Yuwen asked straightforwardly: "Do you know the author of "The Third Dead" and find no such person?"

"How about knowing, what about not knowing?" Duan Mu's words were ambiguous, and there was no definite answer.

Uwen frowned again, "You just have to tell me if you know each other."

The scenery couldn't help asking: "Why are you struggling with this problem?"

Could it be that he was not convinced that Duan Mu took such an important script?

"It's why you don't care." Yuwen said, "I only need to know where the person is."

"Please forgive me for not being able to tell you." Duan Mu politely refused. "The reason why this person is not in contact with strangers too much is why he has been very low-key. Before I can ensure that Mr. Uwen will not hurt him , I won’t tell you where he is."

Uwen clenched his fists, "I just wanted to ask him one thing."

Duan Mu took the hand of the scenery and did not speak.

Uwen gritted his teeth and finally stated his purpose, "I want to ask him, why did the dead in his story die in the same way as my parents?"

His words surprised both Fengguang and Duan Mu.

First, the scenery frowned and said, "I remember, my dad told me that your parents died of illness..."

"The death is just an excuse to the outside world. My parents... were murdered, just like the situation when the protagonist's parents died in "The Third Dead"..." Then I thought of the painful memory A panic appeared in Yuwen's eyes. He would never be able to say it calmly. Every time he said it, he seemed to go back to the past, and he would feel the panic and fear again.

This emotion has tortured him for many years.

The death of Uwen’s parents was beyond the imagination of the scenery. Since the first time she saw the murder, she knew that the so-called plot had gone off track, and now she learned that Uwen’s parents were People murdered, she couldn't help but feel a chill behind her, and now she only felt an inexplicable weirdness.

She couldn't help but look up at Duan Mu. To be honest, she was also wondering, if what Yuwen said was true, would such a cruel murder technique really happen to be written by Duan Gao?

Duan Mu touched the top of her head. He looked at Uwen and sighed, "I understand. I will take you to see him, but he cannot be related to the murder of your parents, so I hope that time , You can stay calm."

"I just want to ask why he wrote the same modus operandi. I am not looking for trouble." Yuwen forced himself to calm down. After so many years of investigation, he finally got some clues. Of course, his mood He was impatient, but he also knew that if Duan Mu couldn't relax his mind, it would be impossible for him to see the author.

Duan Mu, who had just sent the scenery back, had to drive Yuwen to the place where his father lived. The scenery did not go home, but went into the car with him. Her reason is simple, "If it is Yu Wen then After hearing this guy's excitement beating, I can call someone to control the field."

Yes, a group of black bodyguards will rush out with her phone call.

Uwen said with air: "I am not a barbarian who can only fight."

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