Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 982 Heavens gourmet sign-in device (5)

Because he didn't want the merits and luck he had saved so hard to be deducted, so Ding Yun could only quickly use his mental power to block his sense of taste and smell, and then swallowed the high-grade nutritional supplements with different flavors all at once. Quickly run the Taotie Jue.

It is easy to digest those advanced nutrients.

I have to say that although the taste of these high-level nutrients is not very good, the energy converted in the end is still quite a lot, which is more than the energy converted from the combination of a dozen catties of beef and a dozen catties of eggs yesterday.

Wait for Ding Yun to finish his work.

Her intestinal tract has also completed its transformation, not only in the direction of gluttony, but also fully cancerous.

But the cells are all within the controllable range.

Itself did not develop in the direction of deformity.

"It's amazing. Cell canceration should not be the result of the human body's self-help, but the lack of systematic guidance leads to disordered development, and the immune system does not recognize the tragedy that occurred. If this guess is somewhat possible.

Then cancer may not need to be researched in the direction of killing, and symbiosis or guidance may be better. "

Although the guess is so, Ding Yun is unable to conduct experimental verification now, and it is not universal to rely on her own experimental samples, so this guess can only be kept as a guess in her memo for the time being.

Then Ding Yun went out to look for food.

For Ding Yun, the nutritional supplements just now can only be regarded as consumables for her cultivation of gluttony, not food at all. In addition to the property of satisfying hunger, food must also have special effects that make people enjoy the delicious food.

And she didn't enjoy anything just now, even swallowing those high-grade delicious nutrients is still a kind of torture.

So just go out and have a good meal.

Returning to the bedroom after a full meal, Ding Yun had to consider a practical issue, that is, the issue of making money. The original salary is not high, and she still needs to be responsible for three meals a day, electricity and water bills, etc., even if she can Even being frugal can't save much money, and the money saved over the years has been used for her children's weddings, and she confiscated a penny of gifts from relatives.

They were all kept by the two young couples.

So when Ding Yun came over, Yuanshen only had one month's wages left by the company, which had just been paid in the last two days, the last month's salary.

She also used it a lot.

Ninety-one catties of cooked beef tendon cost more than ten catties, and I just went to a restaurant to have a good meal. I only have more than three thousand yuan in salary in my hand. How can I last long? Now only A little over half.

No way to open source.

Even if Ding Yun saves money, it won't last long.

As for asking Gu Jianguo for money, the original body was too lazy to ask for it, and Ding Yun was of course even more embarrassed to ask for it. Besides, she has lived so many lives, so many years, if she can't support herself and ask for money from a man.

It's a joke to say it.

It's just that because there are too many ways to make money, Ding Yun is a little hard to choose for a while. He doesn't know which method to use to earn his first sum of money.

After struggling for a long time, Ding Yun finally felt that it was more comfortable to get something for nothing, and he didn't want to continue to set up factories, engage in business, or even earn money through exhausting business wars.

After all, she no longer needs influence now.

There's no need to make such a big fuss.

As long as you get a sum of money, enough to live on is enough.

As for how to get something for nothing, if you don’t break the law, you can only sell things from the soul space and buy lottery tickets. If you sell things from the soul space, you have to worry about others tracing the source of the things.

So in summary.

The safest thing to do is to buy a lottery ticket.

Thinking of this, Ding Yun immediately turned over an artificial intelligence from the soul space, let the artificial intelligence reside in his mobile phone, and relied on the cloud server and the computing power borrowed from other computers to easily calculate the round of purchases. Based on the numbers with the least number of people and the numbers that no one bought, the fifty numbers that are most likely to win the grand prize are finally calculated.

And then of course based on these numbers.

Go out and buy lottery tickets.

He didn't dare to buy too much, fearing that if he bought too much, he would not be able to win, so Ding Yun bought two tickets for each number, as long as it was enough, there was no need to force too much.

Because today is Saturday.

So we will know tomorrow night if we didn't win.

After buying the lottery ticket and returning home, Ding Yun didn't pay much attention to the fact that Gu Jianguo hadn't come back, but after all, she slept for several hours in the afternoon, and she didn't feel sleepy at this time, so she washed up and watched TV.

I didn't go to bed until twelve o'clock.

As for her husband, she had already forgotten about her.

Then at around three o'clock in the middle of the night, a phone call came suddenly. It was from the Public Security Department, asking Ding Yun to go to the hospital to see the body, and to make a statement along the way.

As soon as these words came out, Ding Yun, who was still a little confused, woke up instantly, and immediately asked:

"May I ask what happened? Who died?"

"Could it be Gu Jianguo?"

"Gu Jianguo, oh, Gu Jianguo is fine, he just fell and broke his head. He just finished bandaging, drunk, and is already asleep. It's his father who has something to do. His father should be driving an electric car with him. He then fell into a ditch for unknown reasons.

His head hit a stone and he died instantly.

We have notified his other relatives through the note on the mobile phone, so you should come here quickly. "

After all, the Public Security Department is a professional, so it told Ding Yun the outline of the matter in a very calm tone.

Ding Yun had nothing to say after hearing this. Her father-in-law really suffered eighteen lifetimes of bad luck, and was killed by his son. According to the memory of the original body, she immediately wanted to understand how this happened. It was nothing more than her That husband, Gu Jianguo, went out to drink with people again, and was too drunk to come back, and then all her cronies were also drunk, and there was no way to send him back.

I can only call someone to pick him up.

Gu Jianguo probably still has a little awareness, knowing that his wife hates him drinking the most, and today he seems to be angry with him for some reason, so instead of calling Ding Yun, he called his father and asked him to Take him back, this has often happened in the past.

After all, Yuanshen sometimes worked the night shift, so it was impossible to pick him up, and only his father was willing to pick him up.

It's just that something unexpected happened this time.

One dead and one injured.

Just thinking of Ding Yun gave me a headache, and I thought it might as well be that Gu Jianguo fell to his death. After all, it doesn't matter if Gu Jianguo fell to his death. Apart from a funeral, there is nothing else troublesome on her side.

But now that his father is dead, can his younger brothers and sisters, including his own mother, not complain.

Although the main reason is Gu Jianguo.

But it's hard for her as a daughter-in-law to separate the relationship.

As soon as he thought of having to quarrel in the past, and having to be complained by relatives, Ding Yun didn't want to move. He thought that he would lose contact directly, so as not to have to worry about it.

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