Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 118: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

The scenery said, "I now eat well, dress well, live in, and I don’t have to go to the classroom every day to report in the university. I don’t have to work and I have money to spend. You can buy the best cosmetics, and you can buy a set of different colors. , You can buy the best game equipment, and you can work in my own company as soon as I graduate. I don’t have to worry about anything, so what’s wrong with me?”

What this rich second generation said was really not pursued and shameless, but she was really right.

Man in black: "..."

"Do you think my life is like this..." Scenery tilted his head, "Is it a miserable life?"

"...You didn't watch the news?"

"Look, I seem to be quite popular recently. Oh, I'm not a member of the entertainment industry. I'm really embarrassed to keep posting my news like this." She touched her face really embarrassedly, and then dissatisfied. : "But if they can choose a better picture and put it on, it would be ugly."

The man was speechless for a while, "Are you a fool?"

She akimbo, "You are a fool! This lady doesn't know how clever it is!"

She is not stupid.

The man was sure that it was not his style to struggle with fools. He turned to leave. As a result, a whip struck across the air. He responded quickly to avoid it. The whip fell on the ground and smashed a big hole, and the blue-clothed heroine also appeared out of thin air. , The man evaded her trick very wisely, but he forgot that there was a scene behind him that looked very harmless but had many hidden weapons.

Scenery threw out all the dozens of ammunition in the bag. This unexpected method was that the man was alert, and the blood bar was blown out. He was lying on the ground, the silver squirrel in his hand was captured by the scenery in front of him. , Immediately afterwards, the system prompts: You have been fed Duanmai Dan by Xiaoyang Xianu, and you can choose to return to the camp after a stick of incense.

In other words, he can only lie on the ground for five minutes.

Just lying down for five minutes is too underestimating the scenery. Such system prompts sounded no less than ten times.

White characters appeared on the man's body, "Xia Jingjing, don't go too far."

"Excessive? You're not too much to steal something from a woman? You threatened me, huh!" Feng Jing kicked him hard, although he wouldn't feel pain, but she felt relieved, "I see how you threaten I?"

When the words fell, she used all the broken pulse pills in her bag on his body.

Chaolu felt distressed for a while, "I said Wanyang, the broken pulse pill is a piece of three hundred ingots, so save some money."

"I have it ready to use, what can I save? How much is it worth?"

Yes, it's worthless. Three hundred ingots are equivalent to three hundred soft sister coins. Chaolu is holding her chest, and she feels heartache when she sees others waste money!

A dialog box appeared on the man again, "So you have been procrastinating for time, waiting to attack me."

"Didn't I tell you? This lady is smart." Feng Guang smiled triumphantly. When talking about him, she sent a secret chat to Chaolu asking her to help. She is not a combat type, let alone If you can beat him, the silver squirrel will be gone. Anyway, she really wants to buy it with money, but she just can't swallow this breath. She is beautiful in summer, the dignified lady of the Xia family, arrogant and domineering. Not afraid of anyone.

"Xia Guangguang, I underestimated you."

"Now I know, it's not too late, you apologize to this lady, and this lady will forgive you for your offense."

The man stopped typing this time.

Chaolu pulled the hand of the scenery, "Hey, I said, how did he know your real name?"

"I don't know, he seems to have investigated me specially."

"Huh? He won't be a paparazzi?"

The scenery hasn't answered yet, and the prompt sound of the game system sounded in his mind: The knight has added you to the vendetta list, should you add him to the vendetta list?

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