Everyone will have childhood shadows, just as the impact of Yuwen's parents' death on him who was still immature at that time, and some people's shadows came entirely from pediatrics.

For example, for scenery, she is afraid of darkness and ghosts. The reason is that she watched horror movies when she was young and ignorant. So every time she fell into darkness, she always thought that something harmful would suddenly burst out of the darkness. It is true that modern society pays attention to science, but she can go through it herself, and she talks about fart science.

Yao Feng only dared to park the car a few hundred meters away from the Xia’s mansion. According to his own little knowledge, Xia Chao was a big man who could not be offended by a small citizen. If Xia Chao saw his daughter from his car Coming up and down, he was a little worried that his life would not be guaranteed.

Although Yao Feng can be regarded as a half-life person in the entertainment industry, he also believes that art comes from life, just like the drama of those wealthy mansions, maybe there are really rich people who have a lot of life.

Yao Feng wanted to pull Duan Mu and told him not to send it away. It's not dark anyway, but Duan Mu didn't even look at him at all, and got out of the car with the scenery. The angry Yao Feng had liver pain.

The Xia Family Mansion did not say that this villa belonged to the Xia family, but that the entire street belonged to the Xia family, so Yao Feng felt that Xia Chao didn't know if the car was parked far, but he was deceiving himself.

Duan Mu took the hand of the scenery and asked her in a low voice, "Can you still sleep alone at night?"

It's okay that he didn't mention it. When he mentioned it, the face of the scenery was very ugly, "Can't sleep."

After dark, she can be sure that she can't help but think of that scene.

"When the time comes, I'm afraid, so call me." He chuckled, lowered his head, and kissed her between the eyebrows. "If the scenery wants to live in my house, it won't work."

She immediately moved her heart, but soon, she thought of her father again, and shook her head reluctantly, "I've been looking for you these days, and my dad already has a lot of opinions."

Not only that, Xia Chao also set an entrance guard. If there are no important events, such as the banquet of the ladies and daughters, she cannot go home after 8 o'clock in the evening. Otherwise, Xia Chao will personally take someone to find her, even if she wants to attend the banquet. I can only come back before ten o'clock.

After thinking about the scene where Xia Chao brought people to catch her, she thought about it, and it was really possible. There is nothing impossible for someone like her father to do it.

Duan Mu expressed regret, but he did not really have this idea. Letting a girl live in a single man’s apartment was also a very irresponsible behavior. He took care of her slightly messy forehead that was blown by the wind. "Don't be afraid, no one can hurt you with me, not even a ghost."

Inexplicably, the scenery was relieved a lot, she smiled sweetly, "Then I will call you tonight."

"Good." He smiled.

She stood on tiptoe and kissed the corner of his lips again, said goodbye, and then walked far away.

"Is it greasy or crooked?" Yao Feng stood behind rubbing his arms and got goose bumps. "Duan Mu, you are not too young, why are you like a hairy boy?"

Duan Mu glanced at Yao Feng, he laughed, "You don't understand."

"I don't want to understand you looking at it like this."

"Then it would be best." Duan Mu stepped into the car, "You have a lot of savings. It's time to find a better girlfriend, at least... it won't leak."

Yao Feng paused, then his face was very ugly, "Duan Mu!"

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