The producer of "The Third Dead" seemed to be very anxious about the shooting. After receiving Yao Feng’s affirmative reply that Duan Mu would participate in the shooting, the next day he said that a press conference would be held, and the location of the press conference, It was still in the hotel where the murder was committed.

The TV series conference was held yesterday, and the movie conference was held today. Media reporters walked into the hotel one after another, asking if Duan Mu is going to be popular again recently.

Before going out, Feng Guang didn't know that Duan Mu was going to hold a press conference again. He only said this when she called Duan Mu and said that he was going to find him.

She sat in the driver's car and asked in an annoying way: "Why didn't you tell me you are holding a movie conference again?"

"This matter is not important." Duan Mu said softly on the other side of the phone: "Shengguang, I don't want to remind you of bad memories."

She thought of the **** scene that she found in the hotel yesterday, and it still makes her appetite. Her complexion is not very good. "But my boyfriend has such important things. As a girlfriend, how can I not know?"

Duan Mu smiled, "It's really unimportant, but it's just a press conference. I have participated a lot, not to mention that in my heart, the only word that can be mentioned is you."

He seems to have more and more love words recently, as if he doesn't need money, and he can say it without hesitation.

But I have to say that the mood of the scenery is better. She stubbornly said: "Don't worry, I won't be afraid. Since it is your press conference, I must take a look as an audience."


"Needless to say, I'm already at the hotel." She hung up the phone, put her phone away, and when the driver's car stopped, she got out of the car.

The press conference has already begun, so now there is no one at the entrance of the hotel. Just after passing through the glass door, a man rushing over from behind unexpectedly ran into the scenery in front of him.

The scenery didn't fall down after holding on to the wall, and the man hurriedly said, "Sorry, miss, I'm in a hurry."

Before she could say anything, the casually dressed middle-aged man with a pair of reading glasses kept saying sorry and ran into the elevator.

The scenery secretly said that it was really unlucky, and she had to go to another elevator, but just as soon as she lifted her foot, she found that her ankle pain was terrible, because she was wearing high heels, and she twisted her foot just like that.

She moved her feet and gritted her teeth and entered the elevator. The press conference was in the lobby on the third floor. She did not have a journalist’s work permit. The security guard at the door stopped her. She endured impatience and took out her own from her bag. ID card.

Those who work in such a big hotel will always have a booklet with names that you can’t mess with, and the first place is the name Xia Guangguang. As for why it’s not the first in the Xia Dynasty... because you provoke Xia Chao may still survive, but if you provoke Xia Guangjing, Xia Chao will definitely not let you go.

The security guards did not dare to stop again, and the scenery walked in with such a big swing. She found an empty seat in the back row and sat down, and saw Duan Mu whose profile was more charming under the flashlight. Duan Mu also saw her. , He showed a smile at her, even though this smile is as good as his usual smile in the eyes of other people, only the scenery knows how gentle he is when he smiles.

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