniors.

Surprised and confused, I went back.

Those wives who left the palace discussed this matter with envy and curiosity as soon as they returned. Some said they were lucky and happy to catch up with the Queen Mother, and some said that the Queen Mother saw that Taizong Guitaifei spoke in person. In terms of face, the title was given because it was not easy to refuse.

But no matter how it is discussed outside, this matter is indeed benefited by Ding Yun's mother's line, and the queen mother and Emperor Ronghua feel more at ease because of this. They feel that not only are they all right, but also the deceased Emperor Jin'an is here. Hades would be easier too.

Sleeping is more comfortable than before.


Because of Ding Yun's response, the worms have spread all over the entire imperial capital, and they are still spreading outside.

So at this time she.

The activity of listening to gossip has been stopped directly.

There is no way, the gossip usually happens first, and then it is accidentally spread to the outside world. The rumors are reprocessed by different people, and it takes a long time before they are introduced to the court.

Not only relatively backward and slow.

The authenticity is also hard to say.

I don't know how many people have added oil, added vinegar, or deleted the process. Before, I was really bored and had nothing to do. At the same time, it was difficult to obtain information from the outside world.

Just listen to it.

Now that there is an answering bug, she can know any information she wants to know in real time anytime, anywhere, and there is nothing in the entire imperial capital that can be hidden from her, so naturally there is no need to continue to listen to those true and false gossips. Isn't it good to know what's going on in each family in real time?

However, in the eyes of outsiders, it seems that the imperial concubine's health seems to be worse. She used to have the energy to listen to gossip news after basking in the sun every day, but now she basks in the sun every day, closes her eyes and goes to sleep after a while.

But Ding Yun doesn't mind what others think.

She just lives on her own terms.

On the surface, he is basking in the sun and sleeping, but actually insists on learning about the house fights or inside information of various houses in the imperial capital every day.

How to describe it, there are some secret things that no one else knows, but only you know, this kind of feeling is actually quite cool, there is a feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone, but occasionally, I will feel a little panicked.

I know too many secrets, and it's hard to tell them.

Can you not panic?

In order to solve this problem, Ding Yun specially created the puppet worms in advance, and then found a few kidnappers in the imperial capital, controlled them, and used their bodies to do what he wanted, such as killing the entire criminal chain of trafficking in the imperial capital. Whatever, publish it all.

Another example is the disclosure of scandals and evils of noble families.

In short, it is to do some chivalrous things.

Don't look at her old age, it doesn't affect her sense of justice and doing something good.

As for the few people she controlled with the puppet insects, they were killed not long after, it didn't matter.

There are many bad guys in the imperial capital, so change the control.

Under Ding Yun's operation, the order and atmosphere of the entire capital gradually turned around in the chaos. Although most of the nobles from aristocratic families were not punished, they did become famous and their secret crimes became less.

The only thing that confuses many people is that they don't understand how the bad guys under their own hands can suddenly change their minds and turn against them desperately. This is too fast for good.

I'm afraid it wasn't the Bodhisattva who personally rescued them.

Today, Ding Yun was still the same as usual, because he was old and sleepless, he couldn't sleep, so he specially skipped the family that was dealing with the relationship between husband and wife, to see if any crimes or crimes happened in the imperial capital, so as to stop them in time.

Then she found out.

Something happened to the Marquis of Lin'an.

It was the Marquis of Lin'an's mansion who sold his daughter to make money, and the house was stolen twice, and the case has never been solved.

At this time, most of the people in the Marquis of Lin'an's mansion seemed to have been drugged, or some other drug, and they were fast asleep. A dozen people were walking around carrying things in the public treasury and the private treasury of each house, but no one woke up. , and the only one who was awake was Lin'an Hou Mushu himself.

Sober he did not stop those people.

Instead, he is directing those people.

Instruct those people to move all the silver and property to the edge of the pond in the Marquis Mansion, and sink it into the pond, and there seems to be someone under the pond to respond, and to transfer the gold and silver property for the second time through an unknown channel, and when all the things are moved, Only then did Lin'an Hou Mushu speak:

"Tomorrow I will fake death, pretending to be unable to bear the stimulation and vomit blood and die, you must remember to take me away in time.

Lest the fake death turn into real death! "

"By the way, all traces must be cleared up as soon as possible. These gold and silver properties have either been melted down, or they have been repackaged and sold in a way, and replaced with the last batch of supplies, and shipped to the Nanli Islands. At that time, I will be there If you are king, you are all meritorious ministers."

"After more than 20 years of planning, I can finally break free from the cage of the Imperial Capital Marquis Mansion, and I will be free from now on!"


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