Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 971 High imitation version of life vase (11)

"Emotions are really guarded against themselves!

But what exactly does this guy want to do? He still has to steal his own stuff, hide it from the rest of the family, and become king. Why does it feel like he doesn't want to rebel, but wants to sneak overseas to find an island and establish a small country?

This guy is really ambitious and courageous.

But ambition and courage are not big. "

Although Ding Yun had some guesses, they were only guesses after all, not facts, so he muttered for a while, but curiosity prevailed, and he specially separated out some answering bugs, and asked them to focus on Lin'an Hou's mansion, including Lin'an Hou's mansion itself , as well as those people and those gold and silver treasures who left the Marquis of Lin'an's Mansion.

Of course, she is not greedy for those gold and silver.

The main reason is that I am curious about what the Marquis of Lin'an wants to do?

In the next few days, Ding Yun didn't pay much attention to the other gossip about the imperial capital, and focused all his attention on the Marquis of Lin'an's mansion, under her close concern.

How could there be any secrets in the Marquis of Lin'an's mansion?

How to describe it?

Ding Yun's guess is generally correct. The Marquis of Lin'an's plan is indeed to move all his assets to an overseas island, and then fake his own death, and be at ease from now on, even though the environment there is almost happy.

And the reason why he had this idea was not only his own intention, but also the subtle influence of his father.

The whole thing had to be traced back to his father.

Xianlin Anhou was originally the second son and had no right of inheritance, so naturally he didn't have to receive very strict heir education, and he was much more free on weekdays, and he didn't even have to obey the orders of nobles not to leave Beijing without edicts.

According to the regulations of the country, all generals and nobles are not allowed to leave the imperial capital at will without the emperor's edict, but there is a violation, and if the above is really strict, it can be directly convicted of treason.

However, this rule is mainly to limit the owner of the title itself and the heirs of the title, that is, the Marquis of Lin'an and the son of the Marquis of Lin'an, other direct sons and concubines, as long as they don't have a title, they are relatively free.

Therefore, as long as his parents allow him, Mu Shu's father can leave the imperial capital at will, play or study abroad, and he himself is also restless. He sneaked out of the imperial capital several times before he was an adult. Later, his family saw that he couldn't control it. He, plus the title of the family does not need him to inherit, it is better to let him go out to see the world, maybe it can arouse some fighting spirit or something.

Come back to test your fame, or do something else.

Then, Mu Shu's father completely let go of himself, took some guards to play around outside, climbed mountains, swam across lakes, and finally went out to sea several times.

Thousands of books may not be read.

But Wanli Road must have arrived.

But there was an unforeseen situation, the accident did not happen to him, who was running around all over the world, but to his elder brother who lived in the imperial capital all day, even in the Marquis of Lin'an's mansion, and rarely went out.

His elder brother was having a good cat winter at home, but it turned out that someone was scheming or what happened. Anyway, his elder brother's whole family died of charcoal poisoning due to the closed house in winter and insufficient charcoal fire in the charcoal basin.

When a person dies, of course he has to go back to attend the funeral.

After the funeral, you have to stay and inherit the title.

Originally, he didn't want to inherit, and even wanted to give up the title to his concubine brother, because he really didn't want to be trapped in the imperial capital from then on, but his mother was unwilling to let the title fall to the children of those concubines, and eventually gave up the title. Because of the pressure of death, he had no choice but to accept it, and it was difficult to leave the imperial capital from then on.

There is a saying that I can endure the darkness instinctively. If I have never seen the light, it is the same for Mu Shu's father. After enjoying freedom, it is very uncomfortable to be restrained in a cage-like emperor.

He was looking for an excuse to join the army.

Take this to leave the imperial capital.

But his parents didn't allow it.

After he inherits the title, the most chaotic place is the imperial capital. The princes are at risk of seizing the throne. There is no war outside, and there is no need for him to join the army.

Later, through some of his former friends, he learned that some pirates occupied some islands overseas and got away with it, and some maritime merchant families also occupied a lot of land overseas, which was not only convenient for their own ships to resupply back and forth, but also provided for their families overseas. Leave a tinder and retreat.

Then he was moved.

And secretly planned for this.

When his son grew up, he not only told his son how free and comfortable he was outside every day, but also instilled his own thoughts into his son along the way.

Mu Shu has been listening to these since childhood.

Can you not yearn for freedom?

In addition, his father was injured and died while defending the city during the Battle of Jingnan. After he inherited the title, although there was Emperor Jin'an who surrendered to attack the city in time, he still lagged behind many other nobles.

He didn't dare to have any extravagant hopes at all, and even during that time he couldn't sleep well every day, for fear that Emperor Jin'an would remember his father insisting on defending the city again one day.

Blame his family...

The superposition of these factors made him always feel that it was not safe to live in the imperial capital. In the end, he inherited his father's behest as a matter of course, continued to try to develop overseas islands, and moved there when he was ready.

In order to prevent information leakage.

He never mentioned these things to his family.

He didn't mention his own son, because he didn't intend to take his own son away at all. He still has a few illegitimate children outside. He has been raising those illegitimate children outside, and they are all on the newly developed island at this time. .

He was planning to feign his own death in order to enjoy his freedom.

Let the son inherit the title.

Don't worry about double insurance, no matter what happens here in the imperial capital or overseas, his lineage will not be extinct because of this, and it can be preserved.

As for why all the money has to be emptied, it is not mainly because the island has just been developed, it is poor and empty, and there are too many places to spend money. It doesn't matter here in the Hou Mansion. Not only does it have a fixed salary, but it also has a lot of land. For shops and the like, even if all the money is emptied, it will only be a temporary hardship, and it will be relieved in a few years.

Anyway, the money is still there, it's better to build an island for him, and distribute it to his illegitimate children by the way.

These days, illegitimate children have no inheritance rights.

He can only rely on him to find a way to get some from his own home.

In addition, Ding Yun also obtained a piece of news from the Marquis of Lin'an that would definitely cause a sensation in the world.

That is, like him, there are some illegitimate children outside, and there are many people who secretly develop certain islands, not only noble families, but also vassal kings and the like.

It's just that they didn't hollow out their family like him.

And there are many businessmen who make white gloves.

There are even disaster victims in some places, which are deliberately indulged or deliberately created by them, so that they can plunder some people and send them to the territories they occupy overseas so that they can be used.

It is also reasonable for the population to decrease due to the disaster.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away to deceive the upper and lower.

In fact, it is not difficult to go anywhere.

So generally speaking, compared to those guys who act recklessly, Marquis Lin'an's operations at this time are not only inferior and simple, but also a bit shabby and stingy.

Fortunately, someone was afraid that his family would be exposed because of his exposure, so he specially swept the tail for him, otherwise Dali Temple would not have found any evidence.

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