In the next few months, Sima Chengze can be said to be his own father and brother fighting brave! After Gu Jinxi and his mother, they sipped a drink, licked the seeds, and watched the two people who had nothing to do all day.

"After the mother, are you not against it now?"

"No objection, the mother looked at this kid is actually quite good, and it is also very compliant to you, and the mother has long been relieved."

"Oh, your mother is the best, but the father is over there, what to do!"

"You still don't know the father of your family! It's the dead duck's mouth, but he is! He is often praised behind the scenes! So he said! He has already regarded Sima Chengze as a son-in-law in his heart. ”


"Well, the mother will lie to you!"

"Oh, of course not."

"Jin Er! The days we came out are long enough. I discussed it with your father and I plan to go back to the sea tomorrow."

"Ah! So fast! Don't stay for a while?"

"Oh, no, if you don't go back, the documents on the table of your father's case can be piled up into Xiaoshan."

"After the mother, I will miss you and my father."

"Hey! You don't believe this small little girl with no conscience! When we leave, you turn and forget."

"It won't be!"

"Jiner, I tell you! It's not easy to find a good man! So it's not easy to find a good man! If you are run away, it's not good!"

Gu Jinxi is really speechless after his mother's mother! After the mother, you become really fast! Obviously, I was so tough to bring myself back, but now! It is said that a woman is a fickle animal, and sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it!

The next day, after sending the parents away, Sima Chengze publicly went into the room.

Gu Jinxi looked at the extra things in his family. Some silently looked at Sima Chengze next to him and said, "Azer, is your movement too fast! My parents have just left, you are going to move over." !"

"Oh, Jiner! This house is so big, you live here alone, don't you be afraid at night? I am completely for you!"

"Cut, I know that I have an excuse, I don't believe you! Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

"Jin Er! You have already handed me over to my uncle before leaving, so can you marry me! Anyway, your parents have already promised!"

"Well, this! Well, I have to watch your performance."

"Is my performance now not good enough?"

"Hey! You are good to me now, and it doesn't mean that you will be good to me in the future!"

"My heart is for you. You still don't believe me. Are you really trying to dig out my heart for you to see, can you believe that I am true to you?"

"Okay!" Gu Jinxiao said with a smile, "Hey, where are you going!"

"Go and find a knife! Dig your heart to a little girl with no conscience!" Sima Chengze said with a serious face.

"Are you stupid!" Gu Jinxi looked at Sima Chengze and turned out to be a serious look. He was speechless. "Are you stupid! I am just making a joke!"

"But Jiner, here, I will treat everything you said as true!"

"I know how to say these sweet words."

"So you like it?"

"Like. Of course I like it, who doesn't like to listen to sweet words!" After talking about Gu Jinxi, he tipped his toes and kissed Sima Chengze.

"Jiner, you can't satisfy me like this! Jiner wants to know that you have caused the fire in my heart, and this fire can only be extinguished by you, so you should be responsible! ”

"Ah! Azer, what are you doing!"

"Of course it is for you!"

"Sima Chengze."

"Well, I am here!"

Gu Jinxi buried his head in the arms of Sima Chengze and said with a shyness, "Azer, don't!"


"Because, because, now, I am..."

"How are you now!"

"I, I, I am coming."

"Which is that!"

"You, the so-called menstruation!" After the completion, Gu Jinxi buried his head in the arms of Sima Chengze.

Sima Chengze is also a little embarrassed to say that "cough, I will bring you to the floor."

After holding Jin to the bed, I went downstairs.

After a while, I took a cup of brown sugar water and walked over to the bed and handed it to Gu Jinyu.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

"Cough, aren't you coming? I checked it online. When I say that a woman comes to the Internet, I usually drink this kind of thing."

"Cough, thank you, Azer!"

"Oh, take a good sleep! I am going to cook."

"Ah! But I can't sleep!"

"Hey, you got up very early in the morning and slept very late at night, it's better to sleep for a while."

"You, you, how do you know!" Gu Jinxi said a little shy. Yesterday, I chatted too much with my mother. As a result, I couldn’t sleep at the end of the day. The next day, because my mother and my father were leaving, I had to get up early!

