When Feng Feng returned home, she had to suffer from her father's blindfold again, but she chose to ignore it. She wanted to have a lot of experience in ignoring her father's anger, and she was used to it.

In the evening, she answered the phone number from Duan Mu, and Feng Jing lay on the bed and said grinningly: "I wanted to call you, but you did not expect you to call."

"Have you eaten?" Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Duan Mu looked at the night scene out of the window. He could think of the cute gesture she would talk to herself at this time, and couldn't help but laugh softly.

The scenery looked at the crystal lamp on the ceiling, and she said softly: "Duan Mu, I miss you."

"I'm also thinking about scenery." He lowered his voice, which sounded extraordinarily charming, "Scenery, when the movie "The Third Dead" is finished, I plan to quit the entertainment industry."

The scenery was stunned for a while. He didn't sound like a joke. She sat up from the bed and asked uncertainly: "Are you going to quit the entertainment industry?"

"Yes." He said softly: "After all, I also want to live an ordinary life with scenery."

She was moved first, but couldn't help but said, "Duan Mu, even if we are together, you don't need to lose your favorite career..."

"The scenery is misunderstood. I haven't had much interest in acting." He chuckled. "At the beginning, I only accepted Yao Feng's invitation to enter the entertainment circle for financial independence. Now I want to quit. In the entertainment industry, it is hard to talk about giving up a career that you like."

Duan Mu has never deliberately developed, nor thought that he will become a actor and emperor who has been for many years. He has always let the flow go. His initial expectation is that he can only earn money to support himself. It is enough to save a sum of money, and when he gets tired, he can use the money or open a flower shop or do some other small business.

Therefore, the media always like to write that he will become popular because of the news of the world and even take away the actor. What bad emotions he will have. In fact, he has always felt very calm about this matter because he didn't care at all. Over.

I don't know if other people in the entertainment circle will be so angry that they will vomit blood after knowing his thoughts. It is really speechless for a person who wants to take away the actor and watch the emperor for so many years.

Feng Jing listened to the voice on the phone, especially when she heard the words that he was for financial independence, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, "Duan Mu...Did you have a bad time as a child?"

"It's not bad to be able to eat and wear warm every day, but... there are always things I want that my parents can't give."

Scenery consciously thought that his family was not rich and could not meet his needs, and as far as she knew, Duan Mu did not go to university, perhaps because of family reasons. This topic is not a topic for him. Good thing, she changed the subject with a smile, "Since you said you want to quit the entertainment circle, then I will support you, anyway, I can afford you."

"If I am no longer a big star, I don't have many auras..." He asked softly, "Will scenery still like me?"

"Of course!" She said loudly, "I like you not because of your identity, but Duan Mu, not the big star Duan Mu, but you."

There seemed to be quiet for a second.

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