"Oh." Scenery just glanced at Uwen who was sitting at the back, blinking at Duan Mu.

Duan Mu smiled helplessly, "Well, I'll take you there."

She smiled with satisfaction.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived in an old residential area. Compared with the high-rise buildings next to it, this residential area looked very old. Don’t look at Duan Gao’s reputation and made a lot of money. But he is used to the place he lives. It's not that Duan Mu didn't want to buy him a room in a high-end apartment, but Duan Gao refused. He said that he was old and could no longer adapt to the life of a young man.

Duan Gao lives on the fourth floor, and the building here does not have an elevator, so he can only go up the stairs. Duan Mu looked at the feet of the scenery, he lowered his head and said to her: "Did you actively cooperate to let me carry you, or Want me to hold you forcibly?"

Although this is for her to choose, it is not a discussion, but a notice.

The scenery compromisingly stretched out her hand and lay on Duan Mu's back. She didn't want Yuwen to watch the jokes, at least generously let Duan Mu carry her, and she looked a little more imposing.

Uwen was still worried and was about to meet the person who might give him a clue. As a result, as soon as he saw the appearance of the important person in the scenery, he couldn't help saying: "Sure enough, she is a spoiled eldest lady. , You have to carry someone away?"

"Do you want to take care of it? If you are jealous of me, just say it." Scenery glared at him.

Duan Mu simply said: "The scenery sprained her foot."

Uwen was stunned, but he didn't expect this. He looked at the foot of the scenery, and sure enough, there was redness and swelling in the ankle when he was sprained. He curled his lips, but calmed down and stopped talking.

The fourth floor soon arrived. Scenery came down from behind Duan Mu and helped her stand firmly. Duan Mu only knocked on the door. Soon there was movement inside the door and the door opened.

Duan Gao, who opened the door, was slightly surprised to see so many people, but he hurriedly stepped aside and said politely: "Come in, come in."

Upon entering the house, the scenery was seen everywhere in the house. The hanging wind chimes, the music box placed on the table, and the small bells on the curtain were dizzy. The open window blew a gust of wind, and these bells and wind chimes all dinged together. The noise was very sweet, but if it was night... she thought she would be particularly scared.

"This is my father, and there is no such person." Duan Mu first introduced to Yuwen, and then looked at Duan Gao, "This is Yuwen. He came over today and has something to ask you."

Regarding the fact that Duan Mu was the son of no such person, Uwen was just stunned for a while. He did not forget what was going on, and walked forward and asked Duan Gao directly: "Mr. Duan, I want to ask why it is in your work. Here, there will be such a bizarre killing method of hanging the dead upside down on the herringbone ladder to let blood out?"

"This..." Duan Gao faced this question all at once, and it was inevitable that he would think of the murder scene he saw. He hesitated for a moment, or said: "When I write about plots related to crime scenes, I always read some strange stories. Strange books or reading some strange stories for inspiration, in fact, the killing method of hanging people upside down on a herringbone ladder to let blood was not a murder in the beginning... I don’t know if you know it, killing in a butcher When I was a pig, I would hang the pig upside down on a shelf, and then use a knife to cut the blood vessels on the pig’s neck. Underneath is the basin used to hold pig blood. My inspiration came from here."

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