"Can I not know? Don't forget, my room is next door to you! So you thought I wouldn't know? It was crazy to play last night."

Gu Jinxi spit out his tongue, and Anan lay down. I wasn’t too excited yesterday!

After sleeping for an hour, Gu Jinshao smelled the fragrant food, and involuntarily went out of bed and ran to the kitchen downstairs.

Sima Chengze looked at Gu Jinxi, who had no slippers on her eyes, and couldn’t help but laugh. This little girl is definitely not a mermaid, but a greedy kitten. Laughed and walked over, picked up Gu Jinxi to go to the living room, and clicked on the face of Gu Jinxi’s nose and smiled, “I will go to you to take the shoes here.” Fortunately, I have a foresight! Carpeted!

Gu Jinxi was dissatisfied with a pout and looked into the kitchen.

"Oh, it will be fine soon."

Sima Chengze turned and went to the kitchen, but looking at her back with her Jiner, she was helpless.

When Gu Jinxi was not paying attention to Sima Chengze, he secretly took a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. Wow! It’s delicious! So happy!

Sima Chengze looked at Gu Jinxi like a successful cat, but I really don't know what to say!

After arriving at the company, Gu Jinxi said something strangely, Zhang said, "Zhang Ge, how did you not see the general manager during this time!" Strange, according to the usual time, someone often squats by their side. !

Secretary Zhang saw that Gu Jinyi, who was attached to his side, moved forward and moved, ah! Madam, don’t you hurt me! If you are seen by the president, you are finished!

"Zhang Ge, what are you doing! Answer me soon!" Gu Jinxi said that he took another step forward.

Secretary Zhang Xuezhu really wants to cry without tears! "That, that, madam, can you not be so close to me! It will be misunderstood by others."

"Misunderstanding?! Hey! Do you have a girlfriend with Zhang Ge! Who is it!" Gu Jinyi still wants to gossip about some things, but there is a cold voice behind him.

"What are you doing!" Sima Chengze came out and saw that his woman was so close to other men, even if she knew that these two people had nothing to do, but my heart was still uncomfortable!

When Zhang saw Sima Chengze, he immediately jumped to the other side like a spring, and looked at the president who was extremely ugly, and said, "President!"

Sima Chengze flew directly to the eye knife, and Gu Jinyu pulled in the office.

"Well, that Azer!"

"What happened to Mr. Chen was so happy! Do you want to talk to me too!"

"Oh, Azer, you are jealous!"

"Yes, I am jealous."

"Oh." Gu Jinyu spit out his tongue and said, "I just want to know why Sima Yi has not come to the company in these days!"

"I was sent to Africa by me."

"Ah! Africa."

"Yes. Since I have provoked my woman, then I will never let him go so easily, let him go to Africa, I am already cheaper."

Gu Jinxi smiled and kissed Sima Chengze. She can now be completely worried. The man has been cleaned up by Azer, and the woman is naturally not worried. Anyway, without the help of a man, then the woman can only be reduced to playthings.

"Jiner, you are tempting!"

"Temptation?! No!"

Sima Chengze can ignore the words of Gu Jinxi, but instead, Gu Jinxi’s look is innocent, and it is a sign language that Sima Chengze has hidden in his heart!

"Ah! Azer, what are you doing!"

"Jiner, I remember that it is already the seventh day, and your one should have left! So I am going to complete what I did not finish last time."

"Sima Chengze, this is the office, what if someone comes in!"

"Reassured, no one told me that no one has come to hurry, and then I have a rest room here, so I don't have to worry about it."

After some tossing, Gu Jinxi really did not leave to say a certain animal, and turned directly, facing the wicked man.

Sima Chengze hugged Gu Jinxi from behind and said, "Jiner is sorry, I really can't help it! But this can only blame Jiner, you are too delicious!" I remembered the entanglement just now, Sima Chengze The little desire in my heart was ignited into a raging fire!

Gu Jinxi naturally also noticed the change of someone. He quickly moved backwards and said with a vigilant saying, "Sima Chengze, I am very tired now."

"I know, don't worry! I am not so a beast, sleep!"

"Hey, congratulations to the host, complete the task."

However, the system prompts, Gu Jinxi did not hear it at all, because she is really tired!

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