That night, the two talked for a long time, until midnight, her voice became smaller and smaller, and Duan Mu heard her long and slight breathing from the phone, and she fell asleep.

Duan Mu did not hang up, but picked up another cell phone and dialed a number.

Even in the middle of the night, as a workaholic, Xia Chao was still looking at the documents he had not finished processing, but suddenly, his mobile phone rang, because he was waiting for the secretary's call, he didn't even look at the phone display. On the phone, "I asked you to handle things..."

"Mr. Xia." Three simple and steady words interrupted Xia Chao's words.

Xia Chao was taken aback and realized that his voice was wrong. He then glanced at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar number. He frowned and put the phone in his ear again, "Who are you?"

"Mr. Xia, hello, this is Duan Mu."

Xia Chao was startled for a second only when he heard the name, and then sneered, "Duan Mu? Is that Duan Mu?"

"I'm that Duan Mu." Duan Mu's tone can be described as very polite, "Although I have been with Fengjing for a short time, but as a relationship for the purpose of marriage, I am only visiting you on the phone now, and it is indeed a bit wrong. Please also forgive me, Mr. Xia."

"For the purpose of getting married?" Xia Chao put down the pen in his hand and said disdainfully: "The scenery is just playing with you. I advise you not to take it too seriously."

"Is the scenery playing? I think we know it all in our hearts." Duan Mu was not upset, but laughed again, "I called because I wanted to trouble Mr. Xia."

Xia Chao had the answer in his heart. This man was afraid that he wanted to get more benefits in the entertainment circle by getting on the boat of the Xia family, so he didn't sneer anymore, but never got out of me. The expected tone asked: "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything, it's just that the scenery suddenly fell asleep. I want to trouble Mr. Xia to help her cover the quilt."

Xia Chao had a meal, then his face turned dark, "This is my daughter, do you need to trouble you?"

When he hung up the phone, Xia Chao was very angry. Why would he know that Feng Guang had just fallen asleep? It must be because he must have been talking to him before, and he must have been talking for a long time.

Although he could use the access control to prevent the scenery from staying outside because Duan Mu stayed for too long, he could not cut off the phone calls between these two people.

However, after getting angry, Xia Chao got up and walked out of the study, covering his daughter with a quilt.

Of course, the scenery didn't know what happened, but when she got up the next morning and came down to eat, she saw her father's obviously bad face. She was smart and didn't ask much, but Xia Chao would not let her go so easily.

Xia Chao said in a cool voice, "It seems that you have a good relationship with that Duan Mu man now?"

"In fact, it's not so good..." The scenery looked erratic, and she took a sip of milk to calm herself down.

"You have a bad relationship with him. Can he call me at night and tell me to cover you with a quilt?"

She was dumbfounded, "Huh?"

"Ah what? Are you still acting here for me. I really think I'm a three-year-old kid so good to lie?" Xia Chao was first angry, and then said painfully, "Didn't I tell you? Just just have fun. , Don't take it seriously, he is not worthy of you."

"It's not up to you whether you deserve it or not, I think he's very good." She took another bite of the bread and said that I was full, and she ran away.

Xia Chao couldn't stop it.

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