The system monarch suddenly left the scenery and entered the dormant period, and it didn’t say when to wake up again. Although most of the tasks previously completed by the scenery depended on her own ability, she also relied on the system monarch to open her from time to time. , Now it's alright, she really can only rely on herself.

With the passage of time, the news about criticizing the scenery has gradually become less enthusiastic. In fact, the media who have been squatting for several days have not been able to interview her, and turned their attention to other entertainment news. On the previous page, they all underestimated the abilities of the scenery house, thinking that she would definitely show up after blocking her for ten and a half months, so she didn’t even show up, staying in the Xia’s villa every day and living a life of sitting and eating and waiting to die. .

When it comes to the house, the scenery has never met an opponent.

And the weekend came, and the long-lost summer came to the scenery in the driver's car. It took two days to live. When I saw the summer, the scenery had a headache. The reason was with him, mainly because the girl was too lively.

Summer looks so similar to the scenery. She is eighteen years old in more than a month. Her sweet and lovely face is filled with youthful smiles, and her vigorous appearance can easily infect other people. Unfortunately, Scenery is a dead house who only likes to play games and watch anime, so when it comes to summer, she feels that her aura is not right, but Xia Xia didn't realize it at all.

"Sister, I want to go to your studio to see." Xia Xia put his arms around the scenery.

I studied landscape art. I knew that landscape painting was very good when I was very young in summer. Unfortunately, I rarely paint landscape except for homework. I feel that this is a waste of talent in summer!

The scenery is so entangled by her that she can only take her to the studio, "I haven't written much recently, so you can see if you want."

"Wow! This looks so good!" In the summer, I saw a painting. The painting was a towering old tree with interlaced rattans, some hanging down to the ground, and between the branches and leaves, there were strands Moonlight penetrates through the gap, and the overall tone of the picture is dark, but only these lights are bright and holy. Even if you can't see the moon in the sky, you can feel her warm and soft.

Summer doesn't know how to paint, but she just thinks it looks good.

The scenery doesn't feel much, "If you like it, I will give it to you."

"Really!?" Summer kissed the scenery excitedly, "Thank you sister!"

Scenery wiped the saliva on his face, "You will bring it back when you go back. Okay, I've seen it, let's go out."

"Yeah! By the way, sister, I haven't played the game for several days. You have so many game pods, lend me one and let me play online."

In fact, Fengjing hasn't played games for three days. The summer was because of her studies, and she was because of...nothing, she became angry when she thought of that person!

Seeing that the scenery was silent for a long time, Summer asked: "What's wrong with you?"

It happened to be summer today. The scenery touched his chin for a moment, and his eyes rolled, "It's nothing, just thought of something. You go online in summer and help me see if anyone is in the poisonous fog forest."


The scenery was guilty, and she could only pretend to be unhappy and said: "Where are there so many problems, you took my painting, and I also borrowed my game pod from you. What's wrong with you doing a little thing for me?"

"Guangxi, you are really strange." Generally speaking, when the summer feels that Miss Fengguang has a temper, she will automatically switch to her name.

The scenery patted her on the head, "You just said you can help me go to the poisonous fog forest?"

Xia Xia rubbed the top of the patted head, feeling aggrieved, "Help, of course help, who told you to be my sister?"

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