Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 127: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

Xia Xia first played the game, and when she came to the poisonous fog forest, she quit the game and told Feng Guang that there was no one on this map. Feng Feng touched Xia Xia's head, "Good job!"

Immediately afterwards, she entered another game cabin and logged in to the game with Summer. It took three days to see the scenery in the game. The scenery took a breath and felt refreshed, even if she was still lying down.

Because the time for Duanmai Dan has not passed yet!

"Scenery..." Xia Xia calmly squatted beside her, and then cried out in disbelief: "You were actually fed the Broken Mai Pill!?"

Miss Xia, who has been using money to dominate and domineering, will actually have a day to lie down! ! !

Scenery rolled his eyes in his heart, "What are you yelling at?"

"No, scenery, I said who is so bold to feed you Duanmai Dan? You tell me, I must worship...No, no, I must take revenge for you!" The admiration to blurt out was replaced by another sentence filled with righteous indignation. She understood why the scenery had to let her come to the Poisonous Fog Forest to see it first. She was fed the Broken Maiden and was also guarded by someone!

Feng Guang didn't want to talk about such humiliation anymore, she uttered a line viciously, "I lie down in an hour and a half, you stand here to protect me."

She wanted to prevent the sudden appearance of Ren Wo Guihui to feed her a broken pulse pill.

"Hey, sister, just tell me, who made you lie here?"

The scenery is too lazy to care about her.

It's the summer that keeps asking, but the scenery is like falling asleep, and she doesn't give any response. Summer can't, and can only guard the "corpse" of the scenery. Waiting for her to resurrect when the time comes, luckily in this one. No one else showed up within the hour. Once the time came, the scenery chose to return to the camp to resurrect.

Xia Li did not follow, she said, "Sister, my friend has something to do with me, I will leave the team and look for him."

Before the scenery has time to ask what kind of friend it is, what can I do with her, summer just quit the team and don’t know where she went, summer is not like she is a lone ranger, she has her own circle of friends, so she can dispel the little bit in her heart. A sense of loneliness, politeness of scenery, what is good about friends, or being alone.

The resurrection point was in the nearby town. Feng Guang found a grocer to repair the equipment. She walked to the entrance of the town to leave for the main city, but was attracted by a dispute in front of her.

A seriously injured woman was lying on the ground, and there was a man and a woman standing around her. It seemed that the lying person was besieged. No, it was not just a beating. She was also blocked and resurrected. It is said that as long as she is resurrected, she will be beaten to death by the people around her again. It is obvious that not everyone is willing to buy out the pulse pill to deal with the enemy. Using this method of blocking the resurrection point is even more disgusting.

"Why? Aren't you happy to **** my pet? Now that you have the ability to get up and continue snatching with me." The woman in the white shirt looked very angry. She was already beautiful, and now she is standing next to the man. She was petite and pleasant.

The man is also dressed in white, with a knife on his waist, snarling, "Well, Xiao Meng, don't be angry anymore, what should you do if you are angry? We killed her so many times, haven't you been relieved?"

The woman stubbornly said: "No no! I want her to apologize to me personally!"

"Good, good." The man said to the corpse like a peacemaker: "Hey, as long as you apologize, we will let you go, how about?"

The people on the ground were very quiet, and she did not make any response, which made people feel stubborn and pitiful, lonely.

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