"Hey, it's enough for you two to kiss me, isn't it time to apologize to me, an innocent passerby who lay guns?"

The man turned his head, looked at the proud and beautiful woman in front of him, frowned and said, "Xia Jingjing, it's you."

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Shen Wuyan." When the words fell, the scenery looked at the woman next to him in a meaningful way, "Why, you deliberately hit me today to avenge me the other day. Splashing water on you?"

"No, Miss Xia!" Zhao Xiaolu quickly denied, she was so anxious that tears came out, "I didn't mean to bump into you, I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

Shen Wuyan blocked Zhao Xiaolu behind him, and an unrivaled breath of king exuded, "Xia Guangguang, this is not the Xia Group, you should converge."

"Convergence? Convergence?" Scenery sneered, Jiaoxiang's face was biting, "Shen Wuyan, did I accidentally pour a glass of water on her body? You slapped this lady. This young lady is so old that she hasn't been beaten by anyone. Today she bumped into me. You have such a sense of justice, why don't you stop slapped and slapped me?"

Shen Wuyan's stern face was expressionless, "Xiao Lu didn't hit you on purpose."

"She didn't mean it? I said that I didn't mean it. Why don't you believe me?"

"You are different from her."

Scenery raised her mouth ironically, "Yeah, I am an arrogant and domineering eldest lady. She is a simple, cute, understanding little angel. Tsk, Shen Wuyan, since you like her so much, you have the ability to do with me. Dissolve the marriage contract!"

Shen Wuyan’s expression on his face remained unchanged, but the hands on his side were already clenched into fists. He was a forbearing person who was good at hiding emotions, and he could only see through the tiny movements of his limbs. His emotions changed.

The atmosphere was silent for a while. Zhao Xiaolu looked at Shen Wuyan and the scenery again, feeling anxious in his heart. She felt that she would really be unable to argue if this continued, "Miss Xia, everything is wrong with me, and... and I have no intention at all Step in between you, don't worry, I have just made it clear to Mr. Shen."

Shen Wuyan's eyes were cold, covered with frost, "Zhao Xiaolu."

She is not afraid of the coldness radiating from him, "Mr. Shen, I have already said that I have someone I like, please treat Miss Xia well, don't come to me again, goodbye."

Zhao Xiaolu said, "I have someone I like," and undoubtedly dropped a bomb. Taking advantage of Shen Wuyan's dazed effort, she ran away.

Scenery suddenly laughed. Her laughter was sweet, but Shen Wuyan sounded very harsh.

"Hahaha, the dignified President Shen Wuyan Shen, one day he was rejected by a woman, it's so funny!"

He said coldly: "Shut up!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, you don’t want to know who she likes in her mouth? As far as I know, there are many handsome guys in our school. Compared with you who are over 30, you are full of youth and hormonal breath. But it's normal." Feng Jing shook his head pityingly, "Who calls you an old man?"

Shen Wuyan's expression finally changed. How to describe it? In short, it is very subtle. Of course, in addition to using indifference to describe this man, the word subtle is really not compatible with him.

What's wrong with the old man, the old man is mature and attractive! What's more, he is only thirty-one this year, and he is only thirteen years older than them... Feng Jing corrects her words in her heart. In fact, she is also an uncle to control her. Come.

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