After Gu Jinxi and Sima Chengze got married, Gu Jinxi went to the bottom of the sea with Sima Chengze to see his father and mother.

"Father, mother, we are back."

When the father looked at the two people holding hands, his heart suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. "Bad boy, hurry to let me go."

"Why let go! My own wife can't hold hands?"

"Who is your wife, don't say it. I have not promised to marry my daughter to you!"

"Oh, I think the father-in-law is misunderstood. We have already married in the land. So it is useless to say that the father-in-law is disagreeing now!"

"What!" Father looked at Sima Chengze with amazement and then looked at his daughter and said, "Jin, is he really saying?"

Gu Jinxi nodded a little shy and said, "Well."

"What! Jiner! Jiner, we have only been away for less than a month! You, you, and he..."

Gu Jinxi was somewhat overwhelmed and looked at Sima Chengze whispering, "You are irritating, you can solve it yourself! I don't care."

Sima Chengze smiled and touched Gu Jinxi’s head and smiled. “Hey, this matter is handed over to me.”

After saying that Sima Chengze stepped forward, he looked at his father and said, "If you are a father-in-law, even if you don't agree now, there is no way! After all, we are officially promoted in the human world."

"Get out of the way. That's the rule of your human world. It's not counted at our bottom. Oh! Jiner, come, come over."

"Father Wang." Gu Jinxi was nervously pulling Sima Chengze's clothes.

"Father-in-law, you are a toughman! It’s hard to say, if you don’t like me, you have to consider the little doll in Jin’s belly!”

"What! Little doll! Jiner you..."

Gu Jinxi also looked at Sima Chengze somewhat strangely. He didn't seem to be pregnant!

Still not waiting for Gu Jinyu to speak, Sima Chengze said directly, "Yes."

When the father and mother heard this, they quickly went down and helped Gu Jinxi to say, "Jin, you are really, why don't you say it early! Come, come, come, hurry. We have already prepared the room." Azer, hurry, I will send someone to take you to the room now."

Sima Chengze smiled and held Gu Jinxi, and went to the prepared room.

Back in the room, Gu Jinyi looked helpless and looked at Sima Chengze in front of him and said, "Azer! I don't know when I was pregnant!"

"Oh, as long as Jiner you want, I can accompany you at any time!" Sima Chengze looked at Gu Jinxi with a sly look.

"Sima Chengze! If they are known by the father and mother, they may be even more angry!"

"So say! In order not to be discovered by the father and mother, you have to cooperate with me!" Sima Chengze laughed.

"Hey! I don't want it! I don't want to have children so early!" Gu Jin said.

"Exactly, I think so too. After all, I still want to have a good time in our two-person world! If you suddenly come to a baby, it seems that it is not appropriate!"

"Sima Chengze! You are really enough." Gu Jinyu said silently, Sima Chengze said. "I am tired, I have to rest."

"Then I will accompany you."

"No! I want to sleep alone." In case I let Sima Chengze go to bed, he suddenly ** big hair how to do it!


"Hey!" How is it so easy to talk today, it shouldn't be!

"How come you change your mind and want me to sleep with you."

"Roll!!" Gu Jinxi lay down in anger, turned and closed his eyes.

Gu Jinxi and Sima Chengze stayed on the seabed for about a month. Gu Jinxi worried about the company of Sima Chengze, and decided to go back with Sima Chengze.

"Father, mother, you will come to see us later!"

"Reassured! Now Jiner, you are pregnant, we certainly have a lot to see you! Azer! You have to take care of Jiner in the future!"

"After the mother, father, don't worry! I will take care of Jin's, and I will never let Jiner be injured."

"Good, give Jiner to you, we are naturally assured!"

After returning home, Gu Jinyi looked at Sima Chengze with some complaints and said, "What do you do now! The father and the mother are all serious. When I see it, what should you do!"

Sima Chengze thought about it and said, "Jiner, or we still meet the requirements of the parents of the parents! Give birth to a child!"

"But, you don't want to have a world of two!"

"After we have given birth to the child, we will throw the child to the father-in-law. Anyway, the father-in-law loves the child very much. We can still live in the world of two people!"

"Sima Chengze, you are joking! After throwing the child to the father and mother, I will not be reluctant!"

"Reassured, we can see them at a certain time!"

"Sima Chengze, you are really enough, I don't know what to say about you." Gu Jinyu looked at Sima Chengze somewhat silently, how can he treat his children like this! This child must not be born, it must be brought.

"Oh, silly girl, you are really serious, I am joking. Our children are still too late to hurt!" Sima Chengze said with a smile and hugged Gu Jinxi.

"Oh! But no matter what, the most important person in your heart can only be me, knowing."

"Nature, nature. You are the most important person in my life. No one can compare."

"Oh, yes, Azer, we don't seem to have spent a honeymoon! I seem to be very disadvantaged!"

"Oh, since this is the case, then you choose, no matter where you go, I will accompany you."

"But are you not busy?"

"Even if you are busy, it is not as important as your wife. Besides, marriage is the most important thing for a woman's life. I don't want you to leave any regrets, and I don't want to leave any regrets."

"Oh, Azer, you are the best. I am going to find a place now. I have a place but I already want to go!"

"Good. Then you plan well."

However, I did not go to the end because Gu Jinyu was pregnant.

Gu Jinyu stayed in the room, looking at the scenery outside, and kept sighing! It’s hard to get a honeymoon! But now...

Sima Chengze looked at Gu Jinyu's depressed appearance and suddenly laughed. "Okay, well, wait until the child is born, we will go to honeymoon again. I promise you nothing, I will never say anything."

"Azer, you said that I am a mermaid, you are a human being, what a child we will be born!" Gu Jinxi said with some concern.

"What do you think about it! Even if it is a mermaid, as long as it is Jiner, I will like it."

"But if you are born a mermaid, then the doctor who delivered the baby is not scared to death!" Gu Jinxi said with a dissatisfaction.

"Haha, okay, okay, don't tease you. I have already arranged people, so don't worry."

After the pregnancy in October, Gu Jinyu gave birth to a chubby white fat boy. Just as soon as the child touches the water, the legs will become mermaids.

Gu Jinxi is really happy and worried! "Azer, if the child comes to school, it will come across the water, what should I do? How to do it when it is treated as a heterogeneous!"

"Oh, silly girl, now the child is so small, who knows about the future! You are awkward and worried!"

"But, I am also taking precautions!"

"Oh, well, well. Jiner, we have been almost for more than a year, not good..."

"Sima Chengze!"

"Jin Er, you see that the son is so lonely now! Or we will regenerate a child to accompany him!"


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