Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 987 Heavens Gourmet Sign-in Device (10)

After twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Ding Yun was deducted another merit and luck point as a matter of course.

Then that night.

The food for the three meals is still very good.

It's much better than the food you signed in on the first day. It's a world of difference, a gap that can't be compared at all.

For breakfast, there is a pot of high-quality rouge porridge in the inner court of the imperial palace, accompanied by 36 dishes of fine side dishes. For lunch, there is a jar of wild Qinglonghu tribe’s ten-full tonic soup, and for dinner, there are hundreds of flowers in the world of cultivating immortals. Gu Guzhu, a refined Baiwei Spirit Fruit Compote.

Grass nutrient is compared with today's sign-in.

It's just rubbish.

Although Ding Yun didn't understand why the first day, which was supposed to be the best sign-in, had the worst sign-in.

But this does not prevent her from enjoying today's food.

Because she has practiced gluttony formula, as long as she can eat it, there is no problem of indigestion, so Ding Yun finished a pot of porridge with thirty-six side dishes in a short time. Qi and blood soup is a little too much, a tank is more than a thousand catties, even if Ding Yun can eat it all, she can still digest it, but she doesn't want to eat it for the sake of eating, forcefully pouring it into her stomach.

So Ding Yun only gave out ten catties to taste it.

The rest were put away again.

Finally, the fruit plate made of hundreds of spiritual fruits, because of its small size, has a good taste and is full of spiritual energy.

It can greatly promote the progress of Taotie Jue practice.

So it was eaten by Ding Yun overnight.

He practiced while eating, and after eating and digesting all the spiritual fruits that add up to nearly fifty catties, Ding Yun's Taotie Art also successfully cultivated to the first level of perfection.

It is the extent of the first metamorphosis of the whole body.

And began to transform into Nirvana.

With the stomach as the core, it radiates the internal organs, and then enters the bone marrow to transform the blood, and then the blood permeates all the cell textures, so that the whole body completes the transformation.

However, Ding Yun's transformation this time is different from the usual, because before her first transformation, because of practicing the mutated Taotie Jue, her internal organs, including all the cells in her body, have been transformed into cancer cells. This transformation can be said to be a comprehensive transformation of her body, or a comprehensive transformation of all cancer cells in her body at this time.

She didn't even know how the transformation would turn out.

What she can do is to use her mental power to keep an eye on the changes of the cancer cells in her body during the transformation process, so that if something happens, she can control the situation in time.

Lest you accidentally toss yourself to death.

However, the process was quite smooth, and there were no uncontrollable accidents. Instead of becoming deformed, the cancer cells after metamorphosis became more and more regular, and became more and more normal cells.

However, the advantages of cancer cells are still retained.

Then, Ding Yun's whole body began to show a certain degree of anaerobicity. Every breath would cause certain damage to the cells, blood, and even organs in the body. It was a kind of oxidative damage that could be clearly felt.

To describe it in one sentence, that is.

Every breath does some damage.

If it is said that in the past, when oxygen was used to maintain normal human survival, the oxidative damage to humans was only one percent. At this time, although Ding Yun still needs a certain amount of oxygen after his transformation, the demand for oxygen is already very low. The oxidative damage of oxygen to her has increased from one to fifty, or even one hundred.

As a result, the oxidative damage that was originally imperceptible to oxygen has become very obvious, and even Ding Yun can clearly perceive the oxidative damage.

It can be said that her transformation and evolution is a bit off.

It's so off track that it's not suitable for today's environment.

Now she is more suitable to be an astronaut, and she will bring a little oxygen into space to survive. Not only will she be more relaxed, more comfortable, and better adapted to the environment, but her lifespan will also be very weak due to the oxidation reaction in the low-oxygen environment.

And a lot of growth.

No accidents, three hundred years is not a problem.

But this is the best situation, the best situation. It is obviously impossible for Ding Yun to enter space immediately to survive, so her transformation this time really put herself in a rather embarrassing situation. Now she needs to use her mental power to forcibly Build a hypoxic barrier next to yourself, and remove most of the oxygen in the surrounding air to the barrier to live normally. Otherwise, you will feel severe pain when you breathe, and feel that you are being hurt by oxygen.

Probably only after completing the second metamorphosis, or the third metamorphosis, let yourself completely transform into an anaerobic organism, able to survive without oxygen, and then cultivate your body until the whole body is leak-free enough to close every pore in your body Only when you wake up can you be more normal and survive in the current environment.

But no matter how you look at it, Ding Yun thinks so.

I'm afraid there is a problem with my choice this time.

Normal life is trying to adapt to the environment, but now she makes herself less and less adapted to the environment.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it's stupid.

Doesn't this mean that there are no edges and corners but edges and corners will grow?

But fortunately, Ding Yun has mental power and can temporarily solve the problem that she is not adapting to the environment at this time. In addition, it is more difficult to reverse her current body than rebuilding a new body, so after thinking about it, Ding Yun Yun still decided to go on this path to the end.

Anyway, she didn't intend to do promotion or anything.

It was herself who was tormenting.

She doesn't admit her mistakes, so who can blame her?

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yun of course quickly set up a hypoxic barrier for himself, and constantly adjusted the concentration of oxygen and other gases in the hypoxic barrier, and finally adjusted a new air that was more suitable for his current physical condition. To be able to breathe normally again.

Fresh air has less than 1% oxygen.

This ratio is just right for Ding Yun, allowing her to obtain part of the oxygen from the air and maintain the part of the body that needs oxygen to operate without serious oxidative damage while breathing normally. within the tolerance range.

There will be no obvious pain in the body.

But this is not the end, because Ding Yun soon discovered that the oxygen barrier was a little too big, and it was likely to cause suffocation to those who were close to her.

So she could only adjust it again, and finally adjusted the oxygen barrier to only cover the face by two centimeters.

So as long as you don't want to kiss her.

There shouldn't be a problem of suffocation.

But even so, there must be some places where he is not used to it, so Ding Yun deliberately put everything else aside for the time being, and insisted on staying in the restaurant every day to concentrate on eating the things signed by the Tiantian gourmet sign-in device to improve himself Taotie tactics cultivation base.

After three or five days like this, Ding Yun not only improved a lot in the practice of Taotie Jue, but also is not far from the second transformation of her whole body. She also took the opportunity to figure out the specific sign-in mechanism of the heavenly food sign-in device.

Whether the food that this thing signs in every day is good, the quantity is not large, and the quality is not high depends on whether the merit and luck are deducted from the previous day.

It's all or inedible.

Either pretty rubbish unpalatable or less stuff.

So the overall mechanism of this sign-in device is to die for merit and luck, find a way to get or deduct merit and luck, and then give something good to the host.

If you can't get it, just throw away some junk.

Rather than signing in for free to get delicious food, it is better to say that you are exchanging merit and luck for delicious food from all walks of life.

By the way, it is still a random exchange.

The kind you can't pick yourself.

It's a good blind box machine for gourmet food from all over the world...

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