Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

Ji Shu also followed suit, and the two did not dare to speak out.


The woman dragging the axe seemed to pass the restroom and she stopped.


She laughed, and the flirtatious voice seemed to step on the heart of Shen Mubai and Ji Shu, bringing a dense and horrifying feeling.

"I am coming to you, baby." The woman said in a soft voice, dragging her axe and coming in.

The axe that was dragged to the ground rang a dull sound, getting closer and closer.

Shen Mubai and Ji Shu could not help but hold their breath, leaning against the door panel, the eyeballs stared straight at the past and shivered slightly.

"Oh." The woman knocked on the toilet door next door, gentle, "You are not inside?"

Shen Mubai was shocked by a goosebump, and the cold sweat of the forehead slipped to his cheeks, bringing a crispy itch. She clenched her lips and did not move.

Ji Shu grabbed her hand.

Shen Mubai only noticed that here, as long as she was alone, her heart settled down.

The woman snorted and giggled. "It’s not there."

She dragged the axe and seemed to want to go out, but did not take a few steps, and then came back.

The heart in the chest suddenly lifted up again, and the cockroach began to jump wildly. The sapwood was attached to the door panel, and it was clear that the direction of the axe was gradually approaching.

Finally stopped here.

She patted the door, and the soft voice whispered, "Someone?"


The voice of the woman sounded like it was ringing in the ear, and the other person seemed to put the face up, listened carefully, and said in a swearing voice, "Open the door."

The sweat of Shen Mubai’s forehead continually rolled down, and the cockroach trembled slightly, slightly deviating from the body leaning against the door panel, fearing that his heartbeat would make the other party hear it.

"Nobody?" The woman lost her whisper.

Just when Shen Mubai felt that the other party was leaving, the door of the toilet was smashed, accompanied by the giggling of the woman in the red dress. "But I think you are inside."

Like a thundering thunder, the sap of the wooden head slammed, and the breathing was a little messy.

Ji Shu shook her hand, no channel, "Don't be afraid."

The red-skirt woman giggled with the axe's trick, and the voice became more and more charming. "You will not come out again, I am going to be angry."

"Baby, come out soon, I won't kill you, you are different from them, I am here to save you."

The woman is jubilant, the voice is involuntarily lowered, and the movement in the hand is stopped.


The axe fell to the ground, and the red dress woman stuck the door. "Get out soon."

Shen Mubai believed her words before she had a ghost.

Apparently Ji Shu is also unbelievable, just holding his breath and holding her hand tightly.

The red skirt woman grabbed the axe on the ground and slammed it toward the door.

"Giggle, people are so tired, don't want to run with you."

"Who told the baby to be disobedient, I had to cut off your legs and feet."

She smiled and cut the door, her strength was surprisingly big.

Shen Mubai had to bite his head and made a gesture of opening the door to Ji Shu.

Ji Shu got her hint and nodded. "You open, I come."

The red dress woman is absolutely no problem in physical strength, otherwise she will not run with the two for so long without breathing, not to mention she still holds such a heavy axe.


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