Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 119: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

Add! This vendetta must be added back!

Feng Guang just said that he was sure to add that man to the vendetta list, and then there was a system prompt: Your enemy, let me go, is offline. She looked at the ground again, and sure enough, the body of the black-clothed man was gone. She snorted, and vendetta would be vendetta. Would she be afraid of it?

Now that he is offline, she should take a look at the silver squirrel first, open the pet panel, and scan the collected rare pets one by one, but she did not see the silver-white little one. She looked for it three times in a row. I didn't find it, and finally realized something was wrong!

"Where is my silver squirrel!"

"What's the matter?" Chaolu couldn't help asking, seeing her stomping in a hurry.

"My silver squirrel is gone!"

"Could it be that you accidentally killed it?"

"Impossible, I avoided it specially, and I grabbed it and put it in my backpack. How could it suddenly disappear?"

Chaolu was also puzzled, "Is there a bug in the game?"

"Jianghu" is a game with huge resources, no less than a small world, so it is not surprising that there will be any problems, otherwise the game company would not have so many maintainers.

The scenery gritted her teeth, first the blue flowers, and then the silver squirrel. What kind of bad luck did she have today, how could everything go bad! Angrily, she quit the game.

As soon as she got out of the game cabin, she received a call from Chaolu, "Shengguang, are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

"Oh, my dear cousin, I know you must be still angry when you hear this."

Chaolu is actually Feng Guang’s cousin. In reality, she is called Xia Xia. She is one year younger than Feng Guang. However, Feng Guang is in her freshman year and she is still a junior in high school. Therefore, she always spends a lot of pocket money for Feng Guang. I feel very envious, but if scenery is rich, it will have her share of summer. For summer, scenery is not only a cousin but also a rich man. Of course, even if scenery has no money, summer still likes this church that has taken care of her since childhood. Sister's.

The scenery is in a bad mood, "Review your homework, and then let me see you playing games online every day, and see if I will go to uncle to complain."

"Okay, I'll review my homework, sister, don't be angry."

Summer was timid and hung up the phone, and the anger of the scenery finally disappeared. She opened the curtain and saw a group of reporters crowded in the door. She curled her lips indifferently and closed the curtain again. She did her strategy task. , She didn't bother to care about these insignificant people.

The next day is the school report day of the next semester. In any case, the scenery still has to go to school to show up. Early in the morning, she took the driver’s car and left the summer house from the back door. The best university in City A is University A. , The school security is even more strict, unless the principal agrees, it is impossible for those reporters to walk in.

Scenery walks on the campus, turning a blind eye to the people around. With her identity, no one dared to run up to trouble her directly. To go to the school building, you have to pass a tree-lined path, and there are fewer people on this road. As soon as the scenery took a few steps, he heard quarreling sounds not far away.

She followed the voice, and before she could see it clearly, she was knocked to the ground by the oncoming woman. She fell to the ground with gold stars in her eyes, and the woman was still pressed on her body.

"Xiao Lu!" The man's low voice was anxious. He hurriedly helped the pure-looking woman, with obvious worry on the indifferent Jun's face, "Are you okay? Have you been injured?"

Brother, she is right if something is wrong! ?

The scenery rose from the ground, with anger in his eyes.

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