Shen Mubai took a deep breath and pointed to the tools in the toilet. "Unexpectedly."

There is a mop in the corner. It should be that the staff accidentally forgot about it here. This may be their lucky luck today.

Ji Shu took it up and then took a small step back.

Shen Mubai nervously grasped the doorknob, and the heart in his chest violently jumped up, then used the mouth to say, "Are you ready?"

Ji Shu tightened his fingers and nodded.

Shen Mubai slammed the door open, and the axe had not had time to cut it again. Ji Shu had already called the mop to the woman in the red dress.

The other party seemed to be unprepared, or too lightly enemies, and stunned, and the axe in his hand fell to the ground.

"Ji Shu, go grab her axe." Shen Mubai hurried, and then rushed to the woman.

Ji Shu would like to know, and quickly went to the axe with blood on his side.

Shen Mubai, who was originally suppressed on a woman, was turned to the ground. She had not had time to react and the neck was stunned.

"Cough." The red skirt woman's strength is very large, Shen Mubai rose red cheeks, her throat licking her throat.

The axe was very heavy, and Ji Shu took a step back when he picked it up.

He was struggling with the axe in his hand, then stared at the woman's head, hesitating, but his eyes touched the girl when he was about to die, biting his teeth and squatting.

The woman in the red dress licked the throat of Shen Mubai. She was like a boneless person. She was tightly wrapped around her body. When Jishu raised her axe, she giggled from her throat and then suddenly slammed from the side. Rolled over.

Ji Shu's pupil violently contracted at that moment.

The axe was cut on the ground, and at the moment of the millennium, the girl turned to the side flexibly.

Ji Shusong breathed a sigh of relief, and had not had time to let go of his heart. There was a charming voice behind him. "I have avoided it."

A lush and tender hand climbed onto his shoulder. The red skirt woman didn't know when he came behind him and giggled. "Baby, this thing is very dangerous."

"Ji Shu." Shen Mubai, who had escaped the fatal blow, had not had time to breathe. He saw the woman standing in the red skirt peeking out from Ji Shu and smiling at her.

The entire scalp of Shen Mubai is about to explode.

The red dress woman easily retrieved the axe from his hand, as if for her, the weight was only a breeze.

Is she a monster?

Shenmu white hair suddenly thought.

Ji Shu escaped the axe that the other side had cut, and his mouth ran white and ran over the hand of Shen Mubai. "Run."

The two rushed out of the bathroom, and the red dress woman dragged the axe and twisted it.

Dangdang’s chasing them to cut.

Shen Mubai feels that he is simply playing a horror game. He doesn't stop taking it anymore. The ghost knows when the dirty things will come out.


The other party's charming and strange laughter came from behind, and Shen Mubai took Ji Shu all the way to the train compartment.

She had time to push the door out, and an axe was cut over. Fortunately, Shen Mubai reacted quickly and quickly pushed Ji Shu away.

The axe was cut next to the carriage and made a loud clang.

Before she could run again, she was caught by the woman.

She took a sigh of relief.

The red dress woman giggled and dragged her to her direction.


